Everybody's Famous! (2000) Poster

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Sweet, silly, delightful and surprisingly tight!
Rrroza24 July 2001
I was in a very down mood when I went out, and this film turned me right around! Sweet and silly, (but not cloying or obviously sentimental) this film is very-well built beneath its light profile. I'm very impressed with the many decisions that must have been made to result in a film this subtle, well-balanced and delightful. Plot and characters seemed familiar at first but the film almost immediately distinguished itself with well-observed, small details of character and setting; unexpected and delightfully absurd plot twists; and the excellent, natural performances by all. All the characters had charm and a subtle full-dimensionality that's particularly refreshing these days in comedies... from the central family members --Father, Marva, Mother-- down to even the smallest roles that function like seasoning (like the bartender, and the stone-faced assistant to debbie's manager.) Characters that might have been left as stereotypes in other films (like Willy, Debbie, and her manager) surprised me with more complex -- but still believable -- behavior later in the story. Unobtrusive editing and appropriately bright/naturalistic visual aesthetic and cinematography make for an easy, pleasurable viewing experience that has left me with plenty to replay in my mind. US viewers who haven't traveled in Europe may not "get" the pop-music industry/TV details portrayed, and I'm sure there are cultural in-jokes that I missed, but I was never less than fascinated from start to finish.
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An amusing romp
debirobson29 May 2001
I saw this at the Seattle International Film Festival with subtitles. Anyone that has seen "The Full Monty" will recognize themes here.

1. Industry screws over the worker. 2. Worker hatches wacky scheme to redeem himself and save his family and hopefully make lots of money. 3. Worker recruits hapless former co-worker to help with the wacky scheme.

The new twist is that the father is obsessed with his daughter becoming a singing star. To this end, he kidnaps Belgium's top pop star and as ransom demands that his new song be performed on National TV, preferably with his daughter singing it.

It's a fluffy piece but thoroughly enjoyable. Just like "The Full Monty" you're cheering for everyone in the end.
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who's loving retro disco glam trash? we do!
beat17 July 2001
... but of course it's much more than that. it's a story about family, love, and the media. and even if you think this sounds pretty horrible, it must be said that all these topics are treated in a very unique way. everything's over the top, certainly, but one still believes the characters, their problems, the way things get out of control. even though the freddie mercury impersonator really must be from another planet... the whole design of the film might be reminiscent of movies like muriel's wedding (you know the deal: ugly people + glitter= everyone is special), but it still has a soul of its own.

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Didier-Becu25 October 2003
"Iedereen beroemd" isn't Deruddere's best movie (check out "Crazy love" to see that) but it was nominated for an Oscar and that already is a great historyfact in Belgian moviemaking. Deruddere is the sort of leading new wave directors over here as since decades most Belgian movies are just adaptions from old Belgian novels but with this movie Dominique can claim that he reached the brilliance of Ken Loach... What we get here is laughing with the common people... A simple father (superbly played by Josse De Pauw) believes in his overweighted daughter that one day she will be famous (the girl cant sing and at local contests she tries to imitate Madonna). We all see it's a lost case till Jean (Josse De Pauw) decides to kidnap Belgium's most fave singer...he asks no money but the manager must write a hittune for his daughter... Hilarious at times, unbelievable at others but this is great to see.
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Everybody's in showbiz,everybody's a star .(Ray Davis)
dbdumonteil14 July 2005
The beginning promised great things .The dream of the father ,a working-class man ,to make his daughter a star ,what a good subject for a movie!There are plenty of good scenes:the song contest where the "singers " ape Madonna or Jackson and where the Otis Redding "double", with his "black" face ,takes the biscuit;the less-than-attractive fat daughter dreaming in her room;the kidnapping which increases Debbie's sales who has sold more now than Presley ,Jackson and the Beatles put together(sic).

Unfortunately,as soon as the star falls his love with her abductor,it's the beginning of the end:the script gets bogged down in clichés.The attack of the medias has been seen a thousand times or more .Finally ,what could have been a ferocious satire of the showbiz world becomes its glorification.Nothing is spared the viewer,even the ugly-duckling-turned-into-a-swan umpteenth version.Oh unlucky Manuelo!
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great satire gives 'losers' glance at stardom
charbrom27 March 2001
In this very subtle satire 'losers' get a glance at stardom. And it's the way director Deruddere portrays them, that they stay authentic and win your sympathy, rather than empathy. Father (De Pauw), your average hard-working factory man, is so obsessed with the singing career of his not so talented daughter (named after Marva, a famous Belgian singing icon) that, after he's been put out of his job, he decides to kidnap a famous Belgian singer to get the attention of her manager. He wants fame, she wants it too, but doesn't know what she's in for. After the kidnapping has taken place a great satire unfolds that stays entertaining till the end, without getting absurd (well just a little). A very enjoyable little film that deserves a bigger audience than it got.
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A bit predictable, but honest and well-done
PeterJackson18 March 2000
This film is certainly one of the better Flemish movies. Usually, I'm not really into this sort of films, because the dialogue is mostly silly, the pronunciation poorly done and because these films have always got the same idiotic story. But, as I said, this film succeeds in being ahead of the others in the feel-good department. Actually, the story is pretty weird, yet it looks like we've seen a lot of this before. It's also sad in a certain way, while it's actually more of a comedy with a feel-good factor of 9. Th story centers around Jean, a middle-aged factory worker. He wants the best for his family and especially for his daughter, Marva.(named after a famous Flemish singer from years ago) Jean is working hard to promote his daughter's singing career. A bit of a problem on the way is that, although she has a great voice, she's also a bit overweight to say the least. After some pretty hilarious failures at singing contests, Jean also loses his job. Thinking of what to tell his wife and daughter, his car breaks down... Then, it seems like things could take a turn for Jean when Debbie, a famous singer in the Lowlands, comes to help him with his car. He sees this as a great opportunity to finally change things around and kidnaps her, with some (unwilling)help of a co-worker, his best friend Willy, a sweet yet naive young man. Eventually, it gets too much to handle for the two of them and it turns into a media-circus.

The film certainly has a flow, some good laughs and some very good actors, which is rare in Flanders. Josse De Pauw is excellent as the good-natured father, who gets in over his head. Werner De Smedt is surprisingly good as well as a simple, good-natured guy who's drawn into this affair by Jean against his will. They have some great scenes. The rest of the cast is also pretty good, especially the daughter, Marva, who has a great voice. The major criticism however is that we've seen this all before, maybe slightly different. The ending too can be easily predicted and there are some dull moments in the story.

But this certainly is a nice film, not a masterpiece, but certainly worth a look. It's nice to see that there can also be Flemish movies of this kind. This film is certainly no less than an American or British movie of the same type. But IEDEREEN BEROEMD!(Everyone Famous!)has got a heart. It's an honest film about simple people who try to make the best of their lives and sometimes do extraordinary things in order to achieve this. The film got excellent reviews in a sneak preview(where I saw it)and in a press screening, which is not very common for a Flemish movie. The reactions may be a bit too enthusiastic, but show that people had fun watching this film and are proud of it too. In my opinion it ought to be given a chance, you won't regret it. 7/10
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A very fun little film
janefondafan30 December 2002
This film was reccomended to me by some Belgian people I talk to on the net, they said it was one of the best to come out of their country so I decided to check it out. All in all, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It's not entirely original, but what it lacks in originality, it makes up for with it's ability to charm and entertain. I don't want to give away too much of it, but the story mainly revolves around fame and the desire to achieve it. Of course, it's always much harder for some, more so than others; mainly those who aren't blessed with the looks, or all of the talent. "Everybody's Famous" is one of those rare, truly "feel good" films that don't come around too often. Hollywood often tries to make films like this, but often fall flat by making it too cutesy. One thing I don't understand about this movie is how it ever got rated "R"... were the ratings board members drunk or asleep the day they rated this movie? There's no bad language in it, and only a brief amount of (non-explicit) nudity. So, if you're wondering if it's appropriate for the younger crowd, I would definately reccomend it for them; it should've been rated PG-13. The bottom line is, if you appreciate charming, feel-good flicks about the various struggles in life, then you'll love this. It was also nice to see that this film was nominated for an Academy Award in 2001 (Best Foreign Language Film).
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A gem
=G=14 September 2003
"Everybody's Famous" tells of a middle-age Belgian(?) father who wants see his overweight wannabe singer daughter become a celebrity/success and takes desperate measures to make that happen when he loses his job. The result is a warm hearted comedy romp which delivers more fun and sentimental bang for the buck than most films as it deftly builds to a dramatic crescendo and a feel good conclusion which just might leave you with a smile on your face and a tear in your eye. An Oscar nominated, critic befuddling, audience pleaser, "Everybody's Famous" should be a fun watch for anyone who doesn't mind a little corn with their subtitles. Turn brain off before watching and enjoy. (B)
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Belgian Cinema: it exists.
Seeker-1116 March 2000
When I saw this movie in avant-première, I had never heard of it before. But it soon swept me away. At first the story develops a bit like a Flemish version of "The Commitments" or "The Full Monty", but soon, the plot thickens. The second half of the movie is a great mix of action, TV-coverage of this action and comments on this coverage that can rival with "Natural Born Killers". When leaving the theater you know that news doesn't happen, it's made by the media and big producers.

All the while, there is still more than enough room for good character-development and humor. And by avoiding situations which are too Belgian or Dutch to be understood by others, the story can be fully enjoyed by everybody, making this a production that isn't dwarfed by big international productions.
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Just Doesn't Stand Out...
EdYerkeRobins29 January 2002
"Everybody's Famous" is such a frustrating movie to review, because parts of it are very charming, but on the whole it is very average, with an unoriginal plot and good (but not great) acting.

The plot, concerning the kidnapping of a pop singer by a distraught father in the hope of getting a famous record producer to make his daughter a celebrity, isn't exactly original in nature nor how its carried out in this picture. Even the plan going awry and the eventual "hilarity" surrounding the resolution can all be easily predicted from the film's onset.

To go with the plot being rather humdrum, the performances are nothing to write home about either. Granted, I'm not the greatest judge since it's a foreign film and I don't speak the language, but through presentation of gestures, tone, and style, the actors have their moments and are cast well, but most of the time don't stand out. It's great, however, to see that the daughter is played by a heavy-set actress (not some supermodel), and that her weight is not a subject of fat jokes in the film, which it may have been were this an American release. It still plays into the film to small degrees, but its not the focus. There are also moments where the father shines, though these are brief; for most of the film, he is someone who really means well, but is simply too unlikable to root for.

Perhaps part of why the film is so blatantly average is that there really wasn't any time to take risks or do anything special; like many 90-minute films, the story is so compacted that as soon as it gets interesting its over. With a story like this that isn't very inspired, however, this is a good thing, as it prevents it from getting stale, which it starts to become during the last 10 minutes and the ending. The short length also benefits the film because it must have lost something in the translation; for something that's billed as a comedy, its not really that funny.

Although the film has so much going against it, it has a few moments that, though there is absolutely nothing new being presented at all, have a certain indescribable charm. It also features a great original pop tune that is quite catchy, even if only the chorus is in English. "Everybody's Famous" isn't a great film, but, as long as you're not expecting anything new, it's worth a rental.
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Very touching!
maniac-3229 July 2001
Dominique Deruddere has managed to uncover the flemish spirit with 'Iedereen beroemd!'. The actors do a great job and the story is very touching. 'Iedereen beroemd!' ranks very high among my all-time favorite belgian movies! a must-see for anyone who is in the mood for a charming tale of the love between a father and a daughter and the dreams they both have. Simply brilliant!
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One of the better Flemish movies!
labonga11 December 2001
When I was going to see the film for the first time I was very excited. Because the Belgian Press was talking only good about the movie, an with the Academy Award Nomination and so I went to the video shop... Maybe it was a bit disappointing, but certainly one of the better Flemish movie. The movie has a funny and amusing story, the acting by Josse de Pauw and Eva van der Gucht was not bad, but not great. But Dominique did a good job, I hope he makes more movies of this kind. For the people of Belgium, don't miss this movie!
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Another pointless effort to make us laugh.
lucaseveraert29 November 2003
'Iedereen Beroemd' has everything we can expect from a straight to video-movie. It's the story about a man who believes his daughter could be a star. The only thing he needs is to get her on stage, surrounded by cameras and reporters. A simple plan for which he has to kidnap and do some blackmail. The problem with the movie is not the basic plot, but how it is made. Everything is supposed to be funny, but it isn't. It is trivial and clumsy, the characters are shallow, and the end-sequence is totally without climax or emotion. The last sequence is probably the only scene where you feel like laughing, but only at how pathetic the whole set-up is.
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What happens when you combine idiocy and desperation? A very funny movie thats what!
Geek4Life20 July 2001
This movie reminded me of The Dinner Game crossed with The Castle. On one hand it had the audience laughing at the characters but on the other feeling sorry for them. Any movie that can achieve both of these things with such ease is a very good movie. The story is very well thought out and executed. And last but not least, to top it all off, Melbourne, Australia gets a mention! To quote the MIFF guide "Go see the real deal before Hollywood rips it off."
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Off beat comedy
billcr1211 May 2012
Everybody Famous is a quirky dutch black comedy in which Marva, a seventeen year old girl, regularly enters talent contests as a singer and loses. Her father, Jean, loses his job and then dedicates his free time to coming up with a plan to make his daughter a star. One day, he happens upon a broken down car, and when he offers to help, discovers that the driver is a the biggest singer in the country, a beautiful girl named Debbie. He decides to kidnap her.

Jean follows through with his abduction of Debbie, but the news of her disappearance causes her record sales to skyrocket. This gives her manager the idea to work out a deal with Jean to keep his star in the headlines. Jean is an aspiring songwriter and so he agrees to compose some songs for Debbie and to have his daughter Marva appear on national television. She has no talent, is overweight, and unattractive, but her father perseveres in the quest for stardom. The result is an off beat satire that works.
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Lucky us
diand_8 July 2005
A wise choice in Iedereen beroemd! / Everybody Famous! is to change the focus of the story at the right moment. In this way multiple angles to the story are told one by one. It starts out as an obsessed father who wants his daughter to become famous and succeed in singing contests. We've seen this before for example in Les convoyeurs attendent / The carriers are waiting, another lovely Belgian movie about an obsessed father. Then the story changes to kidnapping a famous star to get things done (see the King of Comedy). Halfway it changes once again in an indictment of the media (15 minutes or Natural Born Killers, but no violence here). It ends with saying something about our obsession with fame (Where the truth lies is an upcoming movie about that). All these story lines are interwoven in the ending.

The irony here of course that all crimes are forgotten, all friendships restored, all doubts set aside once the goal of stardom has been reached. The indictment against the media is vicious and among the best parts: The news-station has almost every fact wrong, blows everything out of proportion and is not afraid to make the news themselves.

Editing is a problem here. Too many redundant scenes diminish the impact. Especially in the beginning it moves too slow and is not well paced.

This is satire, a difficult genre in movies, reasonably done. The end song is a self-referential element and summarizes the whole movie.
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When Will I Be Loved
valis194910 October 2010
EVERYBODY'S FAMOUS is a somewhat amusing contemporary fable rather than an engaging comedic work. Unfortunately, in today's political climate, nobody would be given a pass for kidnapping regardless of their motivations, and more than likely they would be facing charges of international terrorism or something equally dire. I noticed that this film has been compared to THE KING OF COMEDY, but it's not even in the same ballpark. Although the story-lines are similar, it would be like saying the Dodge Caliber and the Dodge Spider are more or less the same because they are both automobiles produced by the same company. Dominique Deruddere's earlier film, CRAZY LOVE, was a multifaceted, serious work, whereas EVERYBODY'S FAMOUS is no more than a mild diversion.
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Nice and charming movie about casual people
DjiM00728 January 2001
"Everybody becomes famous"

I saw this movie in a sneak preview. When its title came on the screen, I had something like 'oh no, not a Flemish movie'

You bet I was surprised at the end of the movie. It was a great film with enormous charming capacities.

The story is about a young girl, wanting to start a career as a singer. Pushed by her father, she tries to win one of the local soundmix-competitions. Unfortunately, she isn't that much of a beauty. When her father loses his job in the local bottle-factory, he decides to take some serious action to launch his daughter to the top of the Flemish show-business.

This movie is charming, charming, charming and I really enjoyed it... A must see.
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A Flemish reworking of "The King of Comedy".
planktonrules19 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Jean is an obsessed man. He insists that his daughter is talented and pushes her to enter talent contests. He also is deluded into thinking he's a song writer. He has no talent at all as a song writer and Marva is not particularly attractive or the sort to find stardom. While she has a nice voice, it's not one to make her famous and she and her father insist in her singing WAY outside her range--such as doing Madonna covers. Yet, despite losing the contests repeatedly, Jean insists on spending money he doesn't have to make her a star. When he loses his job, Jean does not tell his family but pretends to go to work. He also tells his young friend that he'll come up with a solution. And, as luck has it, he has a chance meeting with an up and coming famous singer. On the spur of the moment, he gives her sleeping pills and is going to hold her for ransom. However, it's not money he wants but a chance at fame.

In many ways, this film is like a reworking of the film "The King of Comedy". In this film, Rupert Pupkin has deluded himself into believing he's a great comedian but when he is repeatedly rebuffed in his attempts to get on a show like "The Tonight Show", he and his goofy friend kidnap the host and force them to put Rupert on TV. Here, Jean has similar ideas when he kidnaps the young star--to force her agent to put his daughter on TV singing his song. Will it work out? And, what will happen when the kidnapped star falls in love with Jean's friend? And, what sort of nefarious plot is the agent hatching? Obviously there are a lot of unexpected plot twists awaiting you if you see "Everybody's Famous!". Fortunately, while the film is very much like "The King of Comedy", it offers enough differences that you can enjoy both films.

About the only part of the film that I didn't like was the reaction from the police late in the film. It seemed to make little sense. Still, a cute film that is easy to like--perhaps a bit easier than "The King of Comedy"--though also not as original nor quite as good.
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Belgian Road Movie
jan_raes29 March 2001
'Iedereen beroemd' is a great movie about life's ambitions, ALTHOUGH being a Belgian makes it extra fun to watch, the general message is universal for all audiences. That the quality was observed by the selection committee for the Oscar of 'Best Foreign Film' surprised me a tiny bit.

Actors and actresses are a mix of Dutch and Belgian people, quite interesting.
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Lumpenprole26 December 2002
This was a blind buy used DVD. It totally killed a nice buzz I had going when I hit play.

It's bubble-headed comedy, but it's um. squalid. The plot is ZANY!, but the characters do things to each other that are so petty and disturbed and conveniently contrived I ultimately found it depressing to watch.

Maybe the box lead me to expect something more than an uneven, goofy caper film. (I know, I know, the quotes on the box & the Academy Award nomination mean nothing.)
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A Very Good Film
SanderStrijbos23 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers

Iedereen Beroemd is one of the best films from Belgium I've ever seen. It's a great comedy with a tremendous cast. Josse de Pauw excels as the father who is convinced of his daughter's talent and he will do anything to make her famous. Even when he has to kidnap the national pop star for it. The dialogues are fantastic and the film has many brilliant moments, like the one in which Jean (De Pauw) goes out to get the 'ransom', with a Michael Jackson mask on. The scene is hilarious!

A 9/10 ('cause it was a little predictable towards the end)
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Recommend this one to friends!
rgoodden3 May 2008
A funny, entertaining and uplifting film which seems to overturn every cliché to reach its satisfying conclusion. A father's sometimes blind love, a daughter's grinding self-doubt, a boyfriend's frustrations, a rock diva's loneliness, even a business manager's self-serving guile all add necessary ingredients to take an unlikely melody -- and this widescreen charmer -- to cinematic success. See if you aren't tapping your toe to the film's entire rhythm by the end of its ninety minutes!

Modest sized Belgium has in recent years grown its name in the entertainment field, and deservedly, with quality films such as this. One of those rare films you needn't be at all reluctant to pass along to friends.

Oh!--and see if they, too, can immediately interpret the worthy irony of the film's final scene!
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Dominique did a good job !
Very good story, very good acting ! I'm no fan of 'flemish' movies, but this one is good. This story really grabbed me, I could feel the characters and was eager to know how it would end. Definitely when it is not all going well with the father, I felt sorry for him.
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