Titans: Deathstroke (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Season two keeps getting worse
4 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
They keep adding new elements and characters instead of fleshing out what they already have. They also keep doing entire episodes of flashbacks, sometimes for characters that don't matter.

Now they suddenly have a huge tower out of nowhere with technology they didn't have in the previous season. No explanation about it whatsoever.

In some ways they are moving very slow, with the flashbacks. At the same they gloss over stuff that really needs explaining or at least introduced.

Why does deathstroke wear a mask, has a voice modulator and a codename if everyone knows who he is?

Ah and Kory can stop bullets now all of a sudden. She could blast fire, fight like batman and has incredible strenght, now she can stop bullets. And they have about 8 superheroes in this team if not more. How is adding superpowers interesting? If everyone is special, no one is special. And if out heroes aren't vulnerable except for their own stupidity, where's the tension?

What was all the arguing and fear of deathstroke for if they could just go in and beat him with two people?
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