Spiritual Warriors (2007) Poster

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Utterly incoherent
capnhairdo5 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think I've walked out of maybe two films in my life. This was the second one. Though I am very interested in new age spirituality, I'm not sure how so many people found this film to be enlightening...I have to think they're the new age equivalent of those wide-eyed faithful Christians who claim to see the Virgin Mary when the light bounces off of a stained glass window just the right way. Enthralled by bright shiny objects with even the slightest whiff of spirituality, in other words.

There were probably some philosophical gems in here somewhere, but they were completely obliterated by incoherent, tortured plot, schizophrenic jump cuts (sometimes a dozen in a single monologue) and constant, gratuitous special effects, which were a mash-up of scenes from The Mummy and Lord of the Rings mixed with every clichéd new age symbolism you can think of, without any explanation of relevance. Within the first five minutes, the main character has met his spiritual master/father from another life and started having unexplained flashbacks on heroic previous lives in Atlantis, medieval castles, Petra, etc. The next hour adds little to that but changes of geographical location. Robert Easton plays the all-knowing Don Juan-esquire spiritual teacher, but with little originality or endearing qualities, and most of his attempts at cheekiness fall flat (especially his impersonation of John Wayne). Jsu Garcia, our hero, contributes the only decent acting, but the film offers little opportunity for him to develop his character or for us to sympathize with him.

Perhaps this isn't the movie-maker's fault...perhaps new age spirituality just doesn't translate well to the screen. At least I have yet to see it done. In this case, the spiritual journey seems modeled on an Indiana Jones film, complete with exotic locales and similar maps denoting air travel, but lacking any intrigue, suspense, intelligible plot, intelligent historical background or charismatic heroes.

I volunteer to show documentary and spiritual films in my community, and I think I have quite a bit of patience and sympathy towards independent, low-budget, artistic and alternative films. This was all of those except artistic, but the result was painful to watch. The director, actors and John-Roger, the guru who wrote this film, were all present at this premiere and scheduled to speak afterwards. But after an hour of enduring their film, I decided I had little interest in sticking around to hear what they had to say.
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An abomination of what you would call "a film".
jamesmsandin23 April 2010
To begin with, this film was shot with a less than capable eye for film-making. It felt like it was made by a ten year old with a flip camera. The plot, if you can call it that, is loaded with holes and what most would call an unwatchable film. Spiritual Warriors is a spiritual mess. The only saving grace of the film was when it finished. It's one of those films that you don't even want to watch the credits role. You really just want to role the DVD down the street. I am truly amazed and dumbfounded at all of the positive comments posted on this film. It leads me to believe that they were written by the same persons, perhaps the same crack smoking clowns involved in making this "film". It's an offense to other movies to call it a film. For this review's sake we'll call it "the mess"

To break it down, one review was accurate when it said it jumped from one monologue to another within one scene while causing the watcher utter confusion and discomfort with its bad special effects and even worse writing.

Just because a filmmaker(s) is spiritual, and wants to deal with the beliefs of certain individuals, it doesn't mean that they should go out and attempt to make a movie out of it. I'm spiritual but I'm not going to crucify a bunch of people by making them sit through a terrible mess of this "mess".

In short this mess/film doesn't even deserve a shelf life at your local video store. A message to all wanting to watch Spiritual Warriors: Don't! Go out and help out at your local shelter or perhaps an older retirement community. Trust me. You'll get more out of it. And a message to the "filmmaker(s)": This film should serve as a reminder and a firm example. Just because you want to do something doesn't mean you should attempt to do it. Fimmaking is an art. It takes an artist. Sprituality is beautiful. It takes beauty. But Spiritual Warriors manages to strip both of these timeless things down in only 100 minutes.

PS - to the filmmaker(s) of Spiritual Warriors. You're not a warrior. You're a little toy soldier who should put down the flip camera and pick up The Godfather.
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True-to-life experiences of Soul Transcendence.
carol-3003 October 2006
This movie depicts a true to Life experience of Soul Transcendence. If you are seeking a spiritual path that considers your highest good at this time in your evolution as a soul, this movie is for you. The spiritual teacher in this movie speaks from the heart. The teachings are universal and available to anyone looking for them. The movie portrays the inner life accurately from my experience, and gives us a glimpse of the infinite love, guidance, wisdom, and compassion of Spirit. Through this movie, we have the opportunity to look at our own inner life and approach the world and ourselves with acceptance, unconditional loving, cooperation with what is, and understanding. It's a must-see.
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The best independent film I've ever seen period.
justinj-33 October 2006
This movie hit on a truth that rang so deep in me there aren't really words to do it justice. It was really my favorite kind of movie. It was entertaining, had a great story, and was pretty fast paced. In addition I left the theater feeling uplifted, joyful and deeply moved thru having the experience of viewing this movie. I loved it. I'd give it 10 out of 10 and gladly see it again. I had actually recently seen the movie based on Dan Millman's book "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and loved that film. I went into Spiritual Warriors thinking there wasn't much chance it would be as good as "Way of the Peaceful Warrior". However, I left the movie in complete awe of how it kind of started at the point where "Peaceful Warrior" left off and just took it way beyond. Great movie all the way around. (Both are actually)
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Entertaining Fun and Full of Spirit
europam23 September 2006
To all thanks & to Jsu Garcia and John-Roger for bringing us this enjoyable film. I had the opportunity to bring both family and friends to a viewing and they all enjoyed it. The common theme/comment everyone had was that they could feel the heart of the movie and that their hearts felt warmed by the story. We all loved the pace and action and those newer to spiritual themes enjoyed seeing that explored. All loved the little boy in the film, and were touched by his part. It was great to experience Jsu Garcia after the viewing, its not often you get a meet greet and hug from a star! We all noticed that after the film people spoke more openly to each other and wanted to share what their experience was. The children in the audience loved the movie also, it really holds something for everyone. Thanks to Robert Easton his performance touched and warmed my heart. Good luck to all in bringing this movie to wider venue showing!.
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Spiritually Moving!
EspritBD5 October 2006
Very few movies have the ability to move you in a deep way. This is one of those movies. Its not another Hollywood throw away movie, this one is unique and you never know where its taking you next. Its a movie you'll think about long after you've left the theater. Its full of a lot of hidden meanings and symbolism that touches into deep mysteries. Filmed on location in Egypt,Syria,Jordan and many ancient sites, the present and the past are woven into a story line that has more then one meaning. Past lifetimes that are impacting the present also get woven into the storyline. Its the type of movie that is even better on the second or third showing, as you "catch" more of the hidden meanings. If you're like me and you're tired of the same old movies and story lines of most movies today, then you might find this a refreshing change. If you go, do yourself a favor and see it more then once.
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An independent film, a different take on a man's spiritual quest--and training, and a few things he learned along the way.
kg-604 October 2006
This movie was thought-provoking. It was different. It was powerful. It's refreshing to see a different take on archetypal images. It's one of those movies I thought about for days later. Some of the special effects had an effect--on me. Thought-provoking images. Some were expansive. Some were just wow--in subtle ways. One image toward the end of the movie (I won't give it away) was worth the whole film. I liked the practical, subtle humor of the Roger character, little subtle things that made me chuckle (and make me think) about funny human behaviors, and that balanced out the other dramas taking place in the story. Some of the flash-back scenes were powerful to watch and got me thinking. I loved the way the Roger character was portrayed, his gentleness, peacefulness--and his down to earth humor! I liked the way some spiritual truths, posed loosely in the film, was developed in a "real" story with "real" people working it--or attempting to work it out. One pretty basic psychological truth most people have probably heard before jumped out to me. I saw something differently. In the end, I'd have to say my favorite scenes were some of the special effect images and the down-to-earth Roger character!
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"Spiritual Warriors": A Review     By Enrique Encinosa
henryv-223 September 2006
Independent filmmakers are eternal optimists. They start with an idea, develop a plot, create a script, beg, borrow or bury themselves in debt to translate words into images, sweat through casting, assembling a crew, shooting schedules and editing the raw material into a finished product.   Once their personal vision is completed, the independent filmmakers beg some more, knock on doors and try to find a distributor that shares their dream or at least, is willing to gamble on the financial success of their creation.   In the end, reality slaps the filmmaker in the chin. Most independent projects are hampered by amateur script writers, mediocre acting, inexperienced directing and poor camera work. Great visions become predictable mediocrities.   Yet, every so often, the charcoal does become the diamond, glittering, beautiful, the images on screen telling a worthwhile story that makes the viewer think that this particular filmmaker has managed to bare his soul and reach his audience.   "Spiritual Warriors" is such a film, a low budget diamond with a high carat profile. The plot tells the story of Finn, a street wise, unknown actor who makes a living delivering cocaine for a drug dealer until he bumps into a strange, mystical character –Roger- who has the appearance of a refugee from the original Woodstock, a Santa Claus type beachcomber who seems to be functioning at a metaphysical level in a realm between quaint charm and perplexing intrusion as he chats away in a variety of accents that includes British, Pakistani and regular English with John Wayne imitations.   So begins a journey that takes mentor and student from every day reality to faraway lands of pyramids and special effect visions that range from Freemason symbolism to past lives of ancient reincarnations. There is a dose of Atlantis thrown in and an epic final struggle between the shallow actor transformed into a hero and an evil entity representing the dark forces that dwell around us and within us.   "Spiritual Warriors" is not moronic, spoon fed entertainment, but a film that makes the viewer think. As Finn talks to a psychiatrist, one wonders if the actor is living a real epic quest or whether the demons, reincarnations and events are a figment of delusional schizophrenia enhanced by too many powdered toots from the bags he has delivered for the tough looking mobster.   Yet, it matters not what the reality of Finn's real world is, for this is a movie about awareness of self, about grasping one's inner identity, identifying the core of the individual soul that makes each of us unique. It is not precisely a religious movie, for it dwells into several levels of religious consciousness, from the Hindu reincarnation to Christian symbolisms, perhaps seeking to identify the concept of God as a totality of the whole, rather than labeling it into a single definition.   The movie –still seeking one of those elusive bean counters known as distributors- works because it is the end product of seasoned professionals who have years of experience in the film industry.   Jsu Garcia who plays Finn with likable panache is also the co-author of the script and co- producer of the film. Garcia is a veteran actor with over fifty film credits. He was Captain Nadal in the Mel Gibson film "We Were Soldiers," Roman in "Collateral Damage," Pablo Obregon in "Traffic," Javier in "Along Came Polly" and gained praised for his portrayal of guerrilla leader Che Guevara in Andy Garcia's "Lost City."  He has honed his craft working with some of the top directors in the trade, including Francis Ford Coppola.   Garcia is the production and co-scriptwriting partner of John-Roger, an author, philosopher and founder of the Movement of Spiritual Awareness, an organization created in 1968, in which the actor has been involved for over two decades. "Spiritual Warriors" is their first feature film collaboration.   The part of Roger -Finn's mentor- is portrayed by Roger Easton, one of the top voice coaches in the movie industry, a solid performer with over one hundred film credits in his resume in a career stretching six decades. His spiritual guru is a likable, fascinating character.   The film, loaded with very good special effects in spite of its modest –less than a million dollar- budget was shot in high definition by Evan Nesbitt, a craftsman, with impressive location scenes shot in Jordan, Syria and Egypt.   If the movie has a minor flaw –as all films do- is the occasional, unnecessary use of a narrator to read a thought flashed on screen as well as one or two scenes that could be edited shorter, although the editing is first rate and the transition between scenes is very well executed.     Other members of the cast include veteran actors Christopher Atkins, Leigh Taylor-Young, Shyla Cruize and acting coach Howard Fine playing himself.   ========================================================= ==. Enrique Encinosa, an on air personality for Univision Radio in Miami, is the author of six books and four documentary scripts. ========================================================= =.
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great package
pylon_email4 October 2006
Gives valuable lessons in a very entertaining way. Some spiritual movies are dry and preachy. This one has a clear message about how to live a more fulfilling life, yet it is presented in a way that is accessible to a wide audience. Elements of humor, drama, adventure -- it has it all. For my taste, a few too many visual special effects, but that may be what's needed to keep the video-game generation interested. Look at "Huck Finn" -- hardly the king's English, but Twain's style made it more broadly appealing, which helped to expose the important themes to a wider audience. This movie has a refreshing new perspective, especially these days when so many other "new" movies are actually thoughtless remakes. Looking forward to more from this crew.
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Spiritual growth with a lot of action and visuals
corinnekidd28 April 2008
This is a remarkable movie done on a very low budget with a lot of special effects. I was drawn into the dynamics of the character Finn as he grappled with his current life situation, (cops are involved) and how it tied into past lifetimes.

I appreciated the development of his character after he connected with "Roger" a wise man who assisted him in looking inward - lots of action and travels to Egypt add to the adventure of this ride into having a greater perspective of what are we doing here while we're on planet earth. A lot packed into this movie. I saw it twice and could do so again to pick up more of what went on.
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AWESOME MOVIE, want to see it again and again and again!
hsb-101 May 2008
I saw this movie in October 2007 and have been thinking about it ever since. I loved it! It really shook me up in places (in a good way, it truly jolted me). I found it shocking some of the action, the repeated past life images really jolted me like some kind of Universal Psychic Nudge. I loved Finn the character, he seemed so ordinary - so very human, like anybody, so ordinary and extraordinary at the same time. Very scary scenes about illusion and the dark side. I loved the special effects about his spiritual experiences, hmmmm. I found it amazing how this action-packed movie also had humor, kindness, and I loved how Finn opened up to us through his psychiatrist (reminded me of the Sopranos). There were very subtle teachings of spirituality gently woven into it, not preachy at all, instead, handsome actors, dramatic story-line, fast women, true good versus evil, great film. After I saw it, I couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks, and have wanted to see it again ever since (over half a year) I want to see it on the big screen again, soon. Highly recommended!
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An engaging spiritual journey with memorable scenes
ziania0220 June 2006
Spiritual Warriors is captivating, exciting, engaging, inspiring, and moving. It is a film that you will want to follow all the way through, and will not want to visit the lieu. One must see everything at least the first time through so you can receive the full impact of what this film offers. I found it thought provoking, and it left me feeling good all night after seeing it the first time. After the third screening I realized that each time I saw it was a different experience. Yet, it was always exciting. The sound, cinematography, special effects, costumes, acting are the best. It's real. I recommend it as many times as you can see it. I took guests that are still talking about it, and ready to see it again. It's got the big BUZZZZ. Ten Thumbs Up!!
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Espiritual warrior.
bdmoreno22 September 2006
This movie is super , profound and simple , the script is a masterpiece is uplifting,and enjoyable. I saw the movie twice and in my second assistance to the movie I was impact for the details and the message . The characters are really rich and well define. The edition works well and the sound is amazing for a movie with a "low budget" . Roger is such a lovely guy in the movie; it is a ordinary man connected to is hearth and send a message of unity in Love . I love the production and the philosophical proposal in the movie yo can chose live under the grace an work like a Spiritual Warrior choosing the love and the light in every situation.

I am waiting the second Part !
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Heart-provoking, deep, action packed, a blessing
lbsmithster23 September 2006
Thank you so much for all who worked on this film. I'm amazed at the high quality special effects and picture quality for an independent film. This movie has everything - "war," romance, spirit, humor, and more. The locations are amazing, there is action from start to finish, and the lessons are universal. Lessons in the film, especially from Roger, were things I know, but forgot. The Spiritual Warrior represents the struggle within each of us, between doing what we know or choosing what feels good. I've seen this movie three times, and each time I am moved differently. It has a way of revealing my consciousness and unveiling the depth of me as a soul, not just a body. I would highly recommend this film. Cheryl.
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I really loved this movie and want to see it again
sheila-j2 September 2007
I saw this movie today for the first time, and I found it so different to any other I've seen. It was funny, moving and had some great ideas. The acting was good - the quality of cast was amazing for a low-budget film - and there was plenty of humour if you like taking a sideways look at things, as I do. Jsu Garcia's performance was outstanding. He conveyed the changes his character was going through very clearly. The effects were fantastic. I'd seen the trailer and thought they might be a bit tacky, but they blended together with the live action so well that I was completely hooked. This level of CGI isn't unusual, but I've never seen done so well for this sort of story. I particularly liked the lack of any preaching, and the way different points of view were expressed - it's not a dogmatic film. The plot was deceptively simple, and I was moved to tears a number of times with the ups and downs of the characters' lives and events. I'm still absorbing what I've seen, and I know I'll get more out of it each time I see it, so roll on the next screening in the UK. Thanks for making this one, guys.
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Must see for all Spiritual thinkers
maryann-4222 September 2006
I have seen this movie twice and it has worked deeply within my consciousness both times. I had dreams, got inspired and was uplifted. I get the sense that this movie is a lesson about how to lift myself into action as a Spiritual Warrior and the story was teaching me ways of internal action that I am only now becoming aware of. I found the message to be exciting but also comforting because it provides (for me) information about how to handle my life in the next several years. It was so moving for me that I have made the teachings primary in my focus for directing my life, my business and my general spiritual direction. I would like to really study this movie. I can't wait for it to become more available so I can view it repeatedly.
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A must see for anyone walking a path to higher consciousness.
barumundi22 September 2006
Spiritual Warriors is an insightful and magical film that reaches deep within the consciousness on many levels. For those who ever wondered where true goodness lies, or questioned the strength of heart needed to transform a life, and truly conquer the world, watch this film closely. Hidden between the lines of modern film-making (which is beautiful to behold) is the story of a man's discovery of his own heart, awakening to Spiritual consciousness, and the loving, which is in all things.

Howard Thurman wrote, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

For those who are on a journey of awakening, and coming alive, Spiritual Warriors is a major step forward.
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A true adventure and mystery movie.
lstjo130 September 2006
This movie was unique and inspiring. You'll have all you senses tickled including the ones you don't consciously know about, as it takes you on that other dimension journey. "Spiritual Warriors" was so different, I loved it and wished we had more of these kind of movies. So many movies insult the intelligence, but this movie stimulated my brain waves in a most pleasant way. I was drawn in to the plot, with no way of predicting the twists and turns, but enjoying the roller coaster ride of true inner adventure on this physical plane. The second time I went to see "Spiritual Warriors" I found more depth and appreciated the move even more. Hats off to all the super creative people involved! Give us a sequel.
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