Review of Foundation

Foundation (2021– )
Emperors arc is top class, rest is superficial (Season 1)
12 April 2024
With great effort I finished season one. And that is because after a first masterful episode the series focuses around two female protagonists that are at best irritating. The Emperors arc is great. Their act is top notch. Throught them we get to explore human nature, morality and religion. Brother Day and Dusk are commanding presenses that elevate every scene they are in. They are the reason i give 5/10 rating and not 1/10. Also the story around their perfect acting is unexpectedly very good.

Everything else is hollow and unisteresting. I resisted greatly the urge to skip many scenes as i was wondering why in a universe so rich we get to focus about the childish emotions of 3 womans of colour (im not racist). For example, instead of exploring the genious nature of Gaal, perhaps the smartest young person on the galaxy, the screenwriters decide that she will have the personality of a 13 year old. With Salvor on the other hand, we are told every minute how SPECIAL she is without her actually doing anything to gain our sympathy and Phara is the typical one dimensional villain. Needless to say the 3 womans are surrounded by obedient stupid and soulless men that are even more unisteresting.

Maybe I ll watch season 2 skipping every scene with Gaal and Salvor.
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