Long Winded & Annoying
1 December 2023
I'm not one for writing reviews so you can imagine how awful this is. As someone whose watched anime religiously for nearly 30 years. This is one of the worst.

Took 7 episodes just to set the main protagonists into the true plot of the story. Which is always their journey.

The main character is annoyingly ignorant. Which is unbelievable, as hardship normally makes the character wise and more clever.

Then the girl is frustratingly playing a role that interferes with the main characters progress throughout.

Its actually given me a real headache.

From the beginning it set the tone to be a fantastic dark fantasy about revenge. It had the gore and fair quality of animation. The plot was set perfectly for a great anime.

The more you watch it, the more you will be left annoyed. As the fight scenes build up your excitement for something epic. Only for it to deviate far from your expectations in the worst way.

I'm not sure if this was out of the authors desire to make it unexpected and unconventional. However it achieved that in negative aspect.

My recommendation is spare yourselves the headache and waste of time.

Calling it a trash anime would be an understatement.

And that's not even my thoughts based on my preference. There are many anime that do not appeal to me that much that I can still say are good shows.

Calling this anime trash would be a kindness.

Seriously, don't waste your time and suffer this, unless you are a serious masochist.
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