Cagaster of an Insect Cage (TV Series 2020) Poster

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Great Story bogged down with mediocre Animation.
Moons8712 February 2020
To start this out the story is a solid 8.5, as an Anime fan it earns that. Where Cagaster fails is Netflix's approach to CGI animation for their Anime's, it just doesn't work. The color is flat, there's a clear lack of illustration detail, and the character movement s is stiff. Look no other than Episode 5 to what this show could have been, through a series of flashbacks, the show switches to traditionally styled Anime animation techniques with what looks like 2D hand drawn animation. It's almost as if the show runners and lead animators are subtly saying "if you want traditional animation you only get it with flashbacks." As if they're saying that's a thing of the past. The 2D style that is shown briefly in episode 5 is beautiful and I wish the entire series was animated this way. If they do green light a season 2 -- season 1 ended well enough if that they may not -- they should consider learning from the mistake of CGI in season 1 and take their time to animate this the right way, which may lead to better action sequences as well.

Cagaster of an Insect Cage, a mix of zombies, Attack on Titan, and bad animation. What could have been. I'd recommend it if you need a quick binge.
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Good action but quite disturbing otherwise
Ripley66624 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This anime has some good action but suffers from poor animation, strange storyline, and paedophile elements. Sexual tension between a 14 year old and an adult as well as disturbing relationship between brother/sister/lover make some parts of this anime depraved and unpalatable.
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This many stars based on plot alone...and Acht.
AshisanAhole30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't great. The positives? So I really enjoyed the character of Acht and wished he was in it for much more of the series. The animation, while not good at all reminded me so much of a video game from the early 2000's so the fight sequences were okay for me. The bugs had a very interesting look and were done well. I liked the idea of the plot, it was different and not something I've seen a lot of.

The negatives. The plot, while good on paper had some cannon ball sized holes in it. A lot of motivations seemed unclear, then there were what seemed to be major characters changing their minds mid episode about big things. I am still not totally sure what makes a character change into a Cagaster. Is it a virus? Is it contagious? Is it something already in your DNA? A combination of all of that plus other things? Ilie says she can turn a person into a Cagaster, then says she can see who will turn into one, then says she is afraid she will turn somebody into one and not know she's doing it? I'm kind of letting that one slip a little because I might just be dumb. The AWFUL dubbing. Man. It's not my favorite thing. My absolute least favorite thing was the nasty love angle they were going for. It's well established early on that Ilie is young. I believe she says she's 14? Or something in that ballpark. She is mostly friends with children and even by her design alone she looks young. Kidow is not 14. If he is then somebody in the character design department really messed up. It's very obvious through flashbacks and other characters that Kidow has been in this gig for a while and he's an adult now. If he were more of a big brother character that would be fine. But these two go from hot to cold over and over and over again and it's just weird and uncalled for. Like she is a child. He isn't. That made my skin itch. Honestly if I didn't like the bug's look and Acht so much as a character this would get a lot fewer stars just due to these two and the romance (?) between them.
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Missed opportunity....
Amptron25170129 March 2020
This was a little hard to get into, but eventually it turned out ok once the main story arc got going. I have only watched what was the 1st 12 of the anime in Dub on the Netflix, so do not know much about the rest of story from manga. This story has a lot of characters where you can easily just HATE, especially the military villains. One huge missed opportunity is with the English have a character who is a macho male crossdresser who looks very similar to the great Willem Dafoe, but they did not cast him for the voice over! Rest of cast is ok, Johnny Yong Bosch is one of the voices, can literally never go wrong with him.
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Really Disappointing
DeBBss19 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cagaster of an Insect Cage is great at first, but then it loses all steam. I thought it was going to be an action series, but it really wasn't. Cagaster of an Insect Cage has a lot of dialogue, and it's very slow with its pacing. I think the show would've been way better if it was pure action with a little story.

When it comes to the story, it's very confusing. There's a lot of timelines going on with no dates; the story is messy in general. The slow pacing also doesn't help it all. Cagaster of an Insect Cage gets really boring in the later half of the series. It gets very story oriented, and honestly, it wasn't interesting enough for me to pay any attention. The concept was great, but the execution of the script ruined it.

The art style was kind of bad also. Usually I don't care about 3D anime if it's done right, but Cagaster of an Insect Cage did a poor job withe the visuals. There was little texture in a lot of the objects, and it gives off PS2 cutscene graphics. The Cagaster design wasn't to my liking too. Anime is great at creating monster designs, but Cagaster of an Insect Cage has some strange designs with its monsters and characters.

Overall, Cagaster of an Insect Cage was a missed opportunity with its original concept. The story was confusing and not interesting enough for me to care. The action was great, but there was so little of it. The 3D graphics lacked texture and the designs could've been way better. Cagaster of an Insect Cage isn't bad, some can like it, but it's nothing special, and when compared to other Netflix anime series, Cagaster of an Insect Cage is at the bottom of the list.
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legonerdy6 April 2020
I see a lot of people talking about the animation issues. I will admit that's bad, but it's not what kills this show for me. What really destroys it is the uncomfortable way the show treats age and sexuality.

Incest is an accepted part of the show. Even if it isn't REAL incest, the implication is certainly made that we are supposed to understand it to be. Furthermore, Kidow and Ilie's relationship is strange and uncomfortable. The age gap is never properly established, but soldiers call him "sensei", so he's implied to be older. Compound that with the time he just about rapes her and DOES exert physical power over her, and it's.... problematic. ESPECIALLY when you add in the sexual relationship he had with an older woman when he was a child.

This is... bad. It's real bad.
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Good story, bad art
Incarna10 February 2020
I liked the story, watched all in the same weekend (12 episodes, no boring fillers).

I thought the main character would be the hybrid guy from the netflix thumbnail, then I though it was the cliche cool cold swordman, but it is more about the the girl he rescues and the backstories of the people she meets and hers. His character is there to protect her when something shows up, this isn't dbz, no battle lasts more than 5 mins. Except from one minor antagonist added at the end of the story to give them a goal, everyone has something to tell, no one is just evil.

The only problem is that they used 3D for the background and creatures (they look really unsetting) and 2D cell shading for the characters. Netflix has been doing this with other animes (f.e.: Ajin and Godzilla), not sure if because it is easier or because they think it looks cool (it doesn't). Once you get into the story, you forget about the art (it only annoyed me the first 2 chapters, though I have seen other animes like this one so it wasn't that weird).
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Yet another uncanny valley anime flop
RogerBorg27 February 2020
Is it 2D? 3D? Cell shaded? Realistic shadows? Motion captured? Procedural? Realistically proportioned? Eyes-bigger-than-fists loli-waifu? Believable physics, or superhero rules?

Well, the animators didn't know, and you won't either after watching it. What an absolute bloody mess this thing is.

The English dub is everything that we've come to expect. Jobbing talent just rattling out their well practiced cliche character lines and random grunts with as few retakes as possible. They know the bare minimum of what's expected, and boy, do they deliver it.

There might be a story in here, but you'll find it hard to get to it. Episode 1 is almost entirely exposition. We know who everyone is, because they tell us, but not why we should care about them.

The premise that the antagonists are essentially unkillable lasts for almost 7 whole minutes, and a full half of that is the tiresome rock-anthem credits.

This is just quota studio filler. Nobody is proud of this, and you won't be happier for sinking your time into watching it.
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Highly recommended for those who see the story
arpanpatra-433754 May 2020
Story is very good 👍 Animation and CGI is not perfect Character development is perfect Overall A very interesting anime.
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Nolen_void8 February 2020
I legitimately have no idea why they continuously try to make anime with this god awful CGI style animation. I've never liked a SINGLE ONE of them. And none of the people I know that watch anime like them either. You would think they would revert back to the beauty of original anime style artwork. So much potential has been lost because of this idiotic design choice( looking at you, Berserk/ Ajin). Castlevania did it just about PERFECTLY and the reviews of it speak volumes, no? I have no idea why studios would opt for garbage CGI animation over the classic, beloved, drawn artwork. It's mind boggling.
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Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time.
sara-dhgn7 February 2020
Where can I start ? I watched 4 episodes and I couldn't take it anymore. Bad drawing, awful and un-sync English translation, boring story line ... not worth watching at all.
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Amazing story, if you get passed the bad animation
legitstix12 February 2020
The story is really one that will pull your heart strings if you are able to get past the bad animations. I would personal recommend watching it with the ORIGINAL voice actors (Japanese) to get the actual feeling of the series. I agree that we need to stick with either high performance CGI animations or hand drawn, but for the sake of a great story line I would watch it again.
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Spend your time on better Anime Offerings
dameon_green29 March 2020
It's harsh, and disappointing from Netflix as many of their offerings have been better, but the whole series feels "Hollow".

Cons: -The art is lacking. -Story makes little sense at all. -The characters are all cardboard cutouts without any depth. -The trope usage is horrific. -Voice acting is flat, lacking any passion / soul and fails to hook you (English Dub). -Handling and weakness of the "monsters" is erratic and nonsensical. -The "final fight" / closing episodes are borderline moronic.

Pros: -It's dubbed.
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an incredible storyline
kieranmcwashington-485698 February 2020
I matter of fact, they did an astounding job, the artwork and the plot. I even binge watched the entire season. I would recommend this to anyone who likes trying new things, etc. 10/10
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Neat Idea missed opportunity
theangelsgameplayer25 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So first things first yes this is one of the many CG animated anime thats been popping up a lot lately, no its not good. Yes the occasional segments of 2D is much better.

With that out of the way.

This has a neat premise. Essentially at some point in the near future humans begin to suffer from a sudden onset illness that turns them into giant man eating bugs.

These people reffered to as Cagasters take 20 minutes to fully turn into bugs, during that time they can be killed but must be beheaded because the neck remains the weakest point of the body.

Interesting right? But that's all we get because this story isn't about bugs, or fighting the bugs or surviving against the bugs as much as the first few episodes with their episodic type story lines would lead you to believe.

The story focuses on 14 year old Ilie, a young girl who survives a bug attack witnessed by a merchant and his friend our exterminateor protagonist 17 year old Kidow. Let me point out never in the show is his age stated I learned that from the wiki.

Why is this important? Because in one scene in Kidows back story he's sexually taken advantage of by an older woman while griving the death of a father figure, then a little later (in the show not in his history) he proceeds to try and force himself on Ilie to cope with his grief. It's more then uncomfortable especially when you go in thinking he's gotta be in his early twenties like I did.

Anyway Ilie loses consciousness but is protected by her father who suffers a mortal wound. He begs Kidow to take Ilie to her mother Tanya.

Ilie wakes up as they prepare to leave and in horror and desperation to save her father tries to run back to the truck only for Kidow to smack her.

What a hero...

The story goes for a few light hearted episodes (Well as light hearted as you can be with grisly murders happening.) With vauge hints to a deeper plot. By episode six the show jumps the shark into WTFville

Ilie is a Cagaster Queen. Ilies mom Tanya was born from a woman who had a 'cagaster outbreak' while pregnant making her a queen, Tanya was also in a desperate onesided incestuous relationship with her (not blood related) brother. Ilies father (Tanyas adopted brother) is a sociopath who believes he died in place of his father and his body was possesed by his fathers soul, he uses Tanyas love for him to achieve his goals but does have a distorted affection he doesn't understand. Ilies mother Tanya had been used to try and make more 'Queens' resulting in the creation of asset 8 her cloned 'twin' considered a failure because he was boy. His half bug breeding is manifested in literaly having a half bug half human body.

Theres a general who wants to rid the world of bugs by using the Queens to see who has Cagaster potential and kill them hoping to eventually wipe them all out a plan that causes the destruction of two major human settlements.

That's not even all of it. Cagaster outbreaks are never explained, all we know is a queen can see it and trigger it if she wants. Anyone under 15 also will never suffer an outbreak though its never said why. We don't know what else triggers it because obviously there aren't a bunch of Queens walking around.

Ilie and Kidows relationship is weird and a little out of left feild especially after she gets her memory back and goes full on tsundere on him. The fact it's a major case of hero worship and thats she's 14 makes it sqicky i know Kidows 17 so its only a 3 year age gap but what 17 year old gets the hots for a 14 year old, the mental maturity alone is hugely different.

This show would have been in no way effected if Illie had been 16, or better 18. It would have made their relationship a lot less uncomfortable.

The climax of the show lasts 5 episodes... in a 12 episode show, thats bad.

That being said there are some good things

There are some complex character relationships and the scenes with Ilie growing up with the man she thinks is her father are adorable.

Mario is awesome, moar Mario, a prequel about Mario, something.

The setting is never actually stated but judging by fashions and terms its its likely its someplace in the middle east which is cool.

The bug concept was neat and the idea of a human queen that can sense and control it is cool to.

Final thoughts?

This show held my attention till the end, but, it's flaws make it one I'll probably not watch again. It's not terrible and I am sure some people will really like it, there where parts I really liked but unfortunately the problems and the very very slow ending that felt akin to a DBZ or Naruto fight mean it hasn't got a lot of rewatch value.

See it once but I doubt you'll want to watch it again.
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No good
jasperswallow10 August 2020
First of all I'd like to say that I dont understand why everybody critisizes the animations and basing their opinion just on that.

The real problem with this series is the writing. Man it's bad. The characters are stereotypical and weird at the same time. The main soldier has an uncomfortable relationship with a girl who is way to young!

These insects are so powerfull they could crush an entire town if they wish to. So the main soldier dude takes a bunch of them (with only a shotgun and a big knive, but these things are enormous and have impenetrable skin) on and only 1 initiates battle and the rest of them just leave or vanish?! He wins the battle but it was close so if 2 battled him he... I'm tired to continue. Just don't watch it!
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Love everything about it (my opinion)
dazzaman-7125919 April 2020
Amazing Anime great story I have watched this anime twice now I'm really in to it I wouldn't change anything about it. I would recommend this to all my friends keep up the good work
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Takes a while to get going
clarkmick3316 March 2020
I wanted to like this sci fi dystopian anime but it was really hard to get past the first half of the series as new characters were introduced at a rapid pace and the world created was hard to understand .... too many unknown rules regarding transmission of virus and why humans change to insects. Also the world appears to be a desert yet the insects can maintain biomass? It does not really make sense! The later half brings some answers but I think many a viewer would be turned off by that stage. The female character also I found irritating and her voice actor not suitable.... also the father/daughter - lover relationship going on with the main character was a bit confusing and disturbing.
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Good Story, CGI
krh-5751616 March 2020
It has a great story and has no boring fillers the art is the art you know that most CGI s bad but i don't care for art as long as it has a good story i'm in
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Flop In Every Sense
Littleman9526 December 2020
I did not like this anime for many reasons. I'll write everything I remember.

Plot: very poor and predictable. The situation is not explained, so you'll find projected in this world knowing nothing, no background. I did not like it at all. The story is poor, with some nonsense.

Animation: PC done, so it's not so wow like when there are artist that actually drawing. The shapes of the characters are unchangeable, so every kind of bruise is depict like a simple red stain, no matter the gravity of it. Did not like it so much.

Conclusions: in my humble opinion I would not recommend it to you. There are a lot of other anime and it's not so difficult finding something better than this.
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Good Concept, Bad Execution
Leraymacdonald12 December 2020
This anime did not do it for me at any point of the story line. I only finished it because I hate to stop something half-way through. The plot is direct (no real twists, turns or fillers), seemed rushed and half-baked. They could have doubled the length of the show and given actual substance to the story and the world we're supposed to be watching. or if kept at 12 episodes they'd need to sacrifice something else because this was not it. Almost all of the characters are surface level and are barely touched on as to why they act the way they do leaving the viewer to not feel much for any of them (positively or negatively). The relationships between characters are also under-developed and some of them are just uncomfortable. Visually, I wouldn't say the art was bad but different. It reminded me of flattened 3D graphics in a stylized video game.
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A pretty good anime
smokymcpot-780269 March 2020
The show was really good. It started off rough in the first couple episodes and then completely turned around and ended up being fantastic. It had a great story line and lovable charcacters, all of which made up for the mediocre cgi style which isn't as good as normal animation. I in the end found it hard to stop watching. This show is great
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A show with great potential except for major issues.
anatolefiorito20 April 2024
I started watching this with my family, thinking it had great potential as being something interesting in a post, apocalyptic world. However, when it started introducing relationships between characters with large age gaps, and even in between family members. That's when things started becoming really uncomfortable. We know the age gap between the two main characters was three years and they were both minors. But some of the situations they engaged in made it even more uncomfortable. And then of course the male protagonist having a relationship with an older woman in a sexual way that crossed the line for us. We had to stop watching the show because we were becoming physically nauseous. We don't understand why some animes are so OK with showing relationships like this between underage, kids and adults but it's totally unacceptable and we're done with anime.

It's truly too bad they had to add this kind of uncomfortable situation's in a show that had good potential. If They didn't have all of that, and it was just the action in the bug killing, that would be way more interesting and acceptable.
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raghda-1543423 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love it so much and hope for a new season. Kidou and ilie are amazing, I love how their relationship gradually grow and how she melt his cold heart. Besides, thes story is interesting and the art and the character's movements had done in a professional way!! Thank you!!
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Worth it.
tylerainslie17 February 2020
Dont listen to the old heads trashing this about art style, its h/s. The story is engaging and worth the watch absolutely l.
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