Shangri-La Frontier (2023–2024)
Best game anime I've seen
7 May 2024
This feels like it was written by someone who actually plays games or at least did their research. The MC is a guy who hunts and exploits glitches and unlike a lot of the protags I see for this kind of thing he isn't a sad friendless loser, which is a nice change of pace. He actually has friends he chats with across games who each have their own weird approaches and playstyles. I liked the understanding the writer has that games are communal. The people who are breaking this game have a history of doing the same kind of thing across other games.

They're good at games because they test each other in competition and swap ideas. The protagonist wasn't born special, he's someone with a long standing hobby of playing unfair games and using solid meta understanding or exploits to get through them.

The world of the game itself is interesting, and actually sounds like something I would enjoy playing. It leaves the game's main story a mystery and then drops hints at it instead of front loading the viewer with infodumps over explaining everything like a lot of anime do. I think the show is building a mystery on the real life side on why the game works the way it does, and I'm interested in seeing how that pans out.
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