historical drama
18 December 2023
It's 1620 Southampton, England. Pilgrim families are waiting to board the Mayflower. Christopher Jones (Spencer Tracy) is the Captain. The authority is looking to hang the group's leader William Brewster. Among the crew is first-mate Coppin (Lloyd Bridges) and new ship's carpenter John Alden (Van Johnson). The captain conflicts with Dorothy Bradford (Gene Tierney) who is married to William Bradford. Company agent Weston bribes Jones to drop the Pilgrim in Cape Cod, hundreds of miles away from their intended destination in Virginia.

The production spent a lot of money and it shows on the screen. It did win the Oscar for Best Special Effects. Like always with historical dramas, accuracy is suspect. Everything else is a bit middling. This has great actors, but they can't do more than on the page. It feels a bit scattered as the story follows many characters. It's a bit old school with veteran director Clarence Brown and it turns out to be his last. There may not be enough drama to do a movie about the voyage and the movie does not disprove that fear. The romantic drama feels manufactured. In the end, this has the one Oscar and not much else.
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