Reviewed on April Fool's Day... and I feel like an idiot.
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A trio of doctors working'together at a mental hospital get together to discuss their latest cases, and this template basically takes the form of three allegedly horror tales that show why each of their patients ends up in the booby hatch. Let's review each one in turn, shall we?

1. A teenager (who looks about 25) doesn't want to introduce his girlfriend (who's one of the worst actors I've ever seen) to his parents, who happen to be bald telepathic aliens. The premise is a LOT more interesting than it sounds, and after around twenty minutes of nothing she accidentally discovers them on a home visit, isn't remotely bothered and HE ends up cracking under the pressure. No humour, shocks and with an abrupt ending that makes literally zero sense. Terrible. NEXT. 2/10

2. A washed-up TV producer ends up killing a guy who he owes a lot of money to, and ends up trying to hide the body whilst a comedy laugh track echoes all around him. Funnily enough, the terrible sitcom pilot which ultimately bankrupts him in this segment is STILL better than anything we get on screen here. Can we have a full length version of that please, and get rid of the rest of this nonsense? 2/10

3. Ah, now THIS is more like it... well, not really. It's still near-total rubbish, but at least this tale of a fashion photographer who goes bonkers after an anonymous source sends him a vinyl record has a half-decent finale where he goes around insulting everyone: think Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar. Plus, in showing his addiction to listening to the brainwashing record which ultimately costs him his sanity and career, it makes an interesting (albeit clumsy) parallel to uncontrolled drug addiction within the industry. Apart from those (very) minor redeeming features, total pants. 3/10

Now, you'd think by rounding those scores together I'd rate this as about 2/10 overall... well, the narration device of the 'doctors' telling the stories has an okay twist at the end that I didn't see coming, so let's stretch to a 3/10, shall we?

'Still not good at all, but has brief moments of lucidity'. Write that on it's chart.
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