Interesting story, but poorly produced.
2 March 2024
The lives of three young women are turned upside down, by a cyber attacker, who delights in creating fake profiles, and decimating relationships.

It's clearly a generational thing, but I do have issue with people who live their lives through social media, and there is an element of that here, some people can't even have a coffee or enjoy a concert, it's tragic.

The first thing, the production, horrible, and sadly that is the major stumbling block, it's bad, expect silly voices, multiple cutaways, and tonnes of emojis, it's unbearable.

It doesn't show The Police in a particularly good light, these young women were clearly tormented, but it doesn't seem as though any of them were taken seriously. What's worse, the realisation that stalkers barely go to jail.

When it came to the sentencing, I was a little shocked to hear that boredom can be taken into account to explain someone's crimes, whatever next.

This should have been so much better, maybe if it had been an hour long presentation it would have triumphed, less the over production.

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