Children of the Corn: Runaway (Video 2018) Poster

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Competently made, goes nowhere.
TrippingABlindMan15 March 2018
Here we are at Children of the Corn 9: Runaway. As a franchise, this series is a complete mess, with no sense of continuity, canon, or anything remotely interesting to keep viewers coming back. And if you are a fan, it must be crappy to see the powerful filmmakers constantly churning out crap with zero care. Parts 5 through 8 were made with little regard for anything, or anyone. And as if the last entry Genesis wasn't insultingly vague enough, we come to Runaway.

The good: this film is much more competently made and acted than most of the entries in this series, especially the cheap Genesis. Shot composition, lighting, music, performances, surprisingly top notch. There is some slightly cheap CGI but nothing that looks like total crap, just the low budget showing. You came for gore? You'll be happy to know there is quite a bit of blood in this film.

The bad: Starts off boring and kind of slow, and you wonder, where is this going?

The ugly: you then realise, it's going nowhere.

The plot concerns a young mother and her son. The mother, ably played by the pretty Marci Miller, belonged to the corn cult in Nebraska some time ago, but set fire to the corn and killed all of the kids and vanished. Since then, she's been a drifter with her son. She settles in the town of Luther, OK., gains a job as a mechanic, and tries to live her life with her son as normally as one can. However, the locals act strange and hostile, she sees visions of demonic kids (specifically an ethereal looking girl in a yellow dress), and random murders happen. Her boss, who initially takes pity on her, apparently only wants something else. And she kind of befriends a local waitress who acts a little too friendly. Don't worry, this doesn't add to much, despite all of this being the setup.

As I said, this movie goes nowhere. There is no satisfying pay off, no climax. The plot starts off straightforward, boring... but straightforward... there is the odd gore scene sprinkled here and there... then it comes to a "what?" conclusion.

It's more connected to the saga than the last few entries. Lots of mentions of Gatlin, He Who Walks Behind The Rows. The scenes in the cornfield are splendid and feel right. Too bad they don't happen more often. There are some stylish moments here and there (including a scene that I can only conclude is a modern take on the diner massacre from part 1), and as mentioned, the acting is all credible. The gore is good, nothing special though. But what the hell is it all for?

In short, this films makes zero sense.

Overall, it's a waste. You can have a well shot and well acted film, but when you have no plot, it doesn't added to anything.

For the curious only.
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Haven't a Clu!!!
omendata18 March 2018
When I saw the name Gulager it reminded me of the great old actor Clu Gulager who starred alongside greats like Lee Marvin in The Killers and immediately my interest was perked when I saw his name in the cast list - sadly his son who directed this I beleive hasnt a clue how to make a horror movie.

It is as though he watched the original movie and then went on to make this which in no way has any bearing on the original - there are hardly any scenes where even corn is featured just a little girl running around and patchy flashback scenes.

Totally forgettable; when I start to wish it was all over after 30 mins then you know the film is bad and its bad - The leading actress is the only redeeming feature - sexy and she can act but that is about it and we only see Clu Gulager for a 3 minute scene - what a waste!

The last Children of the Corn remake was a hundred times better than this even though it wasnt all that good either - avoid the tedium and bypass this poor effort!
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This movie is an OUTLANDER
tristenjones-7420815 March 2018
Well, all I can really say is... it's better than the 2009 film.

Also, why does every Stephen King film have many stereotypes?

The black guy that stands out among the rest, rednecks, the sunglasses wearing deputy, religious freaks, and people among the town that are just jerks. For an amazing author such as Stephen King, his formula sometimes gets so redundant it makes me nauseous.

The formula is simple, have some religious kids in corn, with farming tools, and they'll kill people. This film also mooches the formula of Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return, and I'll let you figure that out.

This movie isn't as bad as some of the previous installments, but still, how many more of these movies are going to be made?
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Children of the Corn Runaway: By far the worst one
Platypuschow18 June 2018
2018 has been a poor year, we simply haven't had very many decent movies and this latest (And hopefully last) offering from the Children of the Corn franchise hasn't helped matters.

For a movie to attain a 1/10 from me means it had no redeeming features at all and Runaway fails to tick a single box.

The plot is baffling and simply doesn't connect to the other films, the pace is an 82 minute sleeping pill and it's hard to even identify this as a Children of the Corn movie.

In fact if I didn't know any better I'd say this was a movie released that didn't do very well so they decided to add the franchise name to it to increase popularity.

At no point did it even remotely engage me, I was bored to tears and waited the entire duration of the film for something to happen or at least something to be explained.

I said several movies ago that this series needed to die, this is the final nail in the coffin.

The Good:

Absolutely nothing

The Bad:

Incredibly boring

Plot makes no sense

Doesn't feel connected to the rest of the movies at all

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I learnt that not all brands of pain reliever will assist in removing a migraine as big as this movie caused!
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Don't Waste Your Money or Time
larrys314 March 2018
Perhaps if you like loads of blood-soaked murders, then maybe you'll find some value in this 9th installment of the series, based originally on a Stephen King short story. I was hard pressed to find anything of value here, as the movie was just filled with bleakness and grimness.

Marci Miller stars as Ruth, who escaped from a murderous and demonic children's cult in Nebraska to try and protect her soon to be born baby. Now thirteen years later, she's trying to establish roots in the small town of Luther, Oklahoma with her now teenage son Aaron (Jake Ryan Scott). However, she will soon discover the demon-seed children are there also committing sadistic murders and haunting her with memories of her past.

For me, it all added up to a grisly turn-off, with even the twist at the end fairly well telegraphed. Overall, I would say don't waste your time or money here.
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Jus to hold onto the rights, they keep churning out rancid corn aft corn.
Fella_shibby11 May 2021
I saw this 10th part for the first time recently and what a terrible waste of time n experience i endured.

This one doesnt have anything noteworthy.

The kills are few, badly done, unnecessary n not at all have anything to do with the *ucker who walks behind the rose.

I shud pat my own back for completing the marathon of this series.
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dionnetobias2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So many questions about this painstakingly boring film but the main one Is, why did Aaron open the door glistening? Why was he glistening? What was it that made him glisten? Why did Ruth not question the glisten??
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Listen to the Title: Runaway From This Awful Film
Michael_Elliott15 March 2018
Children of the Corn: Runaway (2018)

1/2 (out of 4)

Ruth (Marci Miller) is a member of the killer children but when she discovers she's pregnant she burns the other children and heads off with her unborn child to give it a better life. Thirteen years later Marci and her son are trying to start over in a new town but pretty soon she begins to feel that the children are after her.

You know, I love horror films and I especially love horror series. Sure, the majority of them don't deliver as many good films as bad ones but I still get a thrill whenever a new sequel is announced to a series. One could really argue that the entire CHILDREN OF THE CORN series hasn't turned out any good films but sadly this one here is without question the worst yet. It's really too bad that this film turned out to be so awful but there's very little here to enjoy.

I'm really not sure what director John Gulager and writer Joel Soisson were trying to do with the picture but it's one of the most boring films that I've seen in recent years. The problem with the screenplay is that we're given a lead character that is downright boring and it's someone that the viewer simply doesn't care for. Another major problem with the screenplay is that there are way too many dream sequences and these just get rather tiresome after a while. Heck, I'd even argue that it seems the two are trying to make something other than a CHILDREN OF THE CORN film but were forced to throw that subplot in to sell the film.

I really hated most of this movie with a passion. I hated the characters, the setting and the story. There wasn't anything here that I really enjoyed and even the short running time seemed triple what it really was. I'm not sure if the director was trying to deliver some sort of psychological movie but it doesn't work. There's a minor issue with the lead character working for a black man and a local principle causing some trouble. What was all of this about?

The one saving grace to the film was Lynn Andrews III who plays the black boss. Again, I'm not exactly sure what the screenplay was trying to do with his character but the actor was very good here and I hope to see him in other projects. CHILDREN OF THE CORN: RUNAWAY has the perfect title because you really should runaway from this film and avoid it at all costs.
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I was one of them.
nogodnomasters28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film appears to be some kind of sequel with the opening showing the past and numerous flashbacks to a film I don't recall. Could be my bad, I don't know. Ruth (Marci Miller) is pregnant and sets fire to a corn field to get free. We catch up with her 13 years later with her son Aaron (Jake Ryan Scott) on the road. She has not been able to leave corn country in that time and ends up in a small corn town named "Luther." More flashbacks, kids, people die, want no surprise. Slow moving, poor dialogue, boring. Low budget rip-off.

Guide: Near sex. Brief nudity (Molly Nikki Anderson). Don't recall any swearing.
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Nice looking lead. Terrible film
jmix6613 March 2018
Not much to say: The ninth installation in the long-running Children of the Corn series, Stephen King is getting richer and the film world is growing poorer.

An endless stream of stereotypes running together as a feature. They include:

1) Prejudiced rednecks 2) Cool Black guy..almost 3) Religious nuts 4) Sunglasses wearing deputy 5) Corn children

Basically, a Syfy channel film with profanity and adult themes...and that's about it. If you like horror and there's nothing else in the RedBox, then OK. Other than that...give this one a wide pass....
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Children of the corn
marinaant-3621718 January 2022
This movie was bad in every way possible it didn't seem like it was even a children of the corn movie, it was just a stupid film with boring characters and honestly it ruined my mood on wanting to watch another horror movie for weeks wish I could take my time back.
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A Spooky Stroll Behind The Rows...
P3n-E-W1s318 March 2018
I've purposefully kept away from this franchise as I wasn't too keen on the original sequels, as they just reeked of profit making. However, I found this to be a decent follow up on the original. Though, after reading the reviews on IMDb, I find I may be the minority. I also have to admit to having a sense of dread when I saw it was directed by Gulager and written by Soisson, This is because I've recently put myself through the trial of watching the Hellraiser films again. Though the first four are superior and are a vague continuation... the rest is just money making fodder... and Gulager acts in the latest, "Judgement"... and Soisson wrote "Hellworld". Luckily my panic was unfounded.

This is the story of Ruth (Millar) and her son, Aaron (Scott) who are trying to survive in an unfriendly and troubled rural America. Years before, Ruth had been a member of the cult worshipping "He Who Walks Behind The Rows". Then when she found herself pregnant she took drastic measures to save not only herself but her unborn son; so she burned the corn and the children living within it. From then on, she kept to small towns and villages, sleeping in her truck and trying to make enough money to stay alive. Though free from the horrors of the cult she is nonetheless scarred by them and her actions. Suffering from a form of schizophrenia she suffers from visions of the murderous children. These can be brought on at any time by a sight or a sound, especially the sound of locusts. Then one day she turns up in the small town of Luther and ingratiates her way into a job working for a local mechanic, Carl (Andrews III). Though there's something wrong in Luther... There's a little girl skipping through the village leaving a deadly bloody trail behind her.

What I liked about this film was the slowness of the story. A lot of the reviews on IMDb claim this film to be boring. Though, I think that the Director Gulager uses this inactivity to build the atmosphere of the town. This is a place where very little happens and where there's very little to do. In this township, this has created a kind of quiet loathsomeness. The customers in the diner like to whine and moan; most eat and sit by themselves. Even the scenes at the school you notice that the kids don't run about or play happily. This type of atmosphere can create hatred and bigotry, so it's not too much of a stretch to believe that the only coloured guy in town is despised and disliked. Then when his true nature shines through you can understand a little about why he's unpopular. This actually added a deeper underlying story that made the film for me.

The other nice thing is the dream sequences. This adds a jaggedness and a slight confusion into the normality of things. Knowing a little about schizophrenia, this is about as close as you're likely to get to some of the visions a sufferer may have, depending on their "phobia". To be in the real world one second and then something triggers your mind to throw in a false vision the next... I wouldn't want this to happen to me.

These are handled superbly by Gulager. I really did love the diner massacre, even this is done in ultra slow motion... it's nearly still photography, though not quite. For a vicious and violent scene, it's beautifully constructed and shot. Much respect to the Director and the Special Effects guys and gals. There are also grainy shots of barren wastelands and barbed wire. I initially hated these as they appeared pointless. However, by the third one, I realised they were actually helping me to feel bleakness of the mood, as well as the bleakness enshrouding the village.

Then there's the acting which is well above par for a horror movie these days. It was nice to have a cast who portrayed their characters well. There are no minor roles in this film. And I have to give credit to both the Director and the actress Sara Moore for making Pretty Girl a really eerie character... even though she's the most smiley and happiest person on screen. Very nice transposition. This, in turn, makes the second climax, which happens while the end credits play even more creepy.

I would recommend this to all horror lovers, especially those with a penchant for quiet and slow boiled horror. If you like action-packed films then stay away...
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Follows events of part 2.
ryanbohac11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Crappy movie indeed. For those who wonder who Ruth was, go back and watch part 2 the final sacrifice. Ruth played a small part. She took a sword to the hand during the we are one chants lol. Kinda weird that they would do a spin off of her after story. Running outta ideas I guess.
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Worst movie I've ever seen.
woodbro13 April 2018
So disappointed. The movie went no where and was very confusing. It was such a waste of time and money.
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Sadistic mayhem
michaelRokeefe7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A young survivor Ruth (Marcie Miller), escapes a murderous demonic cult, and thirteen years later finds herself trying to establish a new life with her teenage son (Jake Ryan Scott) in the small town of Luther, Oklahoma. The only job she can find is working as a mechanic. She discovers a beautiful young demon child (Sara Moore) has followed her there and is committing blood-soaked murders that brings back horrific memories.

Based originally on a Stephen King short story. Gore and disturbing scenes are just not enough to secure a "die hard" horror fan. Miss Moore garnered most of my attention. Also featured are Mary Kathryn Bryant, Lyn Andrew lll and Clu Gulager..
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Sufferable, in general.
filipemanuelneto15 January 2021
The "Children of the Corn" franchise has been very successful in the task of proliferating horror films of dubious quality. This film, made and released directly to video, without going through theaters, is a direct sequel to the 2009 film and begins more or less where it left off: after seeing the man who loves to disappear into the cornfield to certain death, Ruth, pregnant, flees from Gatlin and from a life that would condemn her, sooner or later. Life take its courses and she, now a single mother, learns to survive alone, always on the run from herself, chased by hallucinations and visions. That's how she finds a job as a mechanic in an isolated city, where she will try to get her life back up. But the evil entity who lives in the Gatlin fields promises not to leave her alone.

Honestly, I didn't feel the movie was as bad as some said it was. Okay, as a horror movie definitely doesn't work, I've never been scared and the tension is dramatic, but it doesn't scare anyone. However, the story is good enough and the main character, like her son, are two characters that the script develops enough to give them some attention and not simply wait to see if they die. It is not a long film, it does not waste much time on anything. I liked the way the script explores the relationship between mother and child, making it credible and one of the solid points of the plot.

The cast is miserable, does not do a particularly notable job and simply appears where and when it is needed. Lynn Andrews was particularly annoying, but Sara Moore was not far behind, despite being quite effective in the death and massacre scenes. The exception to this rule are the two main actors in the plot: Jake Ryan Scott was good, but Marci Miller deserves to be highlighted for his commitment to the main role.

Technically, the film is decent enough. Cinematography and effects are nothing surprising, but effects do their job well and the sets and costumes are good, and really help to create the right environment for the story. But none of this justifies the film, which will probably only interest those who want, as I wanted, to see the complete franchise.
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Children of the Corn: Runaway
HorrorFan19841 December 2020
A woman is on the run from her deadly past in the 10th instalment of the Children of The Corn series.

The story starts with a young pregnant girl named Ruth who sets fire to the infamous cornfields of He Who Walks Behind The Rows in an attempt to end the killing. Fast forward 13 years later and see that Ruth has a young son named Aaron. They live a life on the road and in motels, with Ruth doing odd jobs to make ends meet. They stop in a small dusty town and Ruth gets a job as a mechanic thanks to a man. Soon after, Ruth starts seeing small children follow her around. She also starts having sleep walking episodes where she remembers killing adults as a young girl in Gatlin. One little girl in a yellow dress seems to stand out from the others, and not before long we see her viciously kill adults in the town. While this is all happening, Ruth starts seeing things that aren't there. All of this culminates in a bit of a surprise ending.

'Children of the Corn: Runaway' was a very decent entry to this long series, this one being the 10th film. There was pretty good atmosphere and overall mood, reminiscent of some of the earlier (and better) sequels. After the desert location of COTC 9, we at least got some cornfields again. A strong point for 'Runaway' was the acting. Marci Miller was really good as the main final girl. I've watched her work on Days of Our Lives and think she's pretty amazing on there as well. Jake Ryan Scott as Aaron did exactly what you want out of a child actor - don't be annoying to sit through. He put in a very mature performance as Aaron. Lynn Andrews III was good as Ruth's mechanic love interest, I just wish he had more to work with.

Now for the flaws. Some of the special effects weren't strong for me. A bit of CGI blood and some of the slashing scenes done in pretty bad slow-mo. Likely the weakest of the series in terms of gore outside of maybe one really good death scene. And I know I enjoyed the filming location vibe this movie gave, but it still could have been way better. COTC 3 is the only movie in the series that left Nebraska and did it right. 'Genesis' and now 'Runaway' have tried leaving that state and have failed to make the films feel like a true COTC film. I also felt that 'Runaway' was EXTREMELY slow at times, I lost interest quite a few times. There were long periods of time between any action scenes or moments of terror.

Overall, Children of the Corn 10 was better than it's last two predecessors. The acting and character development was there which made it watchable. it just ran a bit too slow for me, and I also wasn't a huge fan of the "twist" ending. Could have been better. A second remake of the series is set to be released next year. Hopefully it will reset and restart the franchise which has seemed to have hit a wall.

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A step back on track and in the right direction...
paul_haakonsen24 March 2023
When I sat down to watch the 2018 movie "Children of the Corn: Runaway" from writer Joel Soisson, I must admit that I had zero expectations, as the franchise had been steadily getting more and more ludicrous with each movie since part II ended. And after a rather abysmal 2011 eight movie, then I have to admit that I had no expectations or hopes for this movie.

But still, as I had never seen or heard about "Children of the Corn: Runaway", and I was doing a "Children of the Corn" marathon, of course I opted to watch this ninth movie in the franchise as well.

However, writer Joel Soisson actually managed to start to steer the franchise back on track towards the original parts I and II movies. Sure, it wasn't fully there in terms of script, storyline, entertainment and creep factor, but it was a big step in the right way. So thumbs up on that achievement.

The acting performances in "Children of the Corn: Runaway" were good. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in this movie, but they definitely put on good performances to carry the movie.

Visually then "Children of the Corn: Runaway" had some pretty fair effects, which also helped make the movie all the more watchable.

A step in the right direction, but still some way to go before reaching the finish line.

My rating of "Children of the Corn: Runaway", from director John Gulager, lands on a four out of ten stars.
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okainavar14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There's only one more film left, I'll be able to finish this horrible saga today. It took me a century to find this film and I still found it in the original language with US subtitles, it was good to practice my English. I didn't make it past twenty minutes. What beginning was that? Is this film a sequel to a film in this saga that I haven't seen? I understood nothing. I'll rate it as I felt in these long twenty minutes. If you're a warrior and want to finish it, please let me know if it's any good. Horrible but i don't watch .everything so i don't know. Movie "watched" on September 14, 2023.
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Good potential, but another bad Children of the Corn movie
It's better than Genesis, but it is far from a good movie. I do think it's interesting how they have one character from the original short story to be the star of the movie. The actual story is mostly her trying to live a normal life while trying to keep her past away from her son. I do like the idea of a past member trying to get away from the cult and try to start off fresh. But the results are done pretty poorly on how it was executed. There's not that much build-up towards her starting to lose herself, and the paranoid stuff happens pretty quickly. The movie gets pretty predictable with the stuff that happen and isn't that surprising. I do think it could have worked for a psychological horror movie, but it is not that effective enough. And the ending to be confusing and anticlimactic. The characters have good intentions but aren't executed well. Ruth is a main character who used to be a member of the cult but managed to escape from it. She has good intentions to be a flesh-out character, but her execution is poorly on how she feels one-dimensional and isn't that likable to hope that she finally gets a new life.

Children of the Corn: Runaway is slightly better, but it is a movie that is best forgotten.
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Fernando-Rodrigues17 May 2021
Another weak and unnecessary Children of the Corn movie. Things are too slow here, and the script has all the common clichés we've seen on the last 8 previous sequels. At least the make-up FX and some performances are decent.
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Deficient Biblical references
Dr_Coulardeau23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film, or video production, is maybe the ultimate ending of the saga since it is not an ending but a second start all over again. In Gatlin, a long time ago, thirteen years ago if I am not wrong, all the children of the cult that killed all the adults in the name of He Who Walks Behind the Rows were burned in no accidental event but in a willful act to get rid of the cult and the followers of it. We had already been told in one or two of the films of the saga that one actually escaped the fire. In fact, more than one did. The one with the biblical name of Ruth, originally Sandy, was pregnant at the time and she escaped the blaze. In fact, this film says she started it. At least one more escaped, a woman too, a girl at the time, Sarah who is the friendly Diner's boss, a friendly front that hides her real intention: to recapture Ruth and get a real vengeance by having Ruth's son, Aaron, kill his own mother.

The Book of Ruth is named for its central character, a Moabite woman who married the son of a Judaean couple living in Moab. After the death of her husband, Ruth moved to Judah with her mother-in-law, Naomi, instead of remaining with her own people. Ruth then became the wife of Boaz, a wealthy kinsman of her former husband, and bore Obed, who, according to the final verses of the book, was the grandfather of David. Nothing frightening in all that. Ruth is a plain and fair lady who is supposed to be an ancestor of David, hence of Jesus. The only comparison can come from the fact she left Moab when she became a widow and she moved to Judah. But that's farfetched to integrate this into the film.

Aaron is a completely different story. Aaron is described in the Book of Exodus of the Old Testament as a son of Amram and Jochebed of the tribe of Levi, three years older than his brother Moses. He acted together with his brother in the desperate situation of the Israelites in Egypt and took an active part in the Exodus, their liberation from slavery. Moses was the actual leader, Aaron acted as his "mouth." The two brothers went to the pharaoh together, and Aaron told him to let the people of Israel go, using his magic rod in order to show the might of YHWH (God). When the pharaoh finally decided to release the people, YHWH gave the important ordinance of the Passover, the annual ritual remembrance of the Exodus, to Aaron and Moses. But Moses alone went up on Mount Sinai, and he alone was allowed to come near to YHWH. Moses later was ordered to "bring near" Aaron and his sons, and they were anointed and consecrated to be priests "by a perpetual statute." Aaron's sons were to take over the priestly garments after him. Aaron, though, when Moses was delayed on Mount Sinai, made the idol of the golden calf. So that has no value in this film, and that's different from most other films. The Biblical reference is rather valueless. Aaron in the film is not a prophet, but only the voice of a prophet. But then who is the prophet?

Sarah is quite to the point in this film. She was Abraham's wife and she could not provide a son to her husband. So, she gave her own slave to Abraham and a son is born Ishmael. But sometime later Sarah gives birth to Isaac and she requires Ishmael and his mother Hagar to be sent away into the desert with hardly anything to eat and drink, hence, to die. She is the one in this film who adopt Aaron and leads him into the sacrifice of his own mother he has to do to avenge the end of the cult in Gatlin and of the prophet Isaac Chroner.

But altogether these references to the Bible are slightly light in the film we are talking of here. The fate of this vengeance is in the hands of two women and the tool for this vengeance is a 13 or 14-year-old child. The point is that after this final act, what happens? That is not a typical Stephen King ending, like the one at the end of the Dark Tower. The last sentences being identical to the first sentences of the first volume of this saga. There is no circularity with Isaac at the beginning and Aaron at the end. Where is the circularity when Aaron here is brought into the cultish sacrifice of his own mother by a biblical mother of his, who is an adult and a woman, two defects that disqualify her for that role in this saga. And moreover, where is the flock of children that Aaron needs to start his mission on earth which requires killing all the adults of the town, called Luther, definitely a Puritan and very fundamentalist reference. This film misses an important element here: for any prophet to be avenged, you have to have another prophet, and a prophet can only bring a revelation and there could be a circularity if the prophets in this saga had been named after prophets in the Old Testament, but neither Isaac nor Aaron are prophets in the Bible. Of course, Stephen King did not know about all the films that followed the publication of his novel. But I am sure a real circular reference could have been found instead of Aaron. The easiest one would have been Isaac again and thus going back to the beginning, but he would have had to have an executioner to perform the sacrifice of his mother because he couldn't do it himself as the prophet of the revived cult. But has the cult been revived, or has it been buried? All that is author's work and in this film the author's work is deficient. True enough they could have paid Stephen King to do the work, but they probably did not have the money needed to pay the salary of an author like Stephen King.

The best parts of this film are the special effects that splash a lot of blood and most of the time the sacrifice is replayed backward, and thus it reveals itself as a schizophrenic vision in Ruth's mind who is quite obviously the victim of a case of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and this explains that, including the fact that the syndrome is transmitted to the son. This has nothing to do with genetics. It is only a phenomenon of the transmission of psychological characteristics from parents to children during the education of children by their parents alone for at least three to six years. Many of such syndromes are transmitted through parental education. That does not mean children should be taken away from their parents and raised in orphanages. It just means education cannot be the same for all children because, beyond all of them being different in mental and intellectual capabilities, they are also different in psychological, at times psychiatric, characterization.

Enjoy this simple film and just read some pages of the Bible's Old Testament.

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A mediocre installement that at least continues the original story
Elvis-Del-Valle19 March 2023
This movie is a pretty mediocre sequel, but at least it's a little better than the previous installment. This movie serves as a sequel to both the first and the 2009 one. The story itself is good, as it presents us with Ruth trying to leave behind everything that happened in the original story, but the movie leaves something to be desired, especially when it comes to of something made only for home format. It has very interesting things like the references to the original movie that started the saga. It is not good to conclude the saga, but at least it makes up for something after the failure of the previous installment. My final rate for this movie is 6/10.
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the worst movie I've seen in years - AVOID!!!
tallyho-348104 March 2023
How could a movie this badly-made even get released? Poor direction, poor sound (half the dialog is inaudible or mumbled), poor editing, poor casting (the 13 y/o boy's mother looks like a 16 year old girl herself), poor writing, poor acting, poor camera work. Enough plot holes to drive a truck through. I was in a dark mood tonight hoping that a nice briskly-paced 90 minute good old-fashioned horror movie would resonate with me, and take my mind off my troubles. Well let me tell you folks "Children Of The Corn: Runaway" is a bomb, a turkey, an embarassment of amateur-hour mistakes and shortcomings. You will not be frightened by this film, you will be frustrated and disappointed. Mark my words!
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