Review of 300

300 (2006)
Setting the bar
25 October 2023
300 came out of nowhere and captivated many at the time of its release . Catching everyone who stood in its path off guard and making a significant dent in cinematography. Gerard butler plays his best role in my opinion as the king Leonidas. With is army of 299 soldiers looking to defeat the hundred thousand plus army of Persians, they do it in style with badass slow motion style matrix . If you have not seen the movie 300 I suggest you get on the bandwagon . If you're a huge fan watch the sequel but the original is much better . I give this a solid 8 out of 10 stars . It's a cinema masterpiece from beginning to end . Never a dull moment in the runtime . This movie is up there on the list of my favorite action movies and the only new age action movie to come close to this is John wick . Michael fassbender is also very good in the movie as well .
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