D.E.I. warriors, UNITE! It's as bad as everyone is saying it is.
27 February 2024
I have a personal theory that keeps being proven true with every Netflix film; the more ethnically diverse the cast, the worse the movie or television show ends up being. Without fail, every single movie or show where D. E. I. Is the basis for the casting ends up subpar of just downright embarrassing, and Rebel Moon seems to continue this god forsaken trend. Gone are the days where the best person for the job is given the role, the best actor, the most fitting or qualified. Now the roles are given to the right skin color, gender or sexuality, and SURPRISINGLY, it's yielding the most horrendous results. Who would have thought hiring people based on superficial traits over say, talent or merit, would ruin filmmaking this profoundly? I am truly shocked, meaning, I am not shocked at all.

Every single new addition to the film was a check box of "diversity";

White male villain? ✅ The POC FEMALE lead? ✅ Latino character? ✅ Black character? ✅ Asian character? ✅ Ethnically ambiguous? ✅

(Notice how the only genuine casting is the white male villain, because we can't have any other ethnic group ever be the bad guys, now, can we?)

I groaned audibly every time they got to a new planet and the D. E. I. Checklist marked off its "representation". Perhaps if they spent more time writing a competent story or building a believable world over obsession over how many people of color they had at any given time on screen, we might have gotten a half decent, and dare I say, entertaining film. But Netflix gonna Netflix, and their racial quotas matter more than their ratings, so they'll just sweep this under the rug and do it again with another film until they get the hit the desperately crave but will never get.

Zack Snyder was a director I defended and I used to take great job in celebrating his style and vision as one of film-makings great bad boys. Now I see that he can be easily bought to make a movie that they want you to make, and will happily forfeit his artistic integrity just to see his name on the credits.

There are very few redeemable qualities in this film, the character designs, set design and sci-fi design being the only ones, but everything else, from the subpar or hammy acting (except by Ed Skrein), to the SFX overload, to the ridiculous plot, to the under-baked and verbose script felt like an afterthought (why did they talk so much and why did so little of it matter?), and the ridiculously bad action scenes, which all took a backseat to the utter importance of assembling the United colors of Beneton Avengers.

A ridiculous movie made by ridiculous people who focus on stuff that doesn't matter to try to build an interesting world and fail on almost every single regard. Imagine if Star Wars had been forced to have racial and gender quotas and this is the movie you would have ended up with. Netflix, we don't subscribe to your service for this. Do better, in the sense of making actual movies for people who enjoy watching them.

A message to Ed Skrein; What were you thinking taking this role? You are a master of your craft and one of the finest living actors. You deserved SO much better than this film, which you carried single-handedly, might I add. Your agent did you dirty, and I suggest firing him and finding someone that will get you the roles your talent and skill truly deserve.
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