10/31 (2017) Poster


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Slash and Burn
southdavid10 November 2020
"10/31" is a portmanteau style horror film, made as a showcase for five independent writer/directors and largely crowdfunded. It's hard to be too harsh on the films, given the budgets, some of which look decent and occasionally have good effects, but generally it's a collection that includes performances that are too amateurish and stories that are confusing. I've detailed more about each episode below.

The Old Hag - Two aspiring filmmakers, Tyler (Nick Edwards) and Kevin (Mitchell Musolino) arrive at Kathy's (Cindy Maples) bed and breakfast to produce a promotional video. Though the hotel specifically doesn't have any guests - Tyler has an interaction with an elderly guest on the third floor. Performances are a little amateurish and the prosthetic for said old hag are a little too clean and over lit to convince it's anything other than prosthetics. Story is a sadly predictable and the only scare is the cheap one right at the end.

Trespassers - After an underwhelming Halloween date Stephanie (Sable Griedel) takes new in town Jeff (Chad Bruns) to a local farm where, legend has it, decades ago the farmer went mad and killed his family after a scarecrow was put up on his land. Performances are a little better in this one and shooting in a cinema helps production value - but the creature at the end looks like a shop bought mask and the story is muddled. Better, but not good.

Killing the Dance - On her last night before leaving home, Ashley (Bailey Ingersoll) takes her brother Mikey (Noah Howland) to work at a roller-skating rink. After dark, the rink switches to a roller disco and secrets are revealed. Then a masked character begins to attack the other patrons with a straight razor. This felt much longer than the previous two entries. There were some nice early moments, including a tracking shot that was more ambitious than anything seen so far, and shooting on the rink is well done. Storyline wise though it's a little obvious, way too long and the budget betrays the effects somewhat.

Halloween Blizzard of '91 - During a snowstorm that seemingly cancels trick or treating, a family is visited by three small characters in old style costumes. After giving them candy, they leave, but not before leaving a sleigh bell on the porch. This was the worst episode of the four. Really amateurish performances, with the exception of the mother Katie (Katie Walgrave), bad choppy cutting and a story that didn't make much sense.

The Samhain Slasher - Peter McNeely (Greg Fallon) is haunted by horrific dreams. His daughter Mary (Jordan Phipps) goes to a Halloween party but both have ignored TV reports about an escaped murderer in the area. Performances and effects were a lot better this time, but the story was confounding mixing supernatural and slasher elements but never making clear what was what.

Provided you accept this for what it is, it's not the worst collection you'll ever see - but go in expecting anything more and you'll be sorely disappointed.
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Definitely has Halloween Spirit, but hampered down by the last 2 stories!
jorgito200128 October 2020
A fellow horror fan recommended this on a forum I frequent and when I saw it was on Prime, I figured "why not?" I'm also a sucker for Halloween themed horror films. I was impressed by "The Old Hag,","Trespassers" and "Killing the Dance" despite their budget limitations. The namesake character in Old Hag was indeed "creepy"! Also the wraparound hottie horror host was serviceable, though some more could've been added to the wrap around "ending".

What hurts this movie from being great are the final 2 stories, "Halloween Blizzard '91" and "Samhain Slasher"...these looked REALLY cheap and the story and direction seemed rushed and unpolished compared to the first 3 stories. April in the 'Blizzard" sequence was easy on the eyes though! Yummy! Sadly no nudity.

I would've given this a 5/10, but since I enjoyed 3 out of 5 of the stories, I figured I'd give it an above average rating. If you're in the mood for a decent Halloween anthology, I recommend 10/31
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I'd recommend watching it once
kevin_robbins24 May 2021
10/31 (2017) is currently available for free on Tubi and is a collection of six short stories. Like most of these movies there are inconsistencies in the acting, quality of the stories and special effects in each segment, but some of the stories are very entertaining. There are six separate directors, one for each segment, that includes Brett DeJager (Bonejangles), Rocky Gray (Directorial Debut), Zane Hershberger (Force to Fear), John William Holt (Volumes of Blood), Hunter Johnson (60 Seconds to Die 1&2) and Justin Seaman (The Barn). This isn't a great horror anthology but if you're looking for something new with some fun spins, this isn't bad. Overall this is average, I'd recommend watching it once and I'd give it a 5.5/10.
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I forced myself to watch this...
stevenmaier23 June 2019
... in the hopes it would get better, but each story is not good at all. The acting in all of these are complete garbage. I honestly couldn't figure out if the point of these films is to make fun of the horror genre or if they're actually trying to be scary.

Skip this 'collection' and save yourself from losing 1.5hrs.
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Very dissapointed!!!
djburnham3 April 2020
Every aspect of film making is sorely lacking in this film. The longer I watched it the lower the score. I really wanted to like it, but it was an amateurish disaster. Direction less! Casting is pathetic like they just hired friends rather than actors. It seemed like it just dragged on and on. It was as if the editor was too emotionally attached to cut anything out. Sound a music bad. Photography unsteady and poorly done. Lighting and sets often looked like they just looked around the neighborhood and said "let's film here". Special effects and makeup cheap, amateurish, and poorly done. Dialogue laughable, but not in a good way. Stories childish, unimaginative, and boring. I could go on and on about how terrible this film is. Don't judge a movie by its cover, just because the cover artwork is good does not mean that there is anything good about the film. Oh yeah! You can't dress up fat big nosed gals in skimpy costumes and fool the viewer into thinking she is sexy! There just is nothing redeeming in this film other than the art on the cover of the packaging. Sorry. Dont waste your time or money.
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Worst horror movie ever
nygrk31 October 2020
Can't believe I wasted 40 minutes on this garbage. Don't bother watching.
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A Low Budget Anthology With Love and Passion That's Worth Your Time
Mightygill31 October 2017
10/31 is an indie horror anthology partially funded by Indiegogo from the director of The Barn, the composer of the same film, and a few others with stories that are based around Halloween. The film begins with two children watching "Malvolia's Halloween Monster Marathon" where an Elvira type character introduces the audience to four shorts. First up is "The Old Hag" from Justin Seaman. Two guys arrive at an old home to shoot a promo video to help it rent out a few rooms. One guy keeps seeing a creepy looking old woman and learns about how the locals call it the Gingerbread House where apparently an old hag chokes out victims. Is he seeing things or is it all in his head?? Overall it's a fun segment with appealing leads and a decent story (3.5/5)

Up next is "Trespassers" directed by Zane Hershberger. After a disappointing movie a cute purple-haired chick takes her lame first date boyfriend to an abandoned murder house where legend has it a scarecrow appeared and possibly cursed those living there. She wants to find out the truth about what happened. This is another fun entry and features a decent synth score while the story and it's conclusion are great (3.5/5). Director John William Holt takes over for the third story called "Killing the Dance." A teen girl has to babysit her younger brother while she works Halloween night at the roller rink where things turn out horrifically wrong. This segment is a bit too long and repetitive with too many scenes of skating, but is still fun with it's retro feel, another good synth score, and ridiculous ending (3.5/5)

The last entry is easily the weakest and is the directorial debut of Rocky Gray and it's called "The Samhain Slasher". It's a bit of a jumbled mess that is probably a bit overambitious in trying to jam too much into its short run time. It's basically a cult film and slasher jammed into 20 minutes that suffers a bit from some weak CGI as well (2.5/5). Things finish up with the wraparound and while it doesn't do anything particularly memorable it's decent overall (3/5).

The budget limitations of this film definitely show sometimes, but it's all a part of the charm and it's easy to look past most of the wrinkles because of the obvious love and passion put into it all. There are so many bigger budgeted anthology films that may look cleaner and shinier, but tell the same old stale tales that we've all seen too many times. The stories here do a good job with some good old Halloween look and feel and each story feels like it's trying to do something familiar yet original. If you love horror anthologies then 10/31 is definitely worth seeking out. It doesn't and shouldn't look like Trick r Treat, but it's a small budget indie horror that both needs and deserves our support.

Additional notes: I viewed a festival version of this film for this review that is missing one segment directed by Brett DeJager (Bonejangles) titled "The Halloween Blizzard of '91" which is still going through some post-production work, but will appear in the DVD release of the film. There are still some fixes coming to the film itself too with some of the audio. I put some money towards the film during its campaign, but I am in no way associated with the film other than that.
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Not worth anything over 3 stars.
kjjames8129 September 2020
Don't believe that this film is worth anything above three stars, it's not. Yes the film is low budget, yes the acting is very second rate, which usually doesn't bother me but is film went bad to awful with each story that came on. Now I am not going through all the short stories in the film bit I am going to mention a few of them. The first story was okay a bit of humour bit it was pretty good. Another one that stuck in my mind was trespass story, this was terrible, the effects were awful, it looked really cheap. Another one that stuck in my mind was the trick or treat one, sorry I can't remember the title. Now this had some bite, it would have been a lot better with it being a full film and a bigger budget. This came out as a rushed story which spoilt it completely, the best bit was the sister in her underwear. Overall I believed the ratings on here and it showed that the sting in here is false. A very bad film, don't bother wasting your time and don't believe the ratings that are above three stars.
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Its Has It's Moments
uhafmd27 December 2021
Ever since "The Exorcist," makers of cheesy horror movies seem to think that the best way to add scary music is to use cheap knockoffs of Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells." Guys, that was almost 60 years ago! Can't you come up with something more recent?

The criteria by which I judge all horror movies is simple: would this have scared 10-year-old me? All five episodes would have done the job.
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After watching this I need some sleep
saileshkripalani3 November 2020
It's okayish for killing time ..but horrifying content
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Fun and enjoyable enough seasonal anthology effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder1 January 2021
With trick-or-treating over, a group of kids sits back to watch a Halloween movie marathon hosted by their favorite presenter who shows five seasonally-themed genre films.

The Good Stor(ies): The Old Hag-Meeting a client at their house, a couple of screenwriters arrive to sell their idea of a commercial for how to promote her house as a bed-and-breakfast and begin shooting that night. When he constantly believes something is in the house with them during the shoot, they learn too late who's living in the house and what they want with the crew. This was a fantastic set up to start this off. The atmospheric look of the house and old-school layout adds a wholly intriguing Gothic vibe to their stay, which is only enhanced by the constant fleeting glimpses of the other person in the building which is exceptionally chilling in concept. However, the strange idea of not playing up how crazy he is or might be going with all the different incidents and making a bigger deal out of the situation. When it's proven true at the end result is revealed, there's some fun to be had knowing he was right all along but that's the only real downside was the weak build-up surrounded by a lot of other likable factors.

Trespassers-Leaving a Halloween showing at a movie theater, a man and his date want to continue their evening and decide to visit a local haunted house rumored to be cursed by a scarecrow. When they find what they're looking for, they learn the terrible secret is all too real and are caught up in its fury. This was a pretty fun entry. There's so much to like with the small-town backstory and the idea of the killer residing in the scarecrow for killing his family gives off a wholly enjoyable vibe. The cheesy attack scenes, both in the flashback and the present-day encounters offer up quite a lot of nice gore with the killers' attacks on everyone providing a lot of fun if only making it seem a bit too long as there are a few extra beats in the finale where it could've ended earlier than what we're shown

Killing the Dance-Heading out for a Halloween party, a teen forced to bring her kid brother along at her mothers' insistence where she finds the evening strained upon the arrival of her ex-boyfriend. Trying to get a handle on everything going on at the party, a masked killer knocking everyone off complicates it even more. This was a pretty solid effort. That there's a lot of fun time at the skating rink showing off the kids partying and going around in their costumes that are quite fun at generating a holiday feel overall. The slow-burn build about the situation focusing on the masked skater following everyone around adds a nice bit of suspense before this one really gets going with the rampage on the dance-floor where the masked madman begins skating around killing everyone with the razor blade. It's almost enough to overcome the bland and insufferable teen melodrama hanging around that story which takes up too much running time and isn't that interesting being filled with all the usual cliches and setpieces to be found here. With a rather quick and easy finale, it does have a few minor issues but nothing too bad.

The Bad Stor(ies): Halloween Blizzard of '91-Stuck at home for Halloween, a family snowed-in for the holiday lamenting the situation finds a strange gift left behind by a group of trick-or-treaters but decides to go to bed early instead. When there's a series of interruptions throughout the night, they realize something wants the kids and must try to save themselves. Overall, this is a slightly weaker if still enjoyable entry. Although not a Halloween vibe but more of a Christmas effort with the snow on the area, there's still a decidedly creepy and suspenseful atmosphere which is soon all the more obvious with the big reveal about what's in the house which adds a nice crossover feel. However, that just highlights the flaws present here in that this one doesn't do much to make what's going on scary or frightening, as the concept of what's going on with the kids is all this one has going for it. Beyond that, nothing is terrifying about the situation and it doesn't strike the same chord it could've with a more obvious threat established.

The Samhain Slasher-Trying to head-out for a Halloween party, a teen decides to visit her friends for a holiday party even though they're warned against it due to a serial killer on the loose. When the party starts to get out of hand, they realize that someone is killing them to send a dark message to others out there. This was a decent if somewhat underwhelming way to end this one. The fact that this one tends to feel so haphazardly written that a lot of what's going on seems missing is the biggest factor, as there's nothing here about the family drama, who the escaped madman is or who anyone at the party is. It can be somewhat jolting to see this play out as such here without that context, although it admirably tries to overcome that with the stellar attack scenes with the killer on the rampage as these scenes are brutal, graphic and somewhat enjoyable with the way they play out. It's just missing the context to bring everything together.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Low budget fun
tribladepictures-8004727 January 2021
Its a indie anthology. Basically what you'd expect. I enjoyed it.
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Don't bother
cerjon16 November 2020
If I could give zero I would. 90 minutes of my life I will never get back. Very bad acting, appalling story lines. The type of film you want everyone to die quickly to make it end. Kept watching hoping the stories would improve, they didn't. Why on earth it had 3.5 stars on Prime I don't know. Do yourself a favour, go and watch paint dry for 90 minutes, you will have a more enjoyable time.
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I only made it through the first "story"....
monarchcmj31 October 2021
The mispronunciation of Samhain in the first story made my ears bleed. Do your research before making a movie about a day/celebration you don't even know how to pronounce!
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Amusing Halloween Anthology Flick
gwnightscream21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 2017 horror anthology film features 4 eerie tales involving an old hag, a scarecrow, 2 siblings, and an escaped killer. This is amusing and kind of a throwback to 70's & 80's horror subgenre flicks like "Halloween," "Creepshow" & "Prom Night" with some cheesy acting, mainly in the final tale, gory make-up effects and atmospheric score. If you're a Halloween or horror fan, you may want to give this one a view.
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Well, it's a movie I guess
jkerchief22 August 2023
For every decent actor here they are paired up with someone stiff and bland. The script in these segments could maybe have had some critical notes by their peers. The mask they use are straight outta horror cons. They're not Spirit Halloween bad but I feel like if you've been to a con you've seen these on display at booths. Since every segment was done by different people the color grading is kinda everywhere. This is something I find common with these mixed director anthologies. With all this being said, I've seen far worse anthologies. Overall the sound design is decent and the dialogue sound isn't all over the place. If you're looking for something fun to watch on Halloween, stick to Trick R Treat, as this really gives off 0 Halloween vibes even tho every story is on 10/31.
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Decent horror anthology
DarylJGittings2 April 2024
10/31 is a horror anthology that features five different stories. All of the stories take place on Halloween. The quality of each story varies with the third story probably being my favorite of the bunch.

The first story involves two friends shooting a commercial at a haunted bed and breakfast. One of the friends keeps seeing this old woman.

Story number two; "Trespass" involves a young couple on their first date. The female decides that they movie that they went to is too boring so she suggests checking out an old country property with a spooky legend about an old scarecrow on the land.

The third tale involves a killer on the loose at a skating rink's Halloween party. This is probably my favorite of the stories. It has a good pace and an interesting twist.

Story number four might be the most bizarre. You've got a kid that loves Halloween, creepy trick or treaters, and Santa Claus!

The final story involves a slasher crashing a teen Halloween bash. Pretty standard fare.

Overall 10/31 is a pretty decent horror anthology.
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Decent Little Film
brianhenneman-8814723 October 2020
Good little mindless horror film. Definitely worth a watch.
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Indie horror at its best!
prethlance5 December 2018
A new Halloween tradition for me. It captures the holiday so well!
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greenbayjex19 August 2020
I have a reason to love this movie. I helped make it. Or one part of it. The Samhain Slasher part. So I love this film because of it. Don't believe me. Look up crew on this movie under sound engineer. Boom operator.
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Great Horror Anthology
mikemazze27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
10/31 is a fun and enjoyable anthology. I love this whole franchise and it is now a yearly watch for me

I love Jennifer Nangle and I love Malvolia. She's sexy, she's entertaining and very talented.

10/31 is a Horror Anthology with 5 stories,,,

The Old Hag - Two filmmakers visit a bed and breakfast to shoot a promo video to boost guests but meet an elderly guest while staying there.

Trespassers - A date to a local farm where farmer went mad and killed his family after a scarecrow was put up on his land

Killing the Dance - Someone in a mask attacks patrons at an after dark roller disco

Halloween Blizzard of '91 - A snowstorm cancels trick or treating but family is visited by three small characters in old style costumes.

The Samhain Slasher - A father is haunted by dreams. His daughter goes to a Halloween party despite TV reports about an escaped murderer in the area.

This is a real fun movie definitely give it a watch.
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Devilicious delights!
DBlackthorne4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ort of a cross between Morticia & Elvira, the delectably devilicious Malvolia, 'The Queen of Screams' hosts this Monster Marathon Halloween anthology of pernicious horrorful delights. Presiding from her bricked dungeon, throne comprised of (black) wicker, surrounded in black candles, remnants of tortured skeletons, and even a pentagram pointed with the Hebraic 'Leviathan' adorns the wall - a rather impressive overall aesthetic presentation.

The Halloween Blizzard of '91: A heavy blizzard traps a family inside for Halloween, here they are visited by 3 gruesome trick or treaters somewhat reminiscent of Lock, Shock, & Barrel, with a 1920's twist. Features a Ouija board session, a buxom beauty in a Queen of Hearts costume, & a dorky "security guard". {Based on an actual weather story by the same name, of a monster blizzard overwhelming the northeast}.

The Samhain Slasher: The news announces a killer on the loose, escaped from the local insane asylum, making his rounds on Halloween. Like The Nightstalker, finally ingresses into an unsecured home to gain access to a particularly beautiful girl. In the end, an inspired scene of evisceration, victim suspended by entrails, and ignited like a lantern as the house burns down! {bonus Lurch mask}

Trespassers: To spice up Halloween night, a thrill-seeking girl convinces her rather generic, lackluster date to investigate an urban legend way out in the sticks, about a possessed scarecrow and a gypsy curse placed on the land. A couple of amusing unexpected twists in this one.

The Old Hag: A favorite. An amateur production company run by a couple of desperate goofs, employed by the owner of a glorious Victorian mansion to drum up some tourist attention, yet is only a pretext that she may finally be able to get some sleep by feeding the resident vampiric entity. {Reference: "Old Hag Syndrome"; anthropomorphicization of sleep paralysis}.

Killing The Dance: A titillating cowgirl-type brunette out in the boonies works her job at the local roller rink, but also has to babysit her little brother, quite a little monster in his own right. Her cletus boyfriend and some friends, along with a few other rollerskaters are targeted by a killer making his way around the rink for a mass slaughter. Just leave the boy and his sister alone. (((scanners)))
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