Hereditary (2018)
the most disturbing portrayal of evil ever crafted.
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horror is my favorite genre. I didn't like films like the conjuring, insidious, saw, etc. Popcorn horror, if you will. Films that you watch with friends, they make you jump, laugh, and overall you have a fun experience with. But they didn't scare me. They didn't interest me. They weren't unique, original, or effective at leaving an impression on me. I'm not saying it's not okay to enjoy those films, I'm just saying that I didn't enjoy them. They were predictable, they made me laugh, and they never left me with anything to think about. That is what I look for in film. That is what film is supposed to be. In modern-day times, too many films are just pumped out as cash-grab, general audience comfort food. This is why people didn't like this film.

In a time period where people's definition of horror is something that makes you jump, startles you; and you take that expectation of a horror film and apply it to Hereditary, The VVitch, Midsommar, etc. You will be disappointed. This movie is far above jump scares. This film is "scary" in the way that most films wouldn't dare to be scary. This movie is scary in the way that it exploits real human experiences and shows you what family can do to you. That you don't have any control in your life. You might always be manipulated, blamed, and tricked without you even having the slightest idea of what is going on. This is what Hereditary is.

Why people don't like it: -No jump scares, doesn't fit their definition of horror in the way they want it to.

-"Nothing Happens" This is the kind of thing that immature people who don't have empathy for human emotions will say.

-It left them feeling sick/bad. This film is not fun to watch, it doesn't make you feel good in the way that the conjuring makes you feel good. People will easily mistake feeling disturbed as a sign that the movie was bad.

My Opinion: 9/10 This film ruined me. This is the only film that has brought me to a sweat since The Shining. The music, cinematography, acting, editing; created an extremely unsettling tone throughout, I was never relaxed, I was never comfortable. How could anyone be comfortable watching a family fall apart at the hands of a Satanic Cult? This movie pushed me to my limit. Similar to Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, the story is continuously changing, remaining unpredictable all throughout. Both Ari and Alfred killed their main characters early on in their films, causing the story to take a dark turn. This is really a hit or miss, it either breaks you, or just isn't your thing. And that's okay if it isn't your thing!
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