Excellent film for learning about animal husbandry and native land rights
13 January 2024
I thought it would just be a feel good Disney film about pet bears, full of hijinks and mishaps and cute animal shots. There was certainly a lot of that, but much more. The animal welfare part reminded me of the real story of Grey Owl who cared for beaver cubs and raised them. He adopted them after killing their mother and afterwards became an advocate for saving the beaver in Canada at a time when their pelts were in high demand. In this film, the man adopts bear cubs and raised them. It's a pro-animal rights film, so I enjoyed it. It raises the ethical issue of why it's wrong to adopt wild animals.

But The Bears and I is more than that. It tackles the thorny issue of native land rights. It is reminiscent of the Werner Herzog movie Where Green Ants Dream, which is about a confrontation of aboriginals and a mining corporation on what the natives deem sacred land. Rather than demonize white men or natives, the movie takes a neutral stance, showing the fundamental difference in values, the culture clash. I was riveted by this story and would highly recommend the film. I'm surprised I'd never heard of it before. It's well worth watching.
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