Is there such a thing as reincarnation ?
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After years of blameless service, an experienced pilot almost crashes his plane. His explanation - if it is an explanation - consists of stating that he was thrown back into World War I, trying to avoid enemy aircraft. This causes A LOT of problems, given that the pilot is far too young to have participated in that war...

In "I've lived before" a bemused pilot tries to find out what's happened to him. During his quest he meets with mostly well-meaning people who try to support, analyze or contradict his theories. On the whole it's a well-made movie, although it suffers from being too talky. Part of the information could have been provided through other, more visual means. Don't tell us, show us - show us a gaggle of badly shaken passengers stumbling through an airport hall, show us a psychiatrist's filing cabinet overflowing with case histories, show us a trembling hand stroking an old engagement dress.

Admirably, the movie does not work up to an overly happy "now let's all hug each other" ending. Both the characters and the viewers are left to ponder a great mystery, on a tone of bittersweet reflection.

Acting-wise, the laurel crown goes to Ann Harding, as a dignified older lady remaining true to the memory of her one great love.

Fun note : at one point, a psychiatrist remarks that there is no lack of patients who think they're Alexander the Great reborn. The imdb database contains at least one fantasy/action movie, namely "The swordsman" from 1992, that deals with a protagonist who may or may not be Alexander redivivus.
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