Review of Homework

Homework (1982)
Your Dog Wouldn't Even Eat This Homework
10 October 2023
This sad little sex comedy is more infamous for one of its stars suing to get her name taken off of the film. She probably shouldn't have signed onto this thing to begin with. Tommy (Michael Morgan) is your typical high school student, if all high school students were being portrayed by twenty year olds. He's obsessed with having sex, believes that all his fellow students and friends are doing it, and now his grades are suffering because of it. He's seeing a counselor (a very sad looking, formerly Oscar-nominated Carrie Snodgress) with little luck, and his swim team-obsessed girlfriend Sheila (Erin Donovan) is ignoring him as she begins to train 24/7 for a big meet. Tommy and his best friend Ralph (Lanny Horn) decide to form a band after listening to some lousy music (we don't get to hear that music, that would have required effort on the film makers' part), and the rest of the film deals with the various band members' home lives and sexual escapades as they prepare for their debut at a senior talent show.

I remember when this film came out, and the huge stink Joan Collins made about it. Her scenes are bizarrely edited into the plot, she has dialogue with a character who is never seen onscreen, and at one point she is supposed to be conversing with other cast members even though they are by an outdoor pool and she is inside in a kitchen. Most famously, her character (Sheila's mother) has sex with Tommy and the film makers recruited a body double in a bad wig to perform the scene. All of the advertising centered on Collins' sex scene since she was having a career resurgence thanks to the television series "Dynasty," and she was not happy. Like I alluded to, the film is so bad, the body double sex scene would have been the least of my worries although the body double is mentioned in the end credits.

Aside from all the statutory crimes happening in the film, what else is wrong with it? Once those end credits do roll, after a scene that would have set up a sequel, you realize that there are a ton of dangling subplots that are never resolved. So much time is wasted on Sheila in the pool, training her little heart out, and you're not going to tell us how she did at the swim meet? One of the band member's dads is a gruff military man/Hollywood cliche who is overly strict and can't be reasoned with (*yawn*, says this proud Air Force Brat), and there's a French teacher who keeps trying to tutor male students at her house at night- a plot point that, like the teacher, is either incredibly naive or incredibly stupid. It's fun to see Wings Hauser and Betty Thomas in early roles, this was filmed in 1979 and shelved until Collins was suddenly a hot item again, and a sassy medical receptionist played by Beverly Todd had me laughing out loud. The students are shown a film about venereal disease that was also funny, the film makers should have cut their losses and just gave us ninety minutes of Todd smarting off to these dumb teens about their newly diagnosed gonorrhea. The editing is terrible, the sleaze factor is high, Tommy's fantasies are weird, and I was checking the running time counter on my old DVD/VCR combo unit constantly. With all this going on, there's a surprising lack of curse words. They must have jettisoned the profanity to make room for Tommy's visit to a sympathetic prostitute/another Hollywood cliche, or boring rehearsals that make the band Mystery from the disastrous Julia Roberts vehicle "Satisfaction" (1988) look like the Beatles. I'm not going to lie, I was about fourteen years old when this came out and knew I had to see it if Collins was going to be nekkid in it. It seemed like EVERYONE watched "Dynasty," or knew of it, and my puberty-frazzled mind spun. Forty years later, I now know better.

Contains strong female nudity, sexual content, strong sexual references, strong adult situations, drug abuse, tobacco use.
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