Just watched "Caroline and Jackie" and here are my thoughts
7 April 2024
I wasn't sure what to expect with "Caroline and Jackie," but I ended up really enjoying it. The f ilm focuses on two sisters, Caroline, played by Marguerite Moreau, and Jackie, played by Bitsie Tulloch. The dynamic between them is the heart of the movie, exploring themes of loyalty, mental health, and the complexity of family relationships. Both Moreau and Tulloch deliver powerful performances, making their characters' struggles feel incredibly genuine. Adam Christian Clark's direction is subtle yet effective, allowing the story and characters to shine without relying on clichéd drama. The script is well-written, with dialogues that feel natural and contribute to the development of the characters and their relationships. While the movie has its slower moments, they're important for building the emotional depth that makes the climax so impactful. Overall, "Caroline and Jackie" is a compelling watch, especially if you appreciate films that focus on character development and real-life issues.
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