Blum is Horrible. He's like a Punch in the face.
15 May 2024
The Blum Character is so bad I can't believe they didn't stop him. It is like a horrible punch in the face every time he comes on screen. Why did this actor, who is normally very good, decide to do a horrible Al Pacino imitation? One can only guess.

The real question is, where the hell was the director and why didn't he stop him??. (This character sucked when Al Pacino did him and he is Al Pachino)

In the 80s I had seen a British TV show where they had a Brit playing an American. It was hilarious the way the English actor combined a Southern, Brooklyn, and Boston accent so each sentence he spoke sounded like he was from some other region of the country. This guy, who is a brit, I guess just watched scent of a woman 30 times and went with that.
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