Stingray (1986–1987)
STINGRAY: A Television Masterpiece
5 December 2023
"When you can't call the cops, call Stingray". The fan-favourite television series ran on NBC in the US from 1985-1987, starring the legendary Nick Mancuso (who co-developed the show) and was the creation of the late, great Stephen J. Cannell (The Rockford Files, The A-Team, 21 Jump Street, Hunter and many more). 'Stingray' is a mystery man who fights crime and helps those in need. He doesn't take money for his services; he works for favours. "Someday I will come to you and I will ask you for a favour. And whatever it is, you must do it." His true identity unknown, 'Stingray' or 'Ray' is known as such because of the 1965 Corvette Sting Ray that he drives. His services are acquired through word of mouth and through an ad he runs in the newspaper. Hiding in plain sight, the ad describes a product, but in actuality, offers a service: '65 STINGRAY - FOR BARTER ONLY. Call 555-7687.

'Stingray' was a winner in every respect: a great concept, great writing, great execution and a great star. I am very grateful that legendary actor and star of 'Stingray' Nick Mancuso spoke to me at length for an article I wrote about the show for the June 2023 edition of 'Vette News', the official Classic Corvette Club UK Magazine.

'Stingray' made an immediate impression on audiences because of the quality of its acting, highly developed and often thought-provoking storytelling, exciting action scenes, martial arts fight scenes, and stylish, panoramically filmed sequences of the Corvette Sting Ray. The music in 'Stingray', from the theme music and the score to original songs written for the show, were all of consistently excellent quality. The writing emphasis on characters and the exploration of diverse storyline topics separated 'Stingray' from many of the shows on the air at the time. From the outset, as Nick Mancuso worked alongside Stephen J. Cannell on the development of the show, emphasis was placed on plot, characters and thought-provoking concepts, with the action scenes designed to complement the strong storytelling, rather than the other way around.

Winning a Primetime Emmy Award in 1986, 'Stingray' was enjoying success and an enthusiastic fan following, but just as the show was getting a firm foothold on American television, NBC cancelled the show, only to realise thereafter that they'd cancelled a hit.

As the many rave reviews and high ratings attest to, 'Stingray' remains a fan-favourite to this day. Fans who tuned in during its initial run in the 1980s and younger fans alike continue to enjoy the series and discuss the show through internet chatrooms and forums. A truly memorable character needs an exceptional actor. Nick Mancuso, who co-developed 'Stingray', was the man to make that happen.

Get 'Stingray' today; you won't regret it...

James "The Dragon" Turner IKTA Full Contact Kickboxing Champion Author of 'A Look Back At Stingray' ('Vette News' Magazine, June 2023)
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