The Deep End (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster


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Staggering Narcissism
horrorismyhome15 June 2022
A seriously engaging documentary. I thought I'd check out the first episode and I ended up binging the entire thing in one afternoon. Each episodes shows a more ghastly side of Teal Swan than the previous one.

This person is a perfect example of someone who's been drinking too much of their own Kool-aid for too long.

She's abusive, controlling, vindictive, and disdainful. Whenever I see a doc like this I have to wonder how these followers come to lose all common sense and value in themselves.

Swan makes it her full-time job (and full-time grift) to make you feel as badly about yourself as possible. And her entire business model depends on people feeling badly about themselves.

Exploiting people in pain and people in need will always be a profitable business for some.
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all the low ratings
dsohn73 June 2022
All the low ratings are either done by Teal and her inner circle. "They probably misled her about what they were filming to make her look bad!" or people who hate Teal "I cannot stand this narcissist"

In either case, those aren't real reviews of the series itself.

The show is unsettling and a darkly fascinating train wreck you can't look away from. It's a train wreck because we're watching a damaged person try to help other damaged people in disturbing and unethical ways.

It reminded me of a better version of the a Hulu limited series Nine Perfect Strangers (about the questionable alternative therapy retreat led by a narcissist with a secret)

It's a pretty fascinating portrait of what a cult leader can look like in today's world.

Of course it's all speculative on whether or not Teal is a narcissist or a cult leader so it's definitely not right for me to say or judge, but that's the lingering question this series investigates. Either way, it's a fascinating character study about an individual with an unsettling amount of power and influence over vulnerable people.
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Arrest this woman!
duneplatinum9 June 2022
This woman is without a doubt dealing with several severe psychosis. She's abusive, dangerous, and deranged. She's sick. Very, very sick.

She has several "followers" abused to the post of suicide.

This is heartbreaking and horrific. She should be in jail.

I don't doubt she will be- soon.
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The group think and obedience among "Tealers" is stong
StarGirl235524 May 2022
As someone who has followed Teal quite a while ago 2009(?) to 2015 I had always found something was of about her story. From her claiming to have been abused and sewn into a corpse as a child, to driving out into the forest having an abortion by herself on herself and then leaving her blood children in the snow... just to mention a two. What I found extremely appalling was that when her friend was raped she stood by the rapist... and whenever people questioned her she became aggressive telling people they should kill themselves... at the beginning it was easier to ignore some of the stuff as fantasy or unhappy people leaving the community, but after a while there was so much that you had to be willfully ignorant to the damage she does to people as well as to her backstory that was clearly made up. She was traveling the world as a super model in the time she was being controlled and abused, and there are no pictures of her modeling except some quite tasteless naked pictures in bad lighting - there is nothing professional about the pictures. She loves to call herself famous as money, fame and power is what she is after. For someone who teaches others to empower themselves she is really quick at playing the victim at the slightest critique she receives. And you will be shunned from the community if you dare to question her. She a dangerous cult leader who not only targets suicidal people, but also tells people to kill themselves if they disagree with her. The videos her followers talk about are mostly word salad that will make your head spin if you try to understand it. She needs to be exposed and I'm really curious about this documentary.
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Frightening but her
hbeeinc27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My main issue with this (and the new crop of documentaries) is that it's so pretty, you always see the camera. They compose the shots to perfectly I feel like I can here the dialog between the filmmakers and subjects before the camera rolls. Like anti-verite. Blake doing interviews on his side on the bed. Graci in her tub as the camera hovers on her fingers. Teal endlessly jogging towards the camera and stopping to get a side shot as she bends over, exhausted. It's all so perfectly crafted; not a documentary but a movie of a documentary.

That said, how absolutely insane do you have to be to pay someone to find out if you're evil and, when you are, argue with them about it?

If you dig deeper (which the documentary didn't do) you find out that Teal got sent to the therapist at the center of the Satanic Panic scandal which induced false memories in people. Given that you see that happening in a scene in after effect of a role play ("I felt like there was anger and inappropriate touching") and the resulting judgment that the subject's parents were evil I'm stunned this thread wasn't followed.

Also, weird that there's no approximation of the company's wealth which would establish a motive to continue this nonsense.

That's not to take away from the story, which grabs you by the throat, but there's a superficiality to it - style over substance - which, while it fits Teal's personality, keeps the view at arm's length from the subjects by making them look like actors rather than people.

My gasp/LOL moment came listening to Teal attempting to guilt trip Blake about breaking his promise and Blake saying "ok...bye." The scene shows just how weak a personal foundation Teal has that she resorts to emotional blackmail rather than following her own teachings.
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New world standard in documentary film
aniday-342644 June 2022
The entire documentary looks like years of work with meticulous attention to detail. Amazing filming, music and story telling. The subject matter is a tough one and Kasbe's genius combines horror of Teal Swan with his art of beautiful film making. Suicide is the second most common killer among the millennials and cult leaders like Teal Swan stand ready to exploit the plight of people in need of help. This is epic work in revealing the truth behind the false prophetess of new age. A must see.
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Wait... does this woman really think she's better than The Pope?
katefrichardson19 May 2022
6 stars at least to the filmmakers for sure. It's well-paced and written... but the story? I don't know how I can make it through the rest of the season.

Like the previous reviewer stated this is another con-woman (Teal Swan?) with enough charisma to start a cult. Yes, this is definitely a cult. I didn't know this cult existed until watching this, and I feel for the followers involved.

She makes fun of all of the other "spiritual gurus" but you guys... there is LITERALLY a scene where she is talking about who her disciples should be... while sitting in a hot tub. I can't, I just can't.
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Truth will set you free
cherrycharlie8 June 2022
Her childhood bff did an episode of the Mormon stories podcast were she talked about Teals manipulative habits from a young age. Highly recommend. There's a way to define and measure a cult. Teal Swan is running a cult. She checks EVERY box. This doc is shot so well, it feels like a drama film. It's very engaging - I have a pretty small attention span and this kept me glued to the screen. Of course, it's cut together in a way to push a heavier tone, but don't let that distract you from the facts they are presenting. You can tell the filmmakers really wanted you to see the red flags - but I think that's what they should've done it considering SHES RUNNING A CULT IN 2022. It's worth your time to watch this!! Stay informed!! She's doing exactly what Jim Jones, David Koresh, Keith Raniere, and. L. Ron Hubbard all did.
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Well done doc
thia123411 June 2022
This doc was well done - I like the feel of just letting it all speak for itself with no narration - but it's very hard to watch. I guess it's important to shine a light on the cult leaders and their poor victims but watching this for "entertainment" just feels wrong and sad. I need a shower. I'll probably pass on shows like this in the future. If you haven't watched it yet, save yourself some queasiness. This woman is evil and disturbed. Don't let anyone you care about anywhere near her or her cult.
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Rate the show, not the person
Nevergivea1019 May 2022
Only watched the one episode but my instinct was to rate "teal swan" and not the documentary. The documentary is average so I gave it a five. The subject of the documentary is just another Charismatic scam artist who takes advantage of people who are traumatized, mentally ill, weak, or just plan stupid.
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Absolute Insanity
zoeotaku9 June 2022
A fascinating look into the mind of a narcissist.

I feel the bad reviews are most likely from people who don't understand how ratings work and are instead giving their "rating" of Teal Swan, or they're ratings made by people who are under her spell.

It's heartbreaking to see how this woman is taking advantage of fragile and hurt people. She knows exactly what she's doing. It was a relief to see someone get out of it in the end. It's really intriguing to see how easy it can be to get involved with a cult. They know just how to suck you in, and if you ever realize you need to get out, it's often too late. Highly recommend.
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Leading Broken Horses To Tainted Water...Another Cult Leader Exposed.
AudioFileZ25 September 2022
Immediately after just minutes I was asking myself if this was a drama or a documentary? Was this Teal character a real or fictional character? After a pause to research my questions I found that it is a documentary based on a very real person. As the four parts unfolded it was often like a scripted drama as it was filmed more like a movie where all the shots were expertly composed. I'll give the film's director high marks here. But, there's something quite unsettling here. I find the teachings and psychic claims of Teal to be dark and ludicrous. Claiming she wants her followers to achieve their happiness rings hollow...especially when she, herself, seems downright miserable. Many here have labeled Teal a dangerous narcissist, I'll admit that does fit when you hear her say she will eclipse The Pope as a spiritual figurehead. What I haven't read is another description that seems far more at play. She has most of the attributes of a psychopath - displaying practically zero empathy for anyone.

Teal is just getting by on some sort of mysterious charisma as her teachings are a jumbled mess of new age garbage. This doesn't even begin to answer the question if her teachings are contributing to the suicides of some her followers due to her claiming it is some kind of reset of life button. As such I do find Teal's whole schtick to cross the threshold from mis-guided to evil. And yes the inner circle, and likely, many of the closest orbs are easily classified as a cult society. While I believe in freedom to speak, I do not believe in fleecing folks who are in pain therefore most venerable, especially those so brittle they've either contemplated or attempted suicide. Hopefully this film will serve to wake-up those following whatever this mess is, to clearly see this as the opposite of conquering inner pain and turmoil.
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Someone stab me in my third eye..:
wookie-613299 June 2022
Before I continue to watch this New Age spiritual meltdown of a docuseries. Like others, I have never heard of Teal Swan prior to viewing the first 4 episodes. I honestly think she is a complete scam artist, liar, and narcissist to the hilt, based on how she is portrayed in this show. You couldn't pay me enough to watch her YouTube videos, attend one of her events or retreats, or to read her blog. I suppose in a similar sentiment to a few other reviews, the documentary itself isn't terrible - it is Teal Swan herself that is so incredibly off-putting. It amazes me that she has been able to suck these suffering traumatized people into her cult, particularly since she is horrifically rude to some of her follows who are seeking guidance - gaslighting them, and at times, nearly verbally abusing them and labeling it her desire to "help." I do recommend the documentary actually. I do NOT recommend seeking spiritual counsel from this sham of a person.
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You people need to stop rating based on how much you hate Teal!!!
juliacher19879 June 2022
OMG This is so annoying. People rating based on how much they hate Teal Swan and not the show itself. This makes people think it is a bad documentary, which it is not. It is quite the opposite. Hope people see for themselves and not listen to the idiots here.

Also, I bet so many of her followers came here and rated this low. I feel for you all, wish you didn't need her to feel better. Wish you all the best. Please get better on your own.
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Straight-forward opening episode about controversial "spiritual teacher'
paul-allaer20 May 2022
As Episode 1 of "The Deep end" (2022 release; 4 episodes of about 45-50 min each) opens, we get a quick introduction to Teal Swan, a self-professed spiritual teacher of past trauma who has millions of followers on her You Tube channel. Teal is about to host a convention of sorts, where she is treated as a rock star. It takes place at the Completion Process Retreat, named after her book of the same name. At this point we are 10 min into Episode 1.

Couple of comments: this is the latest documentary from producer-director Jon Kasbe ("When Lambs Become Lions"). Here he looks at the phenom that is Teal Swam, still only in her mid-30s but with 5 marriages under her belt, and with a thriving "spiritual healing" business dealing with past trauma. We get several scenes where the attendants work in small groups and exhibit emotionally extreme outbursts. Not to mention that Teal (i) openly admits to having been abused and raped as a young child, (ii) she holds very unconventional, of not controversial, views about suicide, and (iii) Teal has no any medical background, education, or training. Call me a fool but it makes me skeptical.

Episode 1 of "The Deep End" premiered a few days ago on Hulu, and the remaining three episodes will be released over the next 3 weeks. I thought that Episode 1 was quite straight-forward even though as mentioned I am at first impression quite skeptical of what is going on with this "spiritual healing of past traumas". Guess I'll find out in the next 3 weeks. Of course don't take my word for it, so please go ahead and check it out for yourself, and draw your own conclusion.
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Masterful Documentary and Shocking Subject Matter
nathanaelabbott7 June 2022
Please rate the show, not Teal!! I can't believe this incredible documentary has so many low reviews because people don't like Teal. That's the point! What she's doing is horrifying, but same with many other documentaries. It's meant to expose her manipulative behavior! 10 stars for that! Well done!!
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Unique documentary about a unique group
dfloro10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where and when does a so-called "controversial spiritual teacher and her dedicated followers" cross some real or imagined line and become a "charismatic cult leader and her delusional inner circle"? That's one of the primary questions that this four-part documentary series (and the P. I. that we meet along the way) are grasping for answers to. The other main question has to do with whether "Teal Swan" (not her real name) is actively advocating and/or openly encouraging psychologically damaged people to commit suicide. A lot of the IMDB reviewers seem to so thoroughly dislike her personality that they downgrade the series itself, which seems unfair. Good documentarians will stay silent, as they do here, to let the subject(s) and/or subject matter speak uninterrupted (or even unedited) at some length for him-/her-/itself. And that also means often indicting themselves in their own words. I don't know if Teal thought the investigation or documentary about it would serve to exonerate her for being a cult leader or suicide enabler, but if so, she's more naive than she appears to be. One conclusion does seem inescapable: she *IS* a world-class narcissist, and that is frequently a personality trait/psychological diagnosis of the aforementioned "charismatic cult leaders." 7/10.
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Documentary was extremely well crafted. Teal was a great subject.
andrewgpetersen4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel bad for all the people wrapped up in Teal's circle. She clearly projects her own inability to forgive her parents onto her followers. She also has never healed from her childhood trauma and has created a walled off community where she does not have to be vulnerable or open to anyone. Of course, within that circle she demands absolute loyalty. She seems to need it to be safe from ever feeling weak and powerless like she did when she was a child. It's a fascinating character study, and she is too deep into her own BS to be able to see that. I mostly feel bad for her followers who are damaged and hurting people. Teal is selling them peace and serving them chaos. Then she tells them the only cure is more of her. Sad cycle.

I'm not sure how much access the documentary crew had. It seems like Teal and co thought this would be a friendly documentary and gave them unfettered access. I imagine they regret that now. After the first 2 episodes I thought it was moving pretty slowly, however there was a steady escalation in the red flags that were being presented, and by the time you reach episode 4 you feel a crescendo that hits and then resolves. I felt like it was very well done.

The documentary also made a great choice in following the story of Blake and Julianne. Blake seems like the nicest guy in the world, albeit the ultimate beta male. Teal uses him for male companionship so that she can suck out an emotional connection, but never have to be vulnerable or open to him in return. He is her puppy dog that gives her what she needs, and she gives him her emotional scraps. For her it's the perfect relationship, she can keep her emotional armor on at all times, but she is still human and needs some connection. Of course she is threatened by his girlfriend/wife. And of course she will need to force them to make herself 'Teal' the main priority in both of their lives, otherwise she may lose Blake. Pretty complicated, but sad and tragic relationship. You deserve better, Blake. I'm just afraid that there is a damaged part of you that needs someone controlling your life and decisions.
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Another documentary that tells us nothing
cathycritter12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On episode 3 and this is so poorly done that it is becoming difficult to watch. We're getting almost no information about Teal Swan's methods or philosophy. For example, we see 2 people doing an exercise in which one of them is pretending to be? Becoming? Channeling? -another person who caused trauma in the other person's life. Speaking as if they are the trauma-causing person, almost as if in a trance. We are not told what is going on here or how this person is supposedly able to do this. We're told that there is a "process". Desperate fans/followers go to a retreat and are supposed to be having this life-altering process. At no time are we told what the steps of that process are or how Swan developed them. We don't know what Swan's educational background is. We don't know how Swan's methods are different from a million other cultish methods that we have heard of before-purging trauma in dramatic ways in front of a rapt congregation, unearthing abuse both real and imagined, cutting off toxic people from one's past. We've heard all this before. We see what looks like sage burning, something about frog poison (which makes someone throw up), a follower blubbering in a pool held tenderly by Swan. Anything goes, it seems.

The episodes drag on. Way too many mentions of how the group is a "community", and a "family". Yes, we know, you just said that 5 minutes ago.

As for the subject matter itself, this "family"has every indication of being a cult. A narcissistic, controlling leader with no apparent qualifications to treat people with possibly serious psychological and emotional problems? Check. Methods that are ambiguous and possibly dangerous? Check. Followers urged to cut off off people in their lives? Check. Pandering, unquestionning followers who crave their leader's approval? Check. How about the woman from Germany who marries Swan's closest associate? She's being told by Swan that it's not acceptable that she keep up her relationships with friends and family. Why on Earth would this German lady accept this?? It's also so obvious that Swan is completely jealous that Jake got married.

And of course Swan's reaction to someone listening to one of her presentations, someone who merely brings up the possibility that someone might disagree with her-she reacts with obvious anger and derision. And if I recall correctly, she compares herself to the Dalai Lama. Nobody's higher than her. How dare anyone disagree with her?? Swan has bren drinking too much of her own Kool-aid.

As a documentary, it doesn't tell us anything or bring us closer to understanding who Swan is and what she's developed. And as for the person herself, she is a cult leader. Plain and simple.
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I already can't stand her.
cscott233121 May 2022
Slight spoilers*** This ARROGANT woman. Okay, I do realize MANY many people have been through unspeakable trauma. The feeling of being seen, understood and no alone is an extremely powerful thing. But this woman is as narcissistic as they come. Of source so are all the other cult leaders and sleazy tv evangelist. But I knew she wasn't going to like this woman moving in on her territory! I would've been more shocked had she reacted with peace, love and acceptance. But it was pure jealousy disguised as concern. It was also apparent in the first 10 minutes she's perfectly okay with suicide. Almost in an urging way to her "followers" asking someone so deep in their turmoil "why are you still here on earth" WTF people???? Seriously??

Usually I don't rate until the series are over, so I'll go back and modify this one if need be. But right now... I got a pretty strong feeling that I am spot on and will not change my mind about this woman! But I'll keep coming back, if only to yell at my screen and scoff at the total BS that she's spewing most of the time. I won't be watching any if her videos though. Won't be able to rack up any views from me.
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I can't believe she let this film crew have this access
suenoverde15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a narcissist. They didn't even get into her self proclaimed psychic powers or superhuman abilities or just how much she tries to make people think they were abused as kids.

She is very scary and very cold. I feel so bad for the vulnerable people she preys on in their weak moments. I hope Blake films something with all the dirt on her. She's like a high school bully.
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Why are people this easy to manipulate?
DarknessVisible2028 May 2022
Another narcissistic megalomaniac who has found purpose and profit in manipulating broken, gullible, and stupid people. It's so sad to me that humanity is still this dumb and easy to manipulate.
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Mary Bosworth AKA Teal Swan
educated_indio9 June 2022
This is one of the grimmest and most dangerous cult leaders out there IMO since she promotes suicide and seem incredibly mentally disturbed herself, but is charismatic enough to draw many others in.

Bosworth claims to have been part of a "Mormon Satanic cult" and been repeatedly raped as a child, even sewn up inside a dead body. Besides the lurid bigotry, her claims will obviously draw in many who were abused, as well as cause many to overlook the ridiculousness and falseness of what she says. There are no violent Satanic cults. That's been constantly debunked by the FBI every year since the early 80s.

Quite a few sites out there devoted to debunking her and warning others.

The gucci guru inside teal swans posh cult Teal Swan, an emerging cult leader, claims she is a multi-dimensional Arcturian alien working with 11 other aliens in an "intergalactic Green Peace" type organization....

jessicaschab I was contacted by Cameron Clark, a former follower of Teal who had lived with her and was very traumatized by her experience. Among many things, Teal Swan tried to talk her into committing suicide....

amoraobscura Teal either lied about traveling to and living in eight different countries by the age of 20, or she lied about enduring 13 years of ritual abuse. Or she lied about both...
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What a ride!
shanesmommy-6310113 June 2022
I really enjoyed this documentary! During the first episode, I thought of Teal as a Tony Robbins-type motivational speaker type. By the end, I thought she was an absolute sociopath. Great documentary!
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Beautifully shot.
blackkitty89 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that repressed memories were debunked long ago seems to be lost on "Teal". She needs psychological help, from a good therapist to help her work through what I am sure is a dark spot in her past. I feel for the young person treated this bad, and hope she can do some heavy work on herself, because the only other option is she continues on the current destructive path.

All the low reviews I read are rating the person "Teal", and not the quality of the work produced by the filmakers. Don't go into this thinking it is a poor product. This is a very good representation of what this person is. A terrible cult leader.

I am so glad that poor German girl got away from the psychological trauma this person perpetrated on her. The saddest thing is how "Teal" treated Blake, who she degraded for a decade, and then when he knew he had to leave for the health of his WIFE and marriage, she basically asked him to let her use him more, for her own self worth.

I am very sorry for the people she has hurt with her short sided and terribly harmful YouTube "help". My hope for the future is she will disappear.

The filmakers did a great job, vibrant colors and definitely painted "Teal" in the right light. Well done, and worth a watch.
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