Strong family drama with a personal touch.
30 March 2024
The Ekdahl family gathers their loved ones to celebrate Christmas together. Helena Ekdahl is the matriarch of the Ekdahl family. She has many relatives. Among them you can find her three sons, three daughters-in-law and a bunch of grandchildren.

Fanny and Alexander are two of Helena´s grandchildren. Their parents are Emilie and Oscar Ekdahl. One day something terrible happens. Oscar falls ill and dies. Everybody is devastated.

Bishop Edvard Vergérus was the one who held Oscar´s funeral. He marries Emilie Ekdahl, but their marriage begins to crumble quite soon. Why? Because bishop Vergérus is strict and conservative.

I really like this TV series. I watched it on SVT play. It was edited into a feature film. Yes, it is very long and yes, I took breaks. But I didn´t feel like I was wasting my time. I think that the cast and crew knew what they were doing. Ingmar Bergman took inspiration from his own life in "Fanny and Alexander". And the result is, in my opinion, a strong family drama with a personal touch. I would have liked to get a little more clarity, at least in a few scenes.

I´m looking forward to watching the shorter movie version, but I want to know much more about Ingmar Bergman first. I suggest that you watch "Fanny and Alexander".
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