Wanna Be's (Video 1986) Poster

(1986 Video)

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Sic Coyote15 January 2003
I just watched this after winning it on ebay, it's really quite good! I thought that the action was good and consistent and the plot was cool. One thing I did find was it was crying out for a video game tie-in it would work so well. The film was well paced throughout although it seemed it was rushing itself towards the end. On the whole a good work of anime.
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WWF Anime style
Blueghost12 January 2017
I saw this thing one (maybe twice) and didn't think too much of it. Marketed at the Japanese pre-teen and teenage boy demographic, like a lot of anime with strong female characters, this piece shows a couple of girls taking on the rolls of professional fighters.

The plot, from what I can remember, was the typical protagonist meets antagonist, gets beaten by said antagonist, and and then comes roaring back to beat the antagonist in the end. I think there may have been some subplot somewhere, but the story primarily focuses on the two girls trying to find their niche in the world of televised martial arts.

Forgettable. Maybe see it once if your an anime fan / enthusiast.
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