The Last Shark (1981) Poster

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L'ultimo squalo: Oh come on, it's not that bad
Platypuschow29 August 2018
The Last Shark otherwise known as Great White was quite a controversial movie around the time of it's release.

Considered a Jaws (1975) ripoff and even released as a faux Jaws sequel in Japan (Complete with Jaws in the title) a lawsuit unsurprisingly hindered it.

Ranked in many worst movies ever made lists I expected something a lot worse than this. In fact truth be told it looks about on par with Jaws itself and almost managed to spawn a sequel.

Telling the story of a coastal resort that comes under attack from a great white shark during a wind surfing contest it's pretty generic stuff but not all that awful.

The effects are considerably better than I expected, the performances are okay and if it weren't for the fact it was so unoriginal it might be considered a passable film.

In a world awash with terrible shark movies, this isn't actually one of them.

The Good:

SFX are great for its time

The Bad:

No originality

Soundtrack keeps sounding like Dolly Parton is about to regale us with 9 to 5

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The confederates were big wind surfing enthusiasts

By walk out of the hospital I'm pretty sure he meant that she'd hop

Helicopters can't land on water
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Did they really think no one would notice the similarities?
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki22 July 2014
Obvious mannequins are propelled skyward for some unexplained (and unintentionally funny) reason, as a shark, or in some scenes, a dolphin, terrorizes a small coastal community, just like in that other shark movie. Intro scene has seemingly never-ending windsurfing footage culminating with the shark causing the guy and his board to explode out and fly up out of the water! The bite marks in what's left of the board look more like razor slashes, at angles which could not have possibly been made by a shark, as we go back to the "bite radius" bit from Jaws. And remember when the head in the boat scared Hooper (and us, the audience) in Jaws? There is even a rip off of that here, as we find an arm bitten off by the shark. And, aww, innit that cute, they even tied a pink balloon around the shark to track it. Are you kidding me? Is that the low rent substitute of Quint's yellow barrels, pink ballons?

There actually is a little bit of tension toward the end of this one, in between bouts of unintended comedy, and some of the modelwork is amusing, The shark looks okay at a distance or at high angles, but when we're shown the shark at closer angles and for longer amounts of time, we realise just how inferior to Jaws it really is.

Ron succumbs to a fate similar to Quint's, in Peter Benchley's original novel, but the film is too derivative and slowly paced to amount to much more than a third-rate ripoff. Such a close ripoff, in fact, that Steven Spielberg and co. took legal action against the makers of this one, and had the movie effectively banned.
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Lacked Originality and Imagination
Uriah4316 September 2015
This movie begins with several teenagers enjoying a day at the beach with one particular person practicing for a wind surfing contest which is scheduled to begin in a couple of days. Fate has other plans however as a great white shark happens to be in the area and crushes the surfboard and devours the young man in the process. Later, after examining part of the surfboard a knowledgeable boat captain identifies the teeth marks found upon it and tells the leadership of the local town what is responsible. Unfortunately, the local mayor by the name of "William Wells" (Joshua Sinclair) has no plans for stopping the race because it would have an impact upon his political plans. So he devises a plan to keep the shark out of the area but what he doesn't count on is the incredible size and power of the creature which manages to get inside the cove in spite of it all. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that as a "Jaws clone" this movie totally lacked originality and imagination. As a matter of fact, if one were to fuse parts of "Jaws" with other parts of "Jaws 2" it would greatly resemble this particular film-minus the better acting and special effects. Naturally, there were a few slightly different scenarios here and there but for the most part it pretty much adhered to the same general themes presented previously. In any case, while there is only so much one can do with a story involving a large shark--other than having it devour those in the area-the similarities to the earlier films just mentioned were much too obvious to be easily ignored or dismissed and as a result I have to rate this movie accordingly. Below average.
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Long Lost Squalo
gjung018 July 2002
I had an opportunity to view this film on Japanese laser disc. The film's history is more interesting than the movie itself. Released in the U.S. under the title, "Great White," in 1982, the movie went as quckly as it had come into theatres at the time due to Steven Spielberg and Universal Studios having the film barred from distribution due to the blaring similarities to JAWS and JAWS 2. The company that distributed the film in the US went bankrupt and the producer disappeared.

Getting to the film itself, it has always had a mystique being banned in the US and not seeing video release. Released in other countries as "The Last Shark" or "The Last Jaws" the film is not completely lost. Having wondered whatever happened to this movie and why there wasn't a video release ever, I was surprised that "Great White" was available abroad under different titles. Having seen the film, I have to say that it wasn't anything special at all. The film is Italian with some of the actors clearly dubbed and a shark that could be a giant pool toy. The stock footage of real sharks sometimes helps but there is one where the silhouette is of a nurse shark and not a great white.

The late James Franciscus and Vic Morrow do as much as they can with their roles and do bring something to a film with no shortage of bad lines and wooden acting co-stars. But there's no sense of humor or interesting characters which helped "Piranha" overcome its extremely low budget special effects. There are a lot of slow scenes and the film is clearly not realistic such as the Mayor fishing for the shark with a side of beef dangling from a helicopter or the Shark shooter using a small rifle from a pier. Also, when one of the victims disappears while windsurfing, his friends go on a boat to look for him rather than calling the coast guard or police. The film fails by going for a quick scare and not building up the suspense to a crescendo that Speilberg did.

This film continues to be a curiosity due it's lack of availability here otherwise it would have become forgotten if no one had said anything collecting dust in a video store somewhere.
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A Highlights Reel of the First Two Jaws Movies
TheExpatriate7009 May 2010
When it was released, The Last Shark (aka Great White) got quickly pulled from theaters due to threats of a lawsuit from Universal Studios, producers of the Jaws movies. Having seen the film on DVD, I can see why. The writers of The Last Shark basically watched the first two Jaws movies and stole every good scene from them, even going so far as to clone characters.

All the main elements from Jaws are here. The gnarled seaman...check. The heroic everyman...check. The corrupt government official who tries to cover up the attacks...check. Even some of the attack scenes mimic specific scenes in Jaws I and II.

These things are made worse by the fact that the Italian studio behind this film had nowhere near Spielberg's budget. Consequently, we have an obviously fake shark model that appears every time the shark sticks it's head out of the water, which is quite often. The underwater shots are accomplished by a mixture of stock shark footage and very fake looking stop motion animation.

Making things even more ludicrous is that the shark appears to be intelligent, engaging in uncharacteristic shark behavior such as trying to trap people in caves with rocks and using ropes as tow lines. At times, it comes across as a comedy.
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The Last (toothless) Shark?
JasparLamarCrabb18 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A dim witted & entirely shoddy rip-off of JAWS directed by none other than Enzo G. Castellari. To say Castellari, director of many great Italian crime thrillers, is out of his depth here is an understatement. When a 35 foot shark invades the waters off of an unnamed coastal community, James Franciscus & Vic Morrow (as deep sea divers?) attempt to kill it. Franciscus is bland while Morrow is absolutely times brandishing an Italian accent, at other times sounding Irish and then occasionally speaking with zero accent at all. All this and the inane dialog would be forgivable had the shark looked even remotely realistic (it doesn't).
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Awful with a couple of okay bits
jellopuke24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty terrible all around with laughable effects, bad acting, and a total disregard for any originality. That said, there are a couple of saving graces, like the part when the newscaster laments the lack of good shark footage and his cameraman says "just put in some stock footage, no one will know the difference" which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO IN THIS MOVIE! Barely watchable, there are at least a couple of good kills, but other than that, not much here.
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The Last Shark - an accidental comedy.
Idiot-Deluxe24 June 2016
Notice: Laughter is a requirement when watching this movie.

Let's rip -The Last Shark- shall we.

My, my, just WHAT have we uncovered here?! Why it's none other than "The Last Shark"......this riotously funny and exceedingly poorly made JAWS rip-off has to be the ultimate "big fake-looking shark movie". This movie is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME in it's complete and utter terribleness, truly pathetic in every way, it seems to showboat (and even celebrate) it's own ineptitude, which spans from start to finish; and THE EFFECTS, oh my the effects are hilariously terrible. This awful Italian-made "aqua-shlock" most certainly lands squarely in the category of: "It's so bad, it's good". But at the very least it is exceptionally entertaining -but for all the wrong reasons.

With my recent discovery of this Italian-made JAWS rip-off from the early-80's, (thanks to the guys at Rifftrax) all of the sudden the last two JAWS sequels, don't seem all that bad in comparison and that's really saying a lot, as those two movies suck badly. This is further proof that in the 80's, the Italian's were simply unbeatable at producing horribly lame rip-off films of well-known Hollywood blockbusters and The Last Shark is a prime-time example of that. Where to start, there isn't one single aspect of this preposterously illogical film, that was handled with any obvious skill or talent - especially in the effect's department! And let us not forget the music of The Last Shark, which is nothing more then some ones LAME and ineffective attempt at "shark music" - produced by Casio keyboard's by the sound of it. From a musical prospective one can just sense the envy and jealousy John Williams must harbor for this movie and of the incomparable musical statement that it makes. In fact, this movie is such a blatant rip-off of JAWS, that Universal Studio (that's the JAWS studio for the few of you who don't know) blocked it's release in the States and it's not hard to see why. I've seen a good deal many Italian-made movies, particularly from the 80's and they are always embarrassing spectacles, with little to no money or talent and laughably poor production values. Stick to making spaghetti and sports car's guys, movie's just aren't your thing.

I usually like to avoid detailed plot summaries, so I'll just give you chunks of The Last Shark as I go. Well it's based around JAWS and it's familiar plot scheme's, so there's an Italian Amity Island equivalent, that's being terrorized by a big fake-looking robotic shark (and they show that thing a lot too), there's a political figure in there to complicate and obstruct the flow of things, various people on boats, wind surfers and in helicopters, that all fall prey to the shark, usually because of their own massive stupidity and poor/ illogical planning. This Italian-made faux-JAWS even has it's own "Quint", played by the late (and soon to literally lose his head) Vic Morrow. In all fairness his ability to imitate Robert Shaw's character was pretty spot on, however, much of his dialog is very difficult to make out, dare I say it's unintelligible. Getting back to the massive stupidity of the victims, all the Islanders are totally gung-ho about killing the shark, THEY ALL want to TAKE ON the shark and it's in these highly entertaining attack sequences, that you'll see some of thee worst-looking shark effects ever committed to film. They are INTENSELY funny and the faker the effects look, the funnier the movie seems to get.

The Last Shark is a riotously entertaining, cinematic whirl-wind of terrible effects, stodgy acting, illogical situations, 80's mustaches, very poorly matched live shark footage, appallingly lame attempts at suspense music, etc. And in the end this epic slice of aqua-shlock comes to a head in an explosive finale - poorly done, of course, just like the rest of the movie.

Once you've seen this bogus, Italian-made, stinking pile of sh** JAWS rip-off - I think you'll arrive at the only conclusion possible, which is "Yep, movie's don't get much worse than The Last Shark".

Flash-forward: For those of you who got a kick out The Last Shark, I strongly recommended that you track down a copy of "Orca", (that's right, killer whales this time around) this movie, just like The Last Shark, has incredibly bad effects and reaches unhinged levels of highly illogical lunacy. Expect to see Richard Harris square off against a vengeful killer whale, that seems to have, of all things, human-like intelligence.
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Italian shark film that took a big bite of the Jaws movie
Aaron137521 May 2018
When there was a successful film here in the states during the 70's and 80's it was not uncommon for the Italian film industry and other European countries to try and emulate the success of said film by making one very similar to the successful American film. George Romero's Dawn of the Dead would spawn several zombie films, Alien would also have imitators as did Mad Max (though that one was not even American). Then there were several shark films that tried to emulate Jaws to a degree; however, none would be as flagrant a rip off as this film that was titled The Great White when it was initially released in American theaters and subsequently yanked when Speliberg's company threatened a lawsuit. Yes, it was that close to being Jaws that they successfully got this one pulled.

The story, a shark begins to terrorize a small community on the coast where the mayor wants this stupid race to occur no matter the risks! Sounds familiar doesn't it? But wait, there's more! We even have a grizzled old fisherman who wants to hunt the shark and a marine biologist type who is also hoping to stop the super shark! Granted, there are a few differences as it does have a nifty ending on a makeshift raft formed by a pier pulled out to sea by shark...oh, wait, that was in Jaws too, just not at the end.

I saw this film in the theater as I was a kid who loved sharks. I also saw the original Jaws at the theater, though I have no memory of seeing it in the theater as it literally came out my birth year so I may have been two at the oldest (movies played differently back then, they didn't just play a few weeks then get pulled). I also saw Jaws 3D, which was cheesy and lame, but better than this one. There are a couple of cool shark attacks in this one and the shark looked okay in a few scenes, but it most of the time they used stock footage or it looked like it belonged in a ride or something they way it popped up. The film also adds this cowboy type character near the end with a gun and this really goes nowhere.

So, the film is a bit entertaining, but not in a good way. There were parts in this that had me laughing because it was so incredibly goofy, such as the shark using rocks to block the guys trying to kill it in a cave and the scene where these people are acting like a windsurfing race was incredibly exciting when it clearly was not. Not sure it was really worth the effort of actually threatening it with a lawsuit to keep it out of theaters, I doubt it would have detracted from Jaws which is still the best shark movie ever made.
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The Last Shark is a cheesy good time!
hypostylin2 January 2008
The Last Shark would actually be pretty great if it had a better editor: the heroes leave port to kill the shark and return unsuccessfully so many times it will make you seasick. However, this is still an enjoyable Italian rip-off of Jaws (and Jaws 2, for that matter), featuring some decent attack sequences and gory moments, not to mention Vic Morrow as a hilarious ersatz Captain Quint.

One great thing about the shark in this film is that it appears to be jet-propelled (at least that's what it sounds like when its conical head breaks the surface) and has the ability to blast watercrafts fifteen feet into the air. Hilarious! If you're looking for camp, The Last Shark certainly doesn't disappoint.

And, while the animatronic shark isn't on par with Bruce from Jaws, it's not bad for a knock-off.
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Jaws fail
davepolain6424 March 2021
An absolute shocker of a movie, despite the efforts of the filmmakers to make their version of JAWS. Shocking shocking shocking.
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Chipsmannen9 October 2008
This movie is really worth the money! I went to a DVD store one day and found this movie amongst splatter movies. I read the cover describing it as a real success at the 80's and how mad Spielberg was when the movie got released. I can't believe this movie got that low rating! It may be cheap, it may be campy, but it's really truly entertaining! When I watched the movie I almost smiled the whole time. And that scene with the helicopter... the gore... his legs! Amazing! Laughed my tears out! Sure it isn't as great as Spielberg's Jaws, but it sure beats the guts out of the bad Jaws sequels! Those who thinks my comment is stupid are just the ones who don't understand how bad can be good. Worth watching!
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Angelus-1627 January 2003
Somewhat nicely done Italian derivative of 'Jaws' shares many of the same themes and set-ups and compresses them into 90 minutes, but is still worth a shot for advocates of Nature-Runs-Amok movies. As history states, this film was notoriously crowbarred out of its cinema release by Universal for being *too* like the Spielberg film (and also its sequel).

In its own right, 'L'Ultimo Squalo' is an entertaining - if not trashy - killer shark movie which throws in some of the typical Italian touches of humour and ambitious technical trials. The shark - when it appears - is only marginally less convincing than Spielberg's Bruce, but looks okay from high angles and while it's under the surface. Also, the stock footage of real fish is used to better effect here and shows the savagery of the shark attacking the many pieces of meat that varying characters attempt to lure the creature with.

Unfortunately, the evident budget used here hampers some moments: underwater and night shots are hard to make out and the toy helicopter that crashes into the water is pretty obvious. The shark chomps 7 people, drowns an 8th, and destructs a pier, a surf board, a couple of boats, and sub-aqua cave.

Final verdict, a nice distraction if you don't mind skipping some logic. 6/10.
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Fun but not good.
gyounce29 May 2021
If you are a B and sometimes C movie addict (sci-fi channel) and liked Jaws, then you'll probably at least find entertainment in this. Sure, it was a blatant Jaws ripoff, but was still its own movie.

The acting was somewhat like mine and my sister's reenactment with our Barbies after watching Jaws. The effects were reminiscent of my windup shark toy in the bathtub attacking my scubamen, but don't let bad effects stop you, I usually don't.

Some if the decisions the characters make are very questionable, (the end, no spoliers). But overall, if you're looking to watch a shark movie/ B movie, that's actually not terrible, this is one to consider. Like I said, it's entertaining but not a good movie that I could call good.

I gave a fair review, as I do enjoy low budget, B and C horror movies, I used to live for the weekends to watch the bad Sci-fi channel horror movies, and yes I watched all of the Sharknados. So, I wasn't being harsh with the 3 stars. I just firat, rate as a movie and then review as a movie enthusiast, especially horror films.
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Watch if only for some shark effects and Franciscus
amesmonde28 April 2020
A quaint little beach town is terrorised by a bloodthirsty great white shark.

Universal Pictures' Jaws law suit aside, the film became the 72nd highest-grossing film in Italy 1980-1981. Enzo G. Castellari's offering suffers from the usual Italian ripoff trappings poor editing and ill-fitting music. Sadly the cut away stock footage of sharks really spoils an already chummy film. That said, it has some redeeming features including some of the shark special effects and James Franciscus performance.
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the last shark/great white/l'ultimo squalo/tiburon 3/ whatever!! = decent?
grkamerican198413 September 2007
well it's obvious that this movie is not JAWS, but you have to admit, the amount of cheese that's been poured on to this film is just awesome. i watch it almost every day on Google Video, and i just can't help but laugh at the scenes where we see the shark's head. the whole "exploding victims" gimmick is just so humorous, that i just have to replay it over and over again in order to get it out of my system. another thing notable about this film is Vic Morrow, who is playing a character largely similar to Robert Shaw's character in "Jaws". Now, as a die hard "Jaws" fan, i should know, anyone who imitates Qunit must die, but actually Vic Morrow gives that kind of tough guy attitude to the town council that Shaw didn't really do in "Jaws".

What's my point? Well, "Great White" isn't exactly the best movie ever made, but it's still fun to watch. Gives you a good laugh.
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its fun watching the fake shark
buikie27 November 2003
Its a lot of fun watching the really fake shark that isn't scary at all,you will crack up when you see the shark coming out of the water with his head. There is also alot of documentary stuff used for this movie, that are maybe the most bad parts of the movie, the storyline is alot like "jaws". The acting is OK (not more then that) i give it 3/10, BUT IT IS FUN WATCHING THE SHARK !!!
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A cheap, rubbishy Jaws rip-off - AVOID!
patherwill22 August 2015
I'll keep it short.There is NO budget amount shown for this film and my estimate is about $10. I can understand the film studio that made 'JAWS' suing the makers of this effort because SO MANY of the events in the original and best shark film made were copied in this.When the only 2 actors I had heard of were heading the cast in this I immediately knew it was certain to be bad as both James Franciscus and Vic Morrow were only ever 'B' movie fodder and the remainder of the cast were akin to amateurs. Plenty of 'crocodile tears' all of which were totally unconvincing. As has been mentioned the helicopter can clearly be seen to be a model.On a par with Sharkando.
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A scary, thrilling and sometimes hilarious movie about the struggle to kill the Great White
ma-cortes6 April 2022
A Great White begins terrorizing a sea location , then Peter Benton : James Franciscus and Ron Hamer : Vic Morrow attempt to save a number of swimmers in the coastal resort. Along the way, the large shark attacks and victims run afoul, while doing a real carnage and those serving for lunch. A quiet, restful summer in the lazy town of Port Harbor abruptly to end!. You're what's for dinner.

This is an inferior Shark movie in which a Great White proceeds to cause terror and chaos with average creation of tension, thrills, and brief gore. It is an attempt to cash from Steven Spielberg classic : "Jaws" that follow other inferior sequels : "Jaws 2" by Jeannot Szwarc , "Jaws 3" by Joe Alves, "Jaws the vengeance" by Joseph Sargent, but in "The Last Shark" resulting to be a shameful and absurd rip-off with little connection to the previois Jaws saga . The shark attacks deliver the goods with so-so special effects, though the final climax is really ridiculous and disconcerting. The Last Shark features functional interpretations with no interest. Stars two tarnished American actors who died early at their 50 as James Franciscus and Vic Morrow. Being accompanied by familiar faces from B Italian films , such as : Timothy Brent or Giancarlo Prete, Joshua Sinclair, Massimo Vanni, Romano Puppo, Stefania Girolani : director Enzo G Castellari's daughter, among others.

The motion picture was regularly directed by Enzo G Castellari. Talented and versatile writer/director Castellari has made a vast array of often solid and amusing movies in all kinds of genre in a career that spands over 40 years. He made especially Spaghetti Westerns : "Johnny Hamlet", "Kill them everybody and came back alone" , "Seven Winchester for a massacre", "Cipolla Colt" and his masterpiece : Keoma". He also directed successful WWII movies : Inglorious, Eagles over London. Adventures : Tuareg, Adventures and loves of Scaramouche, Simbad, The Shark Hunter. Poliziotteschi : "Day of Cobra", "Striker", "The Big Racket" , "Heroin Busters" . Sci-Fi : 1990 "Bronx Warriors" , "The New Barbarians Warriors of the wasteland" , "Escape from the Bronx".
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Italian Jaws (You can do better than that)
connorbbalboa26 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There was a point when I started watching more shark movies when I decided that I should stop trying to compare these movies to Jaws, because there's no point to it. Instead, I try to make more comparisons with the first sequel: Jaws 2. But as it turns out, movies like The Last Shark make me miss Jaws 3, which was horrible, but at least it has more production value than this cheapo. This movie feels like the filmmakers took Jaws and got rid of everything except the essential elements. Some reviewers have even pointed out similarities to Jaws 2, like a scene with a helicopter. This is really the same plot as Jaws and that makes it more tiring. Vic Morrow and James Franciscus are the stars, but they are simply there; they don't come out as great characters. They, like most of the cast, simply seem to be going through the motions; I mainly noticed this when I watched how both Franciscus and Morrow seemed pretty calm about the governor leaving the beaches open, even though they disagree. There was also a group of teens that I found super annoying, although there was a small moment when the governor smacks his son in the face for stealing his boat to try to kill the shark himself while putting his friends in danger that made me laugh. The shark looks absolutely horrible, even when compared to the sharks in Jaws 3 and Jaws: The Revenge. Sometimes, it's a stupid-looking miniature, sometimes it's a big animatronic shark, and sometimes it's stock footage of a real great white shark, which is actually where the shark looks scariest, mainly because the footage is so grainy, even though it doesn't match in quality with the rest of the footage. There is a funny subplot however where this TV reporter keeps trying to get footage of the shark even though people are getting eaten on camera. Bottom line, don't even think of watching this reeking mess even if it is because it rips off Jaws. You'd be better off with Jaws 3.
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Italian Shark + American Lawsuit = Cheesefest!!!
shark-436 January 2008
I was fortunate enuff to see THE LAST SHARK on a double bill with BEYOND THE DOOR (an Italian ripoff of The Exorcist) ad as many have commented here - Last Shark was threatened with a lawsuit by Spielberg's studio and was yanked from theatres so it is not always easy to see it. For fans of bad movies that are soooo bad that they are enjoyably hilarious - this is a winner. There are many long, drawn out scenes where absolutely nothing happens and yet there are tons of scenes of really bad special effects, hammy acting, and some decent attempts at gore. I love the fact that they try and tie the whole plot around a WINDSURFING CONTEST! So lots of talk about windsurfing, who is the best windsurfer, how excited the whole town is, etc. Vic Morrow (god rest his soul) shows up as the obvious Robert Shaw Cap'n Quint character but Morrow (who appears good and soused) does one of the worst accents I've ever heard - sometimes it's Irish, other times it is a thick Scottish brogue, other times, who knows what it is - the mayor of the town - sorry the Governor in this version - is this fey, badly dressed guy who looks like more of a fashion designer than a powerful politico. The scenes of the actual attacks (especially when the Governor's snotty assistant gets it) is hysterically bad. So as long as you don't go in thinking you are going to see anything of true quality, you should have fun. It is a mess - a true frothy shark toothed mess!!!
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Not the best thing ever, but far from being the worst thing ever
lfdewolfe27 August 2020
I would say that the only reason Jaws hasn't been remade yet is because of this movie. It follows the same beats as Jaws, it has the same characters, Hell they even had problems with the mechanical shark they used. Thus, this movie is completely unoriginal and it's not all that good. Despite this though I wouldn't call it a bad movie. The acting is fine and it has enough silly moments in it to make it not completely bad. But with an unoriginal plot and terrible effects I would have to give this a four.
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Decent cash-in on Jaws
Aylmer3 January 1999
Enzo G. Castellari, once again delivers quite a piece of cinema. The story is rather dull and uninspired (except by JAWS of course), but Castellari remedies that with very energetic direction, an excellent musical score by Guido and Maurizio De Angelis, and a lot of his mouth-watering wide angle use of slow motion. Lots of cult film actors (Including Vic Morrow, James Franciscus, and Giancarlo Prete) and a lot of goofy effects and stock footage, make this film completely silly and enjoyable rather than disturbing or shocking as most horror films set out to be. That's probably the opposite of what ZOMBIE producer Ugo Tucci wanted, but this film is quite fun to watch and worth repeat viewings.
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Cult Classic
vomitor26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised when i watched this movie, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be in fact it was quite good. well it's quite a Jaws Rip off but hey - it's a lot better than some other shark movies for instance - "Tintorera" which was a complete waste of time. i was also surprised when i read that it was released as Jaws 3 in some countries when it hit the theaters, well it is better than Jaws pt 3 and 4. one thing that i like with this movie (spoiler warning) is the ending - right about after the sharks death - when they all get safety on land just before the end text is coming and the sad music is appears - it reflects sorrow, evil and even madness, and the survivors gets into the car - it is a great scene probably the best in the entire movie (according to me). the movie also contains crappy and dumb scenes, but hey - doesn't every classic cult flicks do ?. the shark looks part of better than in the Jaws (a little but not much). it has a great opening too (spoiler warning) - a guy vanished on his windsurfing board, a little bit rip from Jaws 2. the movie is a very like Jaws in someways - there is a guy who looks just like Robert Shaw and same job. well i like the movie, it is my favorite "Cult Classic" - if you should see a better shark movie that Jaws 4 - see The Last Shark. can't wait for it to get an official release, i only know that there is an bootleg but with Japanese text on it. another info (just for fun): it was released in Sweden as "JätteHajen - Vindsurfarnas Skräck".

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Made barely watchable by the MST3K guys!
clsjessicawilde4 August 2022
One of the worst movies ever made! A blatant Jaws ripoff that is just a convoluted mess of random scraps! A laughable cacophony of horrible acting, ridiculous scenes, and incoherent editing! Laughing at this disastrous joke of cinema listening to the guys from MST3K on Rifftrax, I actually have to step back occasionally and remember this was released as a legit film! XD Worth the laughs and ridicule it deserves if you can catch the Rifftrax!
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