Wounds (2019)
Some wounds don't heal. They only get worse. Yeah, like some movies.
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't spoil the plot, even if i wanted to. Because i don't know what the movie is about.

The beginning was kinda good.

A bar, only a few frequent guests, a bar fight and a guy (maybe a friend of the protagonist or just a regular guest idk) is getting stabbed in the face. They find the "evil" phone (as the movie trailer hinted). I thought the evilness of the phone caused the fight and the spooky spooky first "Wound"

But then it turned into some relationship drama with roaches. He is in a relationship, his ex-girlfriend too. He wants her back, she doesn't want him back. He casually breaks up with his girlfriend sitting at the table having breakfast. The morning after she gazed into a hole thingy on her laptop looking like a corpse and peed on a chair. A couple of roaches later he eats/inhales/absorbs the moldy facial wound from the guy who got stabbed. The end.

I still don't know what's with the evil phone or the hole thingy and the roaches. I only know why the movie is called "Wounds" because it's so stupid you will get brain damage. The acting is sometimes good, dialogues are bad, and it's not scary. Maybe for people who don't like roaches. It's not body horror, it's not mind-bending, there is no ghost/demon/supernatural entity, no reality - dream confusion.

Who reads that and says "Let's make a movie" Obviously it wasn't someone who watched a horror movie before.

The only scary thing was, that he sat on the pee chair then he sat on the couch, the next morning he wears the same pee-pants, he breaks up with his girlfriend and wanders off to the bar still in pee-pants.

After reading the short story, everything became so clear. 🤣 Apparently he is such a depraved person he drinks, cheats, gets angry and works as a bartender. That he needs and eventually wants to be saved by the cockroach-angels which use decapitated and then peeled heads or wounds in general as a portal and can communicate via cell phone.

I am not a fan of the story either, the descriptions are too much sometimes borderline pretentious. blood-spattered like a psychedelic Vulcano caught in mid-explosion, a berserker canary in a sky full of hawks, stabbed guy makes a high pitched noise that seemed to signal a transition into another state of being that seemed to carve this moment from the rational world and torn it separate. All this and Will booted up his video game console not an Xbox or PS. And the roaches are a swarm of christ bound spirits.
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