Do you long for a well acted surf-based movie with a great plot?
13 January 2024
Because if you do, let me tell you, Sons of Summer isn't it.

Based on the flimsiest of pretexts, four surfers whose fathers were friends 30 years ago decide to go on a road trip together along with a huge quantity of drugs one of them has stolen from a local paint-by-numbers gangster. There's no connection between the characters, the acting is as wooden as their surfboards, the plot has holes you could drive a bus through, the cinematography reminds me of the sort found in Aussie movies from 40 years ago, and the whole thing has the feel of an overly long episode of Home and Away directed by someone who loved Baywatch as a kid.

It's not as if Sons of Summer falls into that "so bad it's good" category, it's just an awful, awful movie.
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