14 November 2023
38 year old Kevin Mc Garry plays 32 year old hockey player Scott Briggs. He's stuck playing in Idaho Falls, light years away from the big time he longs for.

Kim Matula is Ashley, a New York real estate agent who is home for Christmas. They have what is pretty much the opposite of a meet-cute, then it is discovered their debit cards were switched at an airport kiosk. Both suffer embarrassment as a result, then discover Briggs is actually staying at her family's guest house.

Matula shines in the Hallmark movies with her strong yet vulnerable characters in addition to her attractiveness. She's every bit as good as she was last year as an angel.

McGarry is well-known to Hallmark fans, but not one of my favorites, although he is good here.

I'm noticing a lot of new faces in the supporting casts this year, probably to fill the gaps of those who have fled to GAC. Some are better than others.

This movie is a step up, if only because Matula is so good. There are some funny moments, especially if you like hockey, and warm ones as well.

It's a 7, but Matula makes it an 8.
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