Red Clover (TV Movie 2012) Poster

(2012 TV Movie)

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Rather forgettable at the end of the day, but still better than most SyFy outings
TheLittleSongbird30 June 2012
I was not expecting much from Leprechaun's Revenge, its premise was somewhat hokey and also it was SyFy, whose reputation for mostly awful movies is notorious. So I was surprised that Leprechaun's Revenge was reasonably watchable, even if heavily flawed. What did I like about the film? Well, Leprechaun's Revenge did start off promisingly with some snappy dialogue and a good attempt at an atmosphere. The leprechaun compared to other SyFy creatures is pretty good, used sparingly but this added to the sense of terror I felt, and thankfully less cheap-looking than before. The killings are gory and fun while not being too goofy, the camera work is wonderfully nightmarish, and apart from Billy Zane, who rambles his way through his role, the acting is mostly above average. It is the second half though where the film goes off the boil with a more comic edge that jars with the rest of the film, with the humour rather humourless, the story less suspenseful and more ridiculous, the characters stereotypical and while not irritating not very interesting all the same and the ending rushed and abrupt. On the whole, better than most SyFy outings but the second half is a let down compared to the promise of the first. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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The kill scenes and acting were just okay and the storyline was blah
kevin_robbins2 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Leprechaun's Revenge (2012) is another movie I recently watched off Amazon Prime for $3.99. The movie is about a woman who accidentally unlocks an ancient trapped leprechaun leading to death and destruction. Can Karen right her wrongs? This movie is directed by Drew Daywalt (Meat) and stars Derek Babb (Duncan), Dave Davis (The Walking Dead), Courtney Halverson (True Detective), Billy Zane (Titanic) and William Devane (Payback). This feels like it was a made for TV movie because it was (SyFy). It was still fun seeing Billy Zane play a dopey police officer and Karen messing everything up as always. The leprechaun looked like the leprechaun from Leprechaun: Origins (did I just use leprechaun 3 times in a sentence, now four). The kill scenes and acting were just okay and the storyline was blah. Overall this is worth seeing once but a below average addition to the genre. I'd score this a 4/10.
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Forgettable monster flick
Leofwine_draca12 July 2015
After Dark Films are a production company who've been churning out a series of cheap and cheerful monster and horror flicks for the last decade. For RED CLOVER, it's time for another creature flick as the film throws a monstrous spin on the old legend of the leprechaun. The original title was LEPRECHAUN'S REVENGE, which was much better than RED CLOVER, but perhaps they thought we'd mistake this for a Warwick Davis sequel or something.

RED CLOVER is also a SyFy Channel-produced movie so quality is guaranteed. In actual fact, this is largely forgettable stuff, with various characters wandering around in the woods and getting bumped off by some generic leprechaun monster that looks like a zillion others. There's a little gore thrown into the mix, alongside lots of indifferent acting and a storyline that it's impossible to get excited about.

The most interesting thing about the production, for me, was the inclusion of two hit names in the cast: William Devane and Billy Zane, playing a father/son combination. Devane is the best actor here, even though he's almost unrecognisably aged, while by contrast Zane is on autopilot for the most part. It's a shame that the younger cast members are so lacklustre compared to these old timers.
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Better than most Syfy original programming
jellyneckr27 March 2012
The movies that premiere on the Syfy Channel generally range from bad to absolutely unwatchable. This should come as no surprise since these films have typically super low budgets and have drastically short shooting schedules, leaving little chance for them to be well put together. However, a decent film occasionally makes its way onto the air and Leprechaun's Revenge is one of those rare cases where the results of the minuscule budget and rushed production schedule doesn't destroy the end result. While Leprechaun's Revenge still seems like a movie that would have greatly benefited from having more time spent on it, the final cut is much better than the schlocky title implies. The first thirty minutes or so are actually engaging. The opening scene is fairly creepy, the tone is set up perfectly, and its clear from the beginning that the protagonist isn't a stereotypical horror movie moron. Yet for whatever reason, the premise stops being effective after a while and the sense of rhythm that was established in the first half seems off in the second half(which I suspect was due to aforementioned time constraints and budgetary problems). Still, Leprechaun's Revenge remains a great flick to watch on St. Patrick's Day with a bunch of friends and it is certainly more entertaining than 90% of all the other Syfy originals. The cast is solid, the effects are reasonably cool, and there is a sense of humor to the proceedings that's hard not to enjoy.

Note: To clear up any confusion, Leprechaun's Revenge is in no way related to the endless series of Warwick Davis horror pictures. If I had to guess, Syfy was hoping for people to assume a vague relation in order to get viewers to tune in.
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nogodnomasters1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a made for TV film original titled "Leprechaun's Revenge." In the small American-Irish town of Keening, Mass. (filmed in Louisiana) Karen (Courtney Halverson) picks a red clover and gets cursed by a fairy creature known as the Lu-chor-pain, the Gaelic word for Leprechaun, perhaps the reason why they changed the name of the film.

Billy Zane plays Sheriff Conor O'Hara, her dad. Karen realizes she is cursed between the wild stories from her drunken grandfather (William Devane) and the Internet. She has 4 days to confront the Luchorpain or die.

This is not the best film for Zane fans. The story had me bored. While there is some blood and guts, much of the killing is hidden and the creature looks rubbery.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, nudity, or Jennifer Aniston.
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Hardly a Saint Patricks Day classic...
paul_haakonsen7 November 2020
Well, for a horror movie that involves a leprechaun as the bad guy and Billy Zane in one of the leads, then I must admit that I wasn't exactly having much of any high hopes for the movie.

But still, with it being a horror movie and one that I hadn't already seen, of course I managed to find the time to sit down and watch the 2012 movie "Red Clover" (aka "Leprechaun's Revenge") from writer Anthony C. Ferrante and director Drew Daywalt.

And I will say that "Red Clover" wasn't exactly a great horror movie. Sure, it was watchable, but it was not a great moment in horror film history. Why? Well, because the storyline was simply too mundane and generic.

I will say, though, that I liked the approach to the fabled leprechaun myth, and it being a bestial creature instead of a small, bearded Irish fella wearing green breeches and a hat. So on that aspect, then "Red Clover" actually scored some much needed points. While the creature design was rather interesting, the execution of bringing it to life on the screen was less than fortunate, because most of the time you just saw the leprechaun in glimpses, and when you do see it for a prolonged period of time, you realize that it is blatantly just a suit being worn.

The acting in the movie was adequate, but it was hard to take Billy Zane serious as a sheriff, especially when he was wearing that hipster hat of his. The movie also had the likes of William Devane and Thomas Francis Murphy on the cast list, whom were familiar faces to me, given my extensive record of watching movies.

For a horror movie then "Red Clover" didn't manage to fare all that well. There are far better horror movies readily available. Sure, "Red Clover" was watchable, but it wasn't a horror movie that stood out in any aspect.

My rating of "Red Clover" settles on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
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Leprechaun's Revenge
Scarecrow-887 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Silly nonsense about a red clover removed from the "burial" plot of an ancient creature brought over to Keening, Massacheusettes from "the old country" (Ireland) by immigrants, using its magic to attain affluence! It had slaughtered folks in the township before being put in the ground. The one accidentally responsible for its release (red-headed hottie, Courtney Halverson) didn't realize that removing the clover from the ground of a tree covered in horseshoes (kryptonite to the leprechaun) would release it. Anyway, Keening is in for a world of hurt as the creature is always hungry for gold and will kill anyone in its way. This isn't a grotesque make-up dwarf Warwick Davis this go-around, but a creature resembling something which looks to have been born from tree and dirt, with sharp claws and a misshapen appearance. Halverson is supported by Billy Zane as her father (he plays the part as tongue-in-cheek as possible) and sheriff of the town that starts to rack up quite the body count and William Devane as her fairies-and-goblins-believing alcoholic grandfather. Devane is the kind of pops who taught Halverson to hunt when she was ten and drive when she was twelve. He has been the "town kook" that everyone finds a laughingstock until the leprechaun turns out to be legit. Salverson is left standing when all is said and done, as practically everyone is dead by film's end. The reason for the absence of the mother is quite a reveal...Zane lost her during a retail store Black Friday sale! A wooden staff with four horseshoes is the weapon of choice in this absurd horror show. With only four days to re-bury the leprechaun, a clover mark on Salverson looses a "flesh leaf" on her hand each day that passes when she hasn't found the "four horseshoes" needed for the staff weapon. The plot is excremental, and the cast just accepts that, performing this whole fiasco with a wink, totally avoiding any sort of sense of seriousness. There's just no way to tell a story like this with a straight face. There's plenty of ripped flesh and bloodshed as the leprechaun goes on its killing spree. Even a princess of her town's St. Patrick's Day parade isn't safe as her golden crown serves as quite the tasty dish for the creature to *eat*. Ultimately, characters like a deputy (Azure Parsons) and her brother (Dave Davis; also Salverson's love interest) try to help stop the creature but only stand to be gutted (yep, there are intestines plucked from torsos as well) or slashed for their trouble. Salverson is nice to look at and has a toughness about her that helps the film, but vets like Devane and Zane are just what this Grade-Z horror film needs in order to not totally abandon it. When a leprechaun creature is driving a car into a news reporter of a town gossip rag, you kind of have to just throw your hands up and either accept this on its own terms or exit stage left. This is the kind of horror film where a bunch of the principle cast dies in quick succession. Don't say you haven't been warned.
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It only takes 2 muscles to pimp slap a leprechaun
one9eighty11 February 2016
I didn't expect much going into this SyFy/Dark Films produced film and I'm glad about that as I really didn't enjoy it. I'm a fan of horror and bad films but this was just dire. It's a leprechaun themed film given a modern American low budget twist which didn't work for me at all. Filmed with stereotypes and bad acting if you want something more high brow look for the Warwick Davies Leprechaun films instead. When I say bad acting I mean really bad, I wasn't a fan of Billy Zane's wooden style before this film and I think less of his abilities after watching this. If I had written down all the stereotypes I'd have expected knowing this film had a leprechaun in it before embarking on my viewing I could have played stereotype bingo and I'd have won a full house within the first half an hour; Irish themes, drunks, a red head, folklore, St Patrick's day, a four leaved clover, and green colours. The monster effects were bad, the evil menace in this looked more like a turd goblin than an eerie fairy. The camera work was poor enough to give me a headache. The transitions and edits from scene to scene tried to be Star War's like but failed outright. The sound throughout was bad, bad dubbing, inaudible conversations and a bad soundtrack. Scenes where a computer was being used did not sync with the acting and was blatantly pre- recorded. Goofs galore and a poor flow to the film. I struggled to watch this once and absolutely won't recommend this or watch it again. If somebody gifted me this film I'd beat them with a stick. Sorry Red Clover or Leprechaun's Revenge or whatever you want to call yourself, you can have 1 out of 10 and like it.
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Semi-enjoyable bit of fluff
movieman_kev18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Karen O'Hara is out in the woods with her Grandfather, when they get momentarily separated and she gets attacked by a recently resurrected leprechaun. she appears to get out unscathed so when her sheriff father (billy Zane) gives grandpa an earful for taking her to hunt, she decides to keep the slowly deteriorating mysterious mark on her hand a secret little knowing that a Leprechaun is after her.

All the major characters are.. Serviceable enough and the film eschews the more comedic elements of the much more well-known "Leprechaun" films (a series that has nothing to do with this one, by the way) Oh and Billy Zane has the most bizarrely funny monologue that comes out of left field of the film.

All in all, this film while not being anyone that special, could have been so much worse

My grade: C-
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Not bad at all
jonny-0468917 March 2015
I mean, if you're comparing this to the movies with big-time budgets and big-time stars, then yeah it's not all that great. But for a Syfy original movie, Leprechaun's Revenge is honestly pretty decent. I watched it on St. Patrick's day and I was in a good, Irish-loving mood, so maybe that helped me enjoy it. The basic Syfy movie stuff is here: cheap special effects, a weird-looking monster, some cheesy acting, but the movie also has it's positive points. The script is pretty good and I love the small towns in movies, and Keening has its own special charm. This is definitely a step above what I'd expect from a Syfy original. It seems as if the people involved actually cared to make a good product, and they mostly succeeded. I would have given this movie 8 stars out of 10, but I just had to minus one star because of the silly scene where the leprechaun hops into a car (isn't he from the 1700's? How can he drive?) and runs someone over. It was just too ridiculous to be scary, but the rest of the movie, despite some predictability, was quite enjoyable. By the way, I admit that these lower budget Syfy movies induce some sort of feeling in me that makes me want to watch and enjoy them. Who knows?
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Worst Leprechaun Themed Movie Ever
tarajones0419 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First, the story line seems to be everywhere. It doesn't really flow well at all. They jump from scene to scene with little or no connections. It was confusing and difficult to watch. The leprechaun... Oh God, where do I start? How about the thing looks more like a goblin of some kind than a leprechaun. The least they could have done was make semi human in appearance, as legend states. Or made it talk. Or really anything that would lead you to believe that it is an evil Faerie from Ireland. It looked like a terrible goblin Halloween costume from a thrift store. The acting was mediocre at best. Any college drama department could have done better. Over all, D-. I prefer the Warwick Davis Leprechaun movies.
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a real treat, IF you "get it"
traitorjoe66616 January 2014
I absolutely loved this movie! I'm a fan of "bad" horror flicks and such, but this was a genuinely good and fun flick! It's a perfect mix of horror and comedy, with some genuine startle-moments, some genuine creepiness, and some incredibly good humorous moments.

My biggest gripe was that the ending felt quite rushed and that it ended a bit too abruptly, that there was no final Climactic Showdown as I might've expected, no hand-reaching-up-from-underground-to-grab-the-heroine, no "twist" like that.

Courtney Halverson was a treat to watch, a sort of redheaded Abby Brammell, and showed a fine mix of strength and vulnerability in her character.

William Devane was great as the cantankerous (but right!) grandpa.

Billy Zane was a real treat in all his billyzanian goodness, and delivered some PERFECT humorous lines (especially about his nametag!).

The movie didn't take itself seriously. It was NOT intended to be a straight-up horror flick, but was filled to the brim with self-deprecating humor. Those who poo-pooed "Red Clover" (sorry, but that's the title that flashes on the screen in the movie that I have) obviously didn't "get it". Quips such as "It's like I'm trapped in some bad monster movie and I can't get out." are so up-front and obvious about that, I'm amazed anyone DIDN'T get it.

It's unfortunate that the somewhat abrupt and anticlimactic ending is the last you'll experience of the movie, and what you'll likely remember most, but the rest of the movie, the first 99% of it, is well worth the time spent in giving this little gem a go.

First, take the movie for what it is: a fun horror-comedy that pokes fun of itself with some biting humor. Second, don't expect the antagonist to be the Lucky Charms dood (who's creepy in his own right, granted), but more Pumpkinhead instead. Keep those two points in mind, and you should love and appreciate this flick as much as I do.
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Irish Eyes
scythertitus5 April 2016
While this cheap and cheerful monster movie isn't exactly going to be winning any academy awards it is a bunch of fun and has a good enough premise and lore to warrant another go around if they so wished.

While the effects aren't amazing it is definitely an enjoyable movie to watch and it knows when to make fun of itself while still being serious enough to have some scares and some creepiness, as well as some gory kills.

Overall I think this is a great throwaway monster movie with a solid cast and very few issues that would stop you from enjoying it if you are into cheesy horror flicks. Recommended.
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voliveri6 February 2024
Starts off great--great tension, atmosphere, characters, mystery. Somewhere along the way, it starts making mistakes. Diminishes Zane's character for no reason. Tries to introduce a romance between the protagonist that doesn't work due to poor writing and absence of chemistry. The creature doesn't quite obey the lore which introduces confusion. Deaths of prominent characters trivialized. It's as though the second half of the movie were written by someone else.

Billy Zane, William Devane, and Courtney Halverson all turn in great performances, but chemistry does not abound, particularly between Zane and the rest of the cast--then again, Zane's character, who is heroic enough throughout the film, is turned into a chump at the end for no good reason that I can see (I've mentioned it twice, so you can tell I'm sore about it--this was going to be a 5-star review but when they did that, they lost a star).

Supporting cast is also strong. I enjoyed Azure Parsons as Deputy Petterson.

It's not a bad movie, but it is disappointing. The first 30 minutes or so feel promising but that promise is not fulfilled.
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Mildly Entertaining B Movie
Michael_Elliott18 March 2012
Leprechaun's Revenge (2012)

** (out of 4)

Teenager Karen (Courtney Halverson) goes into the woods with her grandfather and she picks a red clover, which gives her the curse of the leprechaun. According to legend she will die in four days unless she can kill the creature first and thankfully her grandfather (William Devane) believes in the things but her sheriff father (Billy Zane) isn't so open minded. LEPRECHAUN'S REVENGE has no connection to the Warwick Davis series and it's pretty much what you'd expect from something on SyFy. The movie's biggest problem is that the screenplay is pretty bad from start to finish. While watching the movie it really does seem like they filmed it in order and just made things up as they went along because there are events that happen that are never really explained or mentioned anytime going forward in the movie. The ending pretty much comes out of no where and seems rather rushed and lazy. Another problem is that none of the characters are really fleshed out but I'll give this a pass since we are talking about a low-rent B movie. Those expecting a lot of gore won't be too disappointed as we get some cheap CGI gore ranging from arms being bitten off to one poor guy who gets half his face ripped off. The effects are all of the CGI type so don't expect anything too ground-breaking. The special effects in the film aren't all that impressive but I will at least give them credit for making the leprechaun look decent and original. Those expecting the short, Davis type are going to be disappointed because this one here seems more like a green Pumpkinhead more than anything else. I found Halverson to be good in the lead role as she managed to turn in a believable performance and she's quite better that what you'd expect to see from a film like this. Zane, as you'd expect, is all over the place but he's mildly entertaining. Devane pretty much delivers what you'd expect from him. LEPRECHAUN'S REVENGE isn't a good movie and it's mainly going to appeal to fans of "B" movies but I must admit that it's probably the best killer lep movie I've seen and yes I know that's not saying too much.
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The St. Patrick's Day Massacre
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Red headed chick picks the red four-leaf clover holding a demonic leprechaun captive in the woods, which curses her and frees him; he wreaks bloody havoc throughout the tiny little burg on St. Patrick's Day.

It's not as annoying as the Warwick Davis/ Leprechaun flicks, with a from-out-of-nowhere monologue by Billy Zane a bizarre highlight, while most of the rest of his dialogue, and the rest the cast, is just there taking up space.

As one character so very aptly puts it, "If this was a bad monster movie, it would kill everybody but you." In the end, the plot just kills off most everyone involved except the girl; was that line the filmmaker's way of letting the audience in on the joke, that this really is just a bad monster movie? And one wonders how the girl managed to explain all of this death and mayhem after the final scene?

I'll give it points for trying a different look for the leprechaun than we are used to, but that's not necessarily good, and almost none of the plot makes sense. Here the leprechaun looks like Pumpkinhead gone drinking and doused in green beer. The rest of the effects are quite graphic, if sometimes badly done. Odd framing has several scenes of dialogue filmed at wide angels, when close up shots were needed. Use of camera wipes and dissolves, which haven't really been seen since the 1980s, is curious; so is the constant use of brown or green filters on the camera lens.
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Made for St. Patrick's Day TV
michaelRokeefe19 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Originally titled Leprechaun's Revenge, a rushed low budget thriller. A young woman (Courtney Halverson) unaware of the town's bloody past accidentally sets free a monster leprechaun that immediately sets about killing several town's people. Her grandfather (William Devane) believes the way to kill the leprechaun is by sending it to another dimension by way of an old book that needs to be found.

Also starring: Billy Zane, Karl Herlinger, Azure Parsons and Kevin Mangold.
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From the writer of Sharknado...
el717 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...comes this silly movie about a deadly leprechaun (or Lucherpain, as the movie insists upon calling it). I'm not sure how many stars to give it. Parts of it are actually competently done, which makes the incompetent parts stand out more. The central cast are all talented and chewing the scenery like they know they should in a B movie. The Final Girl is likable and watchable, with a character arc beyond just 'look cute while running' (although she does, it's still Hollywood). William Devane and Billy Zane are delights in their roles, clearly aware of what kind of movie they're in. I'm half-convinced that Billy Zane adlibbed most of his lines, especially that speech at the end about how he lost Karen's mother. The leprechaun suit is fairly decent, but it's shown in full light far more often than it should be. Less should be more, even with a good appliance.

Most of the attack scenes in this movie are comedy gold, from set up to jump scare. The only one that was really frightening at all was not the leprechaun, but rather Karen's doppelganger showing up to deliver a macabre warning. Other baffling decisions unnecessarily undercut the effectiveness of the movie. Like, why set it in Massachusetts when you're filming in Louisiana? Why not just utilize the Yat culture already there? Then the viewer wouldn't have to keep wondering why the topography looks a little off. And why try to conflate the leprechaun with the Green Man? If you wanted the creepier visual of the Green Man, why not just use the Green Man and add a wrinkle of mistaken fey identity to the script? Then you'd have a twisty surprise to throw at viewers before the end.

These are the kind of unanswerable questions that occur to a viewer when watching a movie that might be so bad it's great. Red Clover (aka Leprechaun's Revenge) is not quite up to the spectacular awesomely bad quality of the better-known Leprechaun, but it's close enough to make it worth adding to a holiday watch party.
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A malevolent Leprechaun is on the loose
Wuchakk10 June 2024
In the town of Keening in eastern USA, a teenager (Courtney Halverson) inadvertently resurrects a creature linked to her Irish heritage while out hunting with her grandad (William Devane). They attempt to convince her skeptical father, who happens to be the sheriff (Billy Zane), as they try to figure out how to stop the murderous lil' devil.

"Red Clover" (2012) was originally titled "Leprechaun's Revenge," but it has nothing to do with the series featuring Warwick Davis. The creature here is uglier, humorless and more malevolent, ripping faces off, disemboweling victims and cutting a person in half. The scriptwriter wrote "Headless Horseman" and the contemporaneous "American Horror House," as well as directed "Sharknado" the next year. This is cut from the same TV-budget cloth.

Redhead Courtney Halverson is decent as the teen protagonist with her unique look, but she's almost anorexic looking. They needed someone who is able to keep the viewer's attention in a flick of this ilk, like Cindy Busby in "Behemoth" or Danielle C. Ryan from "Snowbeast," both of which came out a year earlier. Erin Karpluk from "Wyvern" is another good example while Joelle Westwood in "The Hunting" is a more recent one.

Yet the green-hued cinematography is welcome and I liked how the actors took the material seriously with an occasional stab at droll humor. The father's explanation for the missing mother, however, is ridiculous and leaves a bad taste, along with the ending in general.

The flick runs 1 hour, 28 minutes, and was shot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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RosanaBotafogo9 January 2021
Technical quality and special effects totally debatable, simple script, and not very attractive, even for my dubious parameters ... Very regular film, almost bad ... But at least we know Leprechaun (shoemaker), Irish legend ...
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Unrelentingly Powerful Horror Film With Uniquely Devastating Vision
dianerpessler-461644 August 2015
An utterly terrific horror film from gifted director Drew Daywaite with screenwriter Anthony C. Ferrante penning a stunning script based on leprechaun legends. The Baton Rouge locations give this motion picture a truly fresh, unique look and add to the atmosphere of unease and surrealism. While this is a terrifying film with some haunting imagery, it is also a story of human relationships, family, and greed. The characterizations by William Devane and Billy Zane are superb and it is indeed their most powerful performances in years. Azure Parsons is also especially good as a courageous deputy who is dedicated to her community. The creature itself is one of the most ghastly and shockingly frightening created for cinema in some time and it's necessary to look away at times because of the intensity of the bloody action. The climax is incredibly shattering and breathtakingly exciting. Overall, a very rewarding cinematic experience from a visionary director.
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No pot of gold at the end of this film
Mikel318 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday I was watching the SyFy Leprechaun marathon. Most of it was the silly Warwick Davis series that has grown to be a guilty pleasure with me. I enjoyed those for the most part, they have a certain silly charm to them. I tuned in now and then during the marathon. But at 9PM they premiered a new made for SyFy film called 'Leprechaun's Revenge'. Unfortunately it had nothing what-so-ever to do with the other films even though Syfy included it in the marathon making it seem it was an addition to the series. Anyway, what a piece of emerald green garbage that was. It starred Billy Zane and William Devane, two decent actors when they want to be. I can only imagine what enticed them to be in this mess, the almighty dollar most likely and lack of work. Come to think of it Zane seems to be making it a habit these days of being in bad films. It's like he deliberately chooses them.

************************** CONTAINS SPOILERS AHEAD **************************

The Leprechaun here is more like something out of the Pumpkinhead films, even being buried out in the woods till someone stupidly causes him to raise up. In this case it was by picking a red four leafed clover nearby....geesh. And part of the story seemed to be pulled from 'Drag Me to Hell' where the girl was expected to die in a few days after being cursed and started seeing things. In all fairness, the premise had some potential if it was executed properly with some degree of skill. It was the bad directing, final story and dialog that did it in. By the end of the film every one of the main characters but one was dead. And we really didn't care much when they kissed that big blarney stone in the sky either. I'm not sure the film could decide whether it wanted to be a straight out horror film with a bit of lightheartedness thrown in or a total farce not to be taken seriously in the least, either way it failed miserably. One of the dumbest scenes was when Billy Zanes character was explaining how he had lost his wife. It was in the mall shopping in a mob on black Friday that he lost his beloved wife. Some sheriff he was.

Anyway, the movie was a total waste of time. It ended abruptly as if they realized in the last ten minutes we have no where to go with this so lets just kill everyone off as a joke, some Joke.
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A fun if slightly flawed Sci-Fi Channel effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder26 April 2017
After accidentally awakening a terrifying leprechaun, a teen and her friends try to use the local legends handed down from their family's past to stop its gold-lust rampage from spreading further through their town's inhabitants intending to find the lost gold it originally hid.

This turned out to be quite an enjoyable creature feature that's actually far better than expected. What makes this one so much fun is that this one goes for a rather enjoyable creature feature here which sets this one up with plenty of exciting action here as the confrontations become quite fun. This gives it a rather nice change- of-pace as the film goes through a series of thrilling action scenes along the way here, including the opening attack in the wood where the hunting pair gets separated in the forest and allows for the introduction of the curse that carries this along. Other big scenes come from the attacks on the townspeople out in the forest here resulting in plenty of tense, thrilling shorter action encounters that makes for some generally enjoyable pacing throughout, while the stalking scenes here featuring the creature following her in the house or the encounter out on the road which gives this one some more great times. As well, there's the different extended scenes including the brewery attack on the teens, the later police hunt there that uncovers the survivors while fighting it off, the fun of the attack on the parade where it rips through the crowd and fighting with the officers to get to the creature and the big finale of the confrontation against the creature where they finally get the upper hand over it. While these are wholly fun in their own right, there's another rather impressive feat here in this one really utilizing the story and setting of the holiday to it's fullest that give off a great sense of suspense and atmosphere during these scenes as well as some nice gore scenes from the brutal kills. The other good part here is that it tends to utilize a lot of actual folklore to make it feel a little more realistic, but that factor also leads into the films' downsides. It still has problems in a rather unexplained creature that's so rooted in mythology that it's merely given the name but not much else about it. It's simply identified as such according to the legends but that's all it gets. This one also has far too much reliance on familiar plot lines and storyline points that don't have any impact or feeling behind it. From the town drunk who's actually right, the overprotective father, the lustful old-time friend who saves the day, there's a lot of these elements here which don't really come close to their intended feelings here because they're so cliché and familiar. Still, it's not altogether terrible and manages to get enough right to be really enjoyable.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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