"Star Trek: Discovery" All Is Possible (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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cttnfzddt19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The total lack of urgency despite the presence of a new and unknown galaxy level threat hovering outside the window is a yawnfest. It's like they took a holiday from important stuff and crowbarred in a "Tillyexitepisode".

So I'll try to stay awake and get through to the next ep. Here's hoping.
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My love of sci-fi and the Star Trek Universe is being tested.
CzyboutFlix9 December 2021
This episode was not good. There is a way to write Burnham's character without making her the smartest person in the room. Another subplot to this episode is driving me nuts. I don't need my Star Fleet full of PTSD woosies! This is fantasy, not reality. Yes...soldiers do suffer from PTSD. My sci-fi's do not. At least not through multiple episodes. Having Picard suffer PTSD every episode after Locutus would drive me crazy and I would just stop watching.
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A Senior Trekker writes.........................
celineduchain9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the crew members who might have been churned out of Discovery, Mary Wiseman, as lieutenant Tilly was probably the least anticipated. The hurried exit of one of the main characters at the end of this episode suggests that there may be more going on here than meets the eye. The unpopularity of this particular character amongst established Star Trek fans is legendary but, going by the production choices made so far, that fact alone should have granted her immortality.

Lt Tilly has gone off to teach at the newly re-formed Star Fleet Academy but if the panicle of her achievements is getting a group of recruits out of mortal danger by having them all pull on a rope at the same time, her team-building exercises will leave a lot to be desired. Mind you, the unresponsive expressions on their faces when she was introducing herself with her customary garbled, nervous stream of self-deprecation was a sight to behold.

Other crew members were seen in their quarters aboard ship talking about relationships and wrestling with their feelings while the two Captains were ordered to attend a vital diplomatic meeting.

Michael Burnham, of course, achieved the resolution that no-one else could have foreseen and not one but two Presidents complimented her on her negotiating skills. She got to employ one of her smirkyest expression when Captain Saru (he retains his rank although she is in charge of the ship now) was invited to a private "tea" with one of the aforementioned lady Presidents.

Doug Jones is such a skilled actor that he was able to make an interspecies romantic encounter appear sensitive and tasteful even while covered in blue latex fish scales but The Shape of Water this is NOT. His character in Star Trek Discovery is a seven foot tall insect larvae with a reptilian mouth and hooves; none but the weirdest amongst us have any curiosity about his amorous adventures.

These races are COMPLETELY FICTIONAL so no allegations of bigotry can be levelled at any of us who exclaim: No, no, no and NO! Please, please don't let's go there.
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Of course the solution is...
isabellacheng15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Burnham!

An "independent" oversight committee made up of one person: Michael Burnham!

Can this show get more ridiculous?

Of course it can:

  • Therapy sessions. More therapy sessions.

  • Team building exercises. Really cringed ones. Even during a crisis.

  • "The proximity scans show there are thousands of life-forms just outside." = Two predators.

  • Physical armor that can survive planetary impact couldn't withstand some biological creatures with octopus appendages. Remember that TNG episode where the Enterprise just sits there letting the other guy fire "laser" at her? This is what should have happened.

  • In the grand scheme of planets and atmospheric interference, walking up a small ridge affects reception.

  • Recall that one of the Tals was a Starfleet admiral. Compare that with the current one's incompetence.

  • Lightning strike causes instant formation of ice? If the melted snow re-freezes this quickly their unprotected faces should also have been frozen instantly. Lightning causes rapid gas expansion that the previously vaporized water immediately freeze? That trill's lungs would be ripped inside out by the negative pressure.

  • That ice CGI looks terrible. It's embarrassing to think some professional VFX artists made that.

  • Phasers that can instantly vaporize people 1000 years ago couldn't put a dent on some random biological creatures.

  • Tilly becoming a teacher. *mic drop*

You know this review is accurate when the mods deleted it thrice: #211209-201111-660304 #211211-112238-324004 #211213-221859-641104.
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Bye bye!
Critcher26 May 2022
This is the last episode of STD that I could bring myself to watch.

Many thanks to other reviewers who recommended The Orville. It's vastly superior to this pile of crud.

And now we have Strange New Worlds, which blows this out of the water.

So STD can keep it's blubbing and whispering. I'm amazed it's still airing.
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Star Trek: Embarassment
dusadomovine9 December 2021
It seems that "All is Possible" ---- except for a good Star Trek Story.

I can't believe this show can be so bad. Tilley "the leader" acts like she is a kindergarten class babysitter talking to the cadets in such a demeaning manner. So so silly. The Federation has proven itself to be a tyrannical organization - like communism - once in there is no way out. This is so so embarrassing how Star Trek is being Progressively Destroyed.
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Too many plot lines, not enough depth
shanaandjohn31 March 2022
Honestly if they'd stuck to a single plot line and gone deeper either of the two main stories would have worked. Instead both were interesting ideas treated simplistically. So annoying.
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I'm really trying
NinjaAnt12 December 2021
I love Trek but Discovery is testing me. Everyone is so over emotional which is becoming draining for a sci-fi show. It's hard to describe exactly what is wrong but if it's an indicator of how humanity is going then we need a quick shift of direction. The show was fairly entertaining to start with but then Burnham decided to try and fill the universe with tears and now we have Book on a season long depression. Some of the character work is unbelievable, in a bad way, as they've left us with 2d characters with nowhere to go development wise. It's all becoming tedious as this show is clearly aimed at a young market now.
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Actually pretty good
eccles3610 December 2021
Look, okay this is probably an 8/10 episode, but something needs to counter the 1/10 bombers.

Objectively a fine episode and one of the closest to classic trek Discovery has offered up yet. The two main story lines were each classic trek and both had similar themes of working together towards a common goal despite our differences.

As to the other reviews, I can't believe so many 'trek fans' cannot accept that LGBTI is totally normalised in trek-universe.

Also there are complaints that noone cares about the characters. But this is an episode filling out the characters a bit so we can relate to them better, but now because it was a bit different to what Discovery usually gives us, this is a 'filler' episode?

Anyway, ignore the naysayers. Great episode. Even Burnham wasn't quite as overbearing as usual..
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Hmm. Less dull negotiations and soaps. More sci-fi exploration/away missions.
Pimilli13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't care for the negotiations or nonsense, but the away mission on a planet, with a creature, and phasers, was kinda fun. Less Burnam centric and focus on the other characters please. Less Burnam and Less Tilly. Delve into the supporting characters. Pick some bridge crew person (like a Sulu or ensign Kim etc.) and FLESH. THEM. OUT. This show isn't just about Burnam.

Star Trek is supposed to generate awe and wonder. Star Trek is about discovery. Exploration. Science fiction. Please try to remember that and lose the soap opera nonsense. Develop characters, but in a real way. This is not the audience for Dawson's Creek or Riverdale. The giggly Tilly thing was ludicrous. Have you been in the military or any major organization? In what world, honestly, would someone like Tilly be the captain? Think guys. THINK. You're not really selling it too well.

2. Can they just have some down time. Get them off the darkness of the ship. Get them in the Grand Canyon, Albertan Wilderness. Visually it's tiresome after a while. Open it up.
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If only Star Trek fans were as inclusive as the future depicted on the show
dng7610 December 2021
Enjoying this season as I have every season of Discovery. Totally dismayed by the "fans" reactions to certain aspects of the show though. I've been a Star Trek fan for almost 40 years but if I ever felt that a show was so bad that it deserved 1 star, I'm not stupid enough to continue watching it even if it was Star Trek. Looking at a lot of the reviews, it seems that a good deal of the 1 star reviews are because of the apparent lack of straight, white men on the series which is just bizarre. Star Trek is my all time favourite franchise. The main reason for this is the positivity of a future in which the differences of race, gender, sexuality and even species are celebrated and accepted. It's sad that some people feel threatened by this.
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Better than most episodes this year
DocIndy10 December 2021
So many negative reviews...I'm not sure why.

Finally, an episode with a Tilly story and a Saru story. They are 2 out of the 5 most interesting characters in this series with Lorca, Stamets and Phillipa being the others that are interesting with multiple episodes.

Tilly is undoubtedly a character that will divide the audience. She is "bubbly" and that might well turn off some, but her enthusiasm is curiosity makes her interesting. She kind of has a Wesley Crusher vibe and I know he wasn't everybody's cup of tea.

Saru is the classic outsider looking at Trek, much like Data or Spock. He is well portrayed by Doug Jones. Admittedly he is only part of the solution and works with Michael. As many have pointed out she seems to always be the one who fixes the problem of the week. That is a weakness of the writing in this series as a whole.

The first 2 seasons had episodes that were better written and less obvious than season 3 and so far in season 4. That said I still watch because I overall like the series. Why so many continue watching and giving 1 on their reviews is not logical to this viewer!
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Watch "The Expanse"
dvd-8307811 December 2021
I watched this episode in 15 minutes. I got into practice forwarding through portions of episodes in the last season. I practically sit on the fast forward button now.

I've seen Voyager 9 times, Deep Space 9 about 5 times, Enterpise 3 times, TNG 4 times. If you need a Trek fix, watch "The Expanse." I've already seen it twice and the new season just came out.
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Utter Garbage
joncase-4846310 December 2021
Why am I watching this? Simple answer, I'm a Trekkie.

Am I glad I'm watching it? Gawd no, it is absolutely disgustingly awful. I really dislike these characters. Everyone involved in this should be ashamed that they are destroying Trek.

Thank goodness I'm watching DS9 at the moment as well. Proper Trek.
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All Is Possible
Prismark1013 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So long cadet. We hardly knew you.

If you thought Tilly taking command of Discovery was laughable. Now she is training cadets in teambuilding.

It seems Starfleet Academy has a bunch of new recruits who acted like they have never met never mind speak to each other. Maybe having someone who keeps jabbering on will do the trick.

The exercise has gone wrong as they are stranded in a L Class planet. Tilly volunteers to outrun the monsters even though others are fitter than her.

Still it was more interesting than Book trying to overcome grief or Vulcans negotiating to rejoin the Federation. It seems both sides were absent from the class when basic diplomacy was being discussed.

The main plot of the season, the Anomaly just took a back seat.
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Classic but effective episode
lmayorgas-586-72351510 December 2021
Not specially original but it had excellent production, good actors and lots of tradicional Star Trek elements (diplomacy, conflct between characters, personal growing, a crisis caused because a starship is marooned in a planet with hostile alien lifeforms).
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Finally a charter worse than Wesley
tmeranto15 December 2021
Wesley Crusher would like to thank Grey Tal for replacing him as the most useless and unlikable character in all of Star Trek. Why bring in this character when we have undeveloped bridge crew characters, most of who I can't even remember their names. I guess in the future, alpha males no longer exist.
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A Perfect Episode of Trek
discussing-trek9 December 2021
I have to say, I'm a bit flabbergasted by the other review here. This is a great episode of Star Trek. The politics of the episode harkened back to the TOS/TNG era in a strong way. The mission to train cadets in the qualities of teamwork while tackling a botched away mission was spot-on. Even seeing Culber officially take on the counselor role seemed to work really well. I'm stunned by people hating this episode, but to each his own. In my opinion, this is a perfect episode.
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Haters need to get a life.
ugothereur-548-49641710 December 2021
If you can't enjoy this series for what it is. A well made unique take on the Star Trek format, then stop watching and leave the angry, absurd hatred behind. It's not good for anyone. This show has a passion for its source material and although it is often very self consciously diverse, it should be respected.
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A trolley...Tilly leaves pulling a trolley
michielkromhout16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the character send-off deserves some sort of Important Plot for her but this was some sort of copy-paste of that VOY episode where Tuvok has to unite Maquis & Starfleet cadets. With science out the window, equipment conveniently failing and alien octupuses not multiplying.

We'll forget about Burnham being The Savior with a solution so obvious,you'd think that...well let's skip though to the exciting part where Tilly leaves (and hopefully won't return). All her belongings fit in a trolley which sort of make sense with replicators but... IT'S A TROLLEY! WITH WHEELS!! IN THE YEAR 2900 or whatever.

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Enjoying this season
jenniferleith10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved every ST series (other than TOS - couldn't get through it), and Discovery is currently my favourite. I absolutely love the storylines. Only issue with this episode would be if Mary Wiseman is leaving the series. I freaking love Tilly.
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I would say an "average" episode...
2wheelridingguy10 December 2021
It seems like everyday/mundane Starfleet tasks can become a life threatening endeavor- a lot of times. This is maybe because the rest of the time on the ship(s) is NOT very interesting. So as an audience we are shown the more interesting times (in the lives of the crew). Discovery seems to have a fair amount of dialogue-which I appreciate. I would say this episode is "good".
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How boring can it get, poor writing, acting,etc...
marcel_lambert15 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is the story of two worlds which after months of negotiation decide to scrap it because 4 four persons after a 30 second talk decide to disagree and scrap the whole thing or....this is the story of an elementary school teacher who take student from six grade on a field trip. Telling them that that you are working in team if you all pull a cable together ...yes this is the new Star Trek Discovery S4 where every conversation between the actor sounding like pillow talk. Season two was something just too much adult now it is the opposite. It is painful to watch and if this is the future, I do not want to go. They are becoming the worst Star Trek season so far.
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This was the episode where I just had to stop watching the show.
mars3750-511-85237512 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really shows how shields and sensors regularly never work in the Kurtzman universe because if they did they would actually have to write around their existence. So instead they just get ignored or bypassed easily. Its not even the first time this season that this has come up and I'm sure it wasn't the last.

Somehow the shuttle doesn't detect anything before the ship is impacted, despite this show being set 1000 years after other series. I guess sensors just aren't a thing anymore?

For some reason Tilley gives up so easily at reviving a dead crew member despite them being at a point in time where even a shuttle craft should have access to at least some actually useful life saving equipment. Because again it's 1000 years into the future.

Everything about this show and its plots feel so contrived. There is nothing logical about the characters actions and everything is about expediting the plot at the expense of the show making sense.

The characters in this show are extremely unlikeable. Everything feels very self congratulatory and superficial. This episode doesn't change that opinion for me it only reinforces it.
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Trash Trek
Internet-Police10 December 2021
This show is being trashed because it sucks. It has nothing to do with the actors on the show...it has everything to do with the writing and directing.

If this was a good show we wouldn't care what their color was or their sexuality. That shouldn't be the forefront of the show...it should not be driving the narrative but here we are.

Any one who says the people that downvote this are snowflakes doesn't know their Star Trek. One of the most beloved ST series was DS9 - lead was a black man...amazing actor and well loved.

Star Trek TNG had Worf - a favorite on the series who also was black.

Star trek always had diversity but if every episode was woke garbage it wouldn't of survived 60 years ...or even one season.

Star Trek Enterprise was 1000x better than this trash and got cancelled after 4 seasons. Why is this still being aired?
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