Review of Fog Island

Fog Island (1945)
Should've Have Been Shot In Technicolor With Lots Of Red
24 February 2024
Released from prison after serving five years for ruining a company, George Zucco invites five people to come visit him on his private island, where he may entertain them, but will have his revenge!

With a cast that also includes Lionel Atwill, you can expect some fireworks, but there is surprisingly little of that until a rather gruesome ending -- implied by the reaction of one of the young lovers, rather than shown. This is a PRC movie, after all, and gruesome ending cost money. It was reported that the company paid $30,000 for filming rights to Bernadine Angus' play "Angel Island" although that seems unlikely for a company that once proposed to pay John Garfield with half the company's stock for a role. At least that's what they told the reporters.

Although the guys put some zest into their roles, the other players, including Jerome Cowan, Sharon Douglas, Veda Ann Borg, and Ian Keith seem to project distasteful moods, as if they have reconsidered being in this movie, but can't figure out how to get out of it. The script seems to hint at the sort of thing that might play better as grand guignol.
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