Robbie, thanks for this!
20 November 2023
I am a Maltese 90s kid with a travel bug! I left home at 19 to travel and work as a hairdresser and carried your music with me everywhere. Had you playing in salons and homes all around the world, together with your monkey on 11th deck of a cruise liner salon in the Caribbean all the way to the North of Sydney.

I finally got to see you live in Sydney 2006, what a show, it was of a magnitude that I cannot describe. I felt I had made it, little me from a tiny village in Malta was in a stadium with another 95,000 people watching Robbie Williams. I mean!

I had no idea how much pain you were in! I never followed the press, I just bought your albums and played the cd until it broke.

Thank you for sharing this, today I can say I got to know you a little better and that you are a mere mortal just like me, felt the same things just like me and have come out of it with your head held high and stronger than ever. Well done you!

The irony of life: I was staying in London last year when you played and missed the show. Moved to Malaga, you played in Fuengirola, couldn't make that either and..... and to close the circle, you just recently played in Malta, which I also dint get to see! But this I promise, I will catch you, up on that stage again dear friend!
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