"The Magical World of Disney" Child of Glass (TV Episode 1978) Poster

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Wonderful, sweet story about friendship
Geoff-212 May 1999
I finally found this movie after a long search, and it was worth the wait. I was about 7 when it appeared on television in the late '70s, and I have never forgotten it. I have a six year old girl now who was absolutely riveted by it. If you ever have a chance to rent or buy this (hard to do, its been OOP for a while), please do so. The scene where the little ghost girl Inez becomes real for a moment to dance a waltz with the little boy in the story still gets me. What a great movie!
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A great movie!!
hicklebookworm21 September 2005
As a child I loved watching this movie. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. Will definitely buy this one when and if they ever get around to making it available on DVD. A touching family film with a sweet ending. No fancy special effects but the story line and interaction of the characters make it a favorite of mine. Not scary and appropriate for children of all ages. Have watched this movie at least 12 times. Would not mind seeing this one re-made and updated or digitally remastered. If you like this one I also recommend... Blackbeards Ghost (Disney), The Computer Wore Tenni-Shoes (Disney), The Shaggy Dog (Disney), and The Shaggy D.A. (Disney). Also of the newer Disney films I recommend Freaky Friday, The Parent Trap, and The Incredibles.
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Some things just stay stuck in your head.
Java_Joe3 November 2019
"Sleeping lies the murdered lass. Vainly cries the child of glass. When the two are made as one, the spirit's journey will be done."

All these years later and I can still remember and quote that line. I didn't quite get the riddle back in the day but that doesn't mean I can't repeat it.

The story is of a young boy who's parents have bought an old antebellum home and are fixing it up. He feels alone and frustrated that so much work needs to be done on the home. But one night he meets the ghost of a young Creole girl that was murdered on the site. He has until Halloween to solve the riddle or else be cursed to be haunted for the rest of his life.

It's a decent story with varying degrees of skill from the child actors. but enjoyable enough in a slightly hokey way. This is far from the Disney TV series best work but it's worth a watch.
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A Great Ghost Story, But Also A Great Story About Friendship.
movies2u20 August 2003
The Child Of Glass (1979)

I remember renting this movie at the local video store as a child, and I remember that it scared the crap out of me, but I've watched it again and I loved it. This movie was so good, I wish they would put it out on DVD. I got hold of the movie on video and it was hard to find. This movie was great, and the scene where Inez dances with Alexander was really sad. This was a great movie, that is spooky and happy. I recommend this to children ages ten to thirteen, it might scare younger kids. I also recommend The Watcher In The Woods if you like this movie. I give it 10/10.
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Mystykwisdom15 September 2004
I am 39 years old and can still remember seeing this movie as a young teen.

I had such a crush on young Alexander! Such a cute little dark haired boy. And I thought Blossom was so kooky. I thought she would make a great friend. I would love to see it come out on DVD. Disney SO needs to release this movie for this generation of tweens.....I know my niece would love it. The plot was so interesting and the atmosphere was very spooky.

The riddle still haunts me to this day. I highly recommend this movie.
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Excellent and Fun Family Movie
Steve-19317 February 2000
I must say that this was a very enjoyable movie and would recommend it for the whole family.

Here is a ghost story that builds on the idea that trust is a good thing and even though you may reside in different worlds you can still bond with each other and help in a time of need.

A modern boy keeps seeing a ghost girl, about his same age, and discovers that the little girl cannot rest in peace until she solves a riddle. Even though it may be dangerous and the little boy will end up losing the ghost girl as a friend if he succeeds in solving the it he agrees to help. He gets help from a new neighbor friend who is also the same age and their off to the races. They have only until holloween to solve the riddle of "The Child of Glass"
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This one always makes me cry
Carrigon25 August 1999
This is a great ghost story. It stayed with me from the time I first saw it as a child. I just loved it. A little french girl's ghost on an old spooky southern plantation. This was based on a book called "The Ghost Belonged to Me". After watching this film, I bought the book and it's sequel, which were just as good as the movie. If you're looking for a good ghost story, this is it.
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I remember Child of Glass from when I was four years old
mudgek20 January 2005
I lived in Canada for one year in 1978 and then moved home to Australia. During that year I saw Child of Glass on TV. I was four years old. I was obsessed with it and didn't find it scary at all - just fascinating. In recent years I have only vaguely remembered the plot. When I found out about this website I was so keen to see if what I remembered was correct. Reading other's comments I've discovered that my memories are accurate. I remembered there was a mystery that had to be solved by a child, the ghost of a little girl, a lost treasure and a well that held the answer. Almost 30 years later, I am so keen to see it again, however, I doubt I would ever be able to find it here in Australia. Instead, I will attempt to find a copy of the book and its sequel.
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This was the defining movie of my childhood
intobox23 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
From a child's perspective, this was the scariest and most disturbing movie I've ever seen. I was eight years old when it was first shown on television, and I couldn't go to bed by myself for over two weeks.

The plot is fairly simple. A little boy moves into an old mansion haunted by the ghost of a little girl. They befriend one another while they attempt to solve the mystery of her death. It turns out that she was murdered by her wicked uncle who was searching for the family treasure. They find the little girl's lost china-headed doll. And then they find the lost diamonds when they drop the doll, her head breaks open and the diamonds come spilling out.

Thirty years after first seeing it on television, I still have a phobia about dolls...thank you Walt Disney. Keep this movie far, far away from your children.
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Still My Favorite Disney Movie:)
shippermd22 July 2005
I LOVED this movie. Go try to buy it on ebay,it goes for no less than $70-80 dollars! Disney NEEDS to re-release this movie on VHS and DVD WITH extras.

A great spooky Mystery for kids and teens. Has a wonderful feel to it. Why Disney doesn't make more like this, escapes me.

It's also sad that the main character(Alexander played by Steve Shaw) died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 25. (in 1990).

I'm also researching where the other actors are that played in this movie.

We should all email Disney till they re-release this again. My own kids love this movie as well!
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My favorite movie as a child
AMJG56 August 2002
I first saw this movie as a child and loved how Inez said the boys name "Alexander" with a french accent. I just loved it so much I vowed to name my son that if I had one...and I did...and his name is Alexander. So as you can see I am a Big fan of the movie. You have to see it..it's much more fun seeing with a child to.

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this was my favorite
dougsoneandonly200317 October 2005
i wish also they would put it on DVD its a movie i would love for my kids to see......... it was my favorite movie when i was my daughters age ........... every time i went to my grandparents house that would be the first movie i would pick to watch. My daughter is now 7 and i really think she would enjoy this movie so please put it on DVD so our kids can enjoy it. i know i would buy it. this movie is one of those movies that you never get to old to watch or at least i know i won't. not to mention i have a lot of nieces and nephews that would like to see it as well. All together i have 9 nieces and nephews and i have four kids and i lknow that everyone of them would like to see that movie.
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Just as good as I Remember!
ultramagnes15 June 2019
This movie was always an inkling in the back of my mind since young childhood. I believe we taped it with our new VHS tape recorder in the early '80's from an episode of Walt Disney Presents on TV. As i was around 6 years old at the time, i played it over and over again. I'm pretty sure the ghost is my first crush! It seems no one's posted about it in years and i figure i should to keep this magic alive. Anyways, its REALLY hard to find, but some magical human uploaded it to you tubes as a 4 part series. Enjoy!
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I loved this movie as a child
helenfaye1 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Here lies the murdered lass. Long cries the child of glass. When the two shall be as one, The spirits journey shall be done.

I'm pretty sure thats how it goes...or very close Its haunted me for many a year..but I loved it! =)

I seen this movie when I, myself was around the same age as the little girl ghost. Maybe thats why it affects me so strongly. Does anyone happen to know where I can find this movie? I would be ever so grateful for any suggestions.

I heard this movie was on television a few years ago, and I unfortunately missed it.I have told my own daughters about this movie, and I cant wait until they have actually seen it for themselves.
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ami_tx19 October 2006
I, too, saw this movie as a child and have NEVER forgotten it.

I check every year for it on DVD but haven't been lucky enough to find it since they haven't released it. I'm hoping that the powers that be will release it so that I can show it to my kids and niece. Nothing like scaring the pants off of kids with ghost movies. LOL! If enough people mention it to Disney (I think it's Disney!!) then maybe they'll put it out?? The little girl ghost was very memorable and I think she's the reason I haven't forgotten it. It was such an endearing and well done story.

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A great story!
rohanhanderson23 February 2024
Everyone who saw this movie as a kid when it first came out LOVES it, with usually no exceptions. I hesitate to call it a movie, since it was originally shown on The Wonderful World of Disney as a two-parter over here in Australia. I remember being completely mesmerised by it and it has always stayed with me. I found the dvd recently and even though it was expensive (as it is now out of print), I bought it. Have to admit that it was great to watch it again, nearly 46 years after it first came out. They just don't make them like this anymore, which is probably why my dvd collection is full of shows and films from years ago.
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Classic, Little-Known Disney Mystery.
drownsoda9023 April 2006
I saw this a long time ago as a young child, our local small-town video store had a bunch of old Disney clamshell videos for rental, and I remember renting this one as a child. It truly scared me then, I was terrified, but I recently was able to get a copy of this and still found it to be a great movie.

The film is about Alexander Armstrong, whose family moves into an old Antebellum Southern mansion, where he meets the ghost of a Creole girl named Inez Dumaine, who asks him for help. He and his kooky friend, Blossom, with the help of Blossom's psychic aunt, then try to unravel the mystery behind her death and lay her spirit to rest, before her ghost becomes destined to walk the earth forever.

This film and "The Watcher in the Woods" are both Disney movies that seem to stand out to me, and bring back many memories from my childhood. Maybe it's because they're more on the scary side than the average Disney cartoon classics. The only difference is that "The Watcher in the Woods" is much more available than this movie, and is also on a couple of DVD formats. This one is extremely rare, I'm hoping to someday see it on Disney DVD, which would be really nice. I know there is other people out there who remember this film also, and it'd be nice to see it on DVD. Overall, a good little made-for-TV ghost story. 9/10.
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was a really good movie
steel_reign_202026 July 2021
If this is the movie that I remember correctly. The most thing that sticks out to me is the little ghost girl would always go around singing (Fre're Jacques, Fre're Jacques, Dormez-Vous, Dormez-Vous) that sticks out in my memory, and I could never remember the movie till I came across the girl in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the girl that turned into a big blue berry & passed away in 2019) I looked her up on IMDB and she played in this movie and that how I remember the movie.
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Love Blossom
kantell11 June 2023
I remember seeing this when I was eight years old. Three years later, I was reading a book called "The Ghost Belonged to Me" and thought the book sounded very familiar. It was the same plot with a few changes. Honestly, the sequel to the book is more entertaining, but they are both wonderful for middle aged girls and boys. I just loved the book and the movie. I even managed to get a copy of the movie on VHS. If you have a tween in your house, this is a great movie and book.

The sequel to the first book and the other two in the series are all about Blossom Culp who becomes this awesome tween bada** and the Titanic is involved.
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One of Disney's Best
lisab-258729 July 2021
Saw it as a child when it came out on Magical World of Disney in 1978 or 1979. Never forgot the little ghost girl calling out his name "Alexander". Just the way she said it. Never forgot it. Actually gave my daughter the middle name of Alexandria, because of this movie. Truly one of Disney's Best. Only saw it the one time and would love to see it again.
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Spooky movie
strictlytea22 November 2021
I remember watching this movie along time ago when i was a kid. The only thing that I remember now was child of glass aka the porcelain doll in the well.
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Wonderful Family Movie
genregirl24 January 2007
I remember being fascinated by this movie when I saw it on Disney as a kid, and still have very fond memories of it some 30 years down the track.

Based on the novel The Ghost Belonged to Me by Richard Peck, Child of Glass is an excellent family movie that is just scary enough to keep the kids on the edge of their seats, but not so scary that it will give them nightmares. Although it strays from the novel's turn of the century setting, the basic plot remains the same and the relationship that is built up between the ghostly Inez and the very much alive Alexander is what drives this atmospheric tale, and I still remember being enthralled by the climactic ending.

I certainly hope Disney sees fit to release this on DVD very soon, as it is sure to be a hit with both kids and adults alike.
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Scared me as a child... keeps scaring me now
jknight18 December 2000
I remember seeing this movie as a child when it played on tv.

It turned out that Child of Glass would haunt me even today. The little girl looking for the doll plays a rather convincing ghost.

The movie is very well done and deserves recognition. I suggest you go rent it. Warning, you may see ghosts around you after seeing this.
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Theelfnz6 January 2015
Saw this when I was a kid, scared me (I'm 44 now) have spent years trying to find it but was too expensive on video tape and never released here in New Zealand. Finally have it on DVD. They don't make movies like this anymore sadly. Definitely worth watching regardless of your age. New Zealand doesn't get all the movies the USA have so to find this movie after years of searching is awesome. I'll admit I had a crush on blossom when I was a kid, she was cool. So for a classic ghost story this one is great. Thanks Amazon again you deliver. Hopefully more of these Disney classics get released because there definitely is a market for good wholesome movies
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Gave me nightmares as a child
misskittifantastic21 June 2010
This is was the scariest movie I ever saw as a child and it's memory has haunted me for years. I would not recommend letting young children watch this film as I watched it when I was nine when I watched it and I could not look in the corner of my bedroom for about three years. I have always wondered what the movie was called and when finding it it still raised the hairs on the back of my neck and I am in my thirties . I must say I was surprised it was a Walt Disney film....... I don't know if I could watch it again even now. For it's time it was made it the special effects were obviously very effective as I have never forgotten it. I am not saying the movie is bad just that it is frightening.
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