Ring of Bizarreness
1 April 2024
For some reason Ring of Terror sounded kind of interesting to me and so I thought I'd check it out. At only 70 minutes run time the investment was relatively small. The very beginning, with an apparently random groundskeeper searching through a cemetery for his cat 'Puma' did genuinely spark my interest. We're then on a college campus where all of the students are in their mid 30's to early 40's. Not sure if there was a point to this unusual casting but it doesn't really work. Then there is the story, it read like a solid idea in the film's written synopsis, but it doesn't manifest itself nearly as coherently in the actual film. It's very uneven and patchy to the point of it kind of felt like the actors and director were just making things up as they went along. One thing I will say in it's favor - I stuck with it till the end because I was genuinely curious to see how it might possibly end. At only 70 minutes it still wasn't a great use of my time.
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