Doesn't quite work as a musical but great story!
24 December 2023
Mr Chipping - Peter O'Toole - is a new teacher at a respected Brit public school outside London. His first day goes badly, as the students get the upper hand. Never again. No one really warms up to the man they call Ditch, but he succeeds in drilling some Latin into young heads. On Summer breaks, the socially shy Mr C usually goes to the same place. One day, a friend persuades Ditch to accompany him to Europe. It's there the nearly 40 Mr C meets a younger woman, Sally - Petula Clark - on top of a misty hill. This gal is a musical theater singer and of a lower class, in some folks minds. But, she falls for Arthur C and Visa versa. Marriage follows swiftly. Back at Brookfield school, Mr Chippings marriage is the wonder of the year. But, marriage does much in making him more liked by the boys. Will this happiness last ? This sweet tale, based on a classic novel, is a fine look at Englands public school experiences plus an unexpected love story as well. As a musical, it might not quite work - although Clark sings so well. Scenery and costumes are splendid. For an evening of something "entirely different", try GMC.
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