The Aeronauts (2019)
When based on a true story... isn't
21 September 2022
We live in a very peculiar time in human history, where reality, history and truth itself seems to be completely open to personal interpretation and always based on a very personal set of beliefs no matter how misguided they might be.

This movie is exactly what's wrong with our current society, changing history itself just to fit present narratives.

It's a dangerous path to take, it's extreme and it will create conflicts. Truth will always be true and selling lies as truths will only make you a coward. The world wasn't built by cowards, it was built by people who searched for the truth even at the cost of their own lives.

The real story of James Glaisher was a fascinating one, risking his life along with his friend and fellow scientist Henry Coxwell who for some reason wasn't even mentioned in this movie. We owe both men a debt of gratitude as their invaluable research paved the way to weather forecasting, something we all take for granted these days.

It's an insulting movie for real history buffs who are grossly misled by a "based on true events" tagline. Soon children will learn fantasy at schools, maybe George Washington will be sold as a woman, Georgette perhaps? She will also be African American and a lesbian... just to please the crowds.
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