Ppl was sayin "bumpin' uglies" back then...THIS FILM WAS ALL ABOUT THAT SPECIAL TIME LOL
16 April 2024
When this first came out people rushed to the theatres to see it. Those of us who've caught glimpses of Prince on awards shows, or heard him on the radio know to expect incredible things when he decides to make a feature film. His performance did not disappoint and it should come as no surprise Graffiti Bridge was on everyones lips for a good while. Every last song was something I wanted to hear LOL. Wish it could've stayed in theatres longer, because it was THE date movie for anybody old enough to neck lol. Back when people was sayin "bumpin' uglies" or "humping". Black people loved themselves some Graffiti Bridge, it maybe got "snubbed" at the Oscars because "Thieves in the Temple" should've done better then stupidy sappy movie about a upturned ship or bratty kid making a signature noise. It was a hot track and the "New Power Generation"/Funky Weapon remix was one playin in the v.i.p nightclubs- hear that outside, you'll for sure pay lots to have fun at that spot. I don't usually wanna admit it but i guess its fair to say i listen to "Question of U" more then most. There, now the review is complete. 10/10.
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