Black Patch (1957)
Title describes the paste holding the script together.
21 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Trying too hard to present a complex story, this B western gets a bit off track and only manages to get back on a few times with dark characters and uncomfortable comic relief that adds nothing to the story. Veteran actor George Montgomery plays the eye patched new sheriff who discovers that the woman he loves (Diane Brewster) is now married to his former best friend (Leo Gordon) who is hiding money that he robbed from a bank.

To toss in more drama is a possibly psychotic young man (Tom Pittman) who obsessively falls in love with Brewster. Then there's the townsfolk, participating the hard drinking Jorge Trevino who continuously sleeps it off in the town jail so he won't get beaten by his wife. A drunken scene with Pittman and another young man where Montgomery steps in is just plain strange. Lynn Cartwright as the loose living Kitty is the most interesting character, but she's poorly developed. Memorable more for the first movie score for legendary composer Jerry Goldsmith than anything else.
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