A piece of history
9 August 2023
The "Pitesti Experiment" is a film that depicts the historical, cultural, psychiatric, neurological and social time of Romania from the last century in detail. I have so much to say about the movie!

I was surprised that the film is based on typological roles. The director's choice succeeded to capture more of what happened, as Victoria's story joined those of several unfortunate victims. The movie focuses on several types of behavior, such as the typology of the martyr, the opportunist, the man with two faces, the man with a modest intellect who obeys and copies what he sees in others authoritarians, the egoist who does his job and is indifferent to what happens around him as long as he is not directly affected and the typology of the fanatic who does not accept his close ones who don't share the same beliefs. Each typology showcases much of the psychological and social reality of the respective period.

I liked that the torturer was presented, in the end, as a victim of the system and did not represent necessarily a purely negative and evil character, due to psychiatric or other imbalances, incomprehensible to the viewer. But he was just a man, with impressive cognitive abilities and a emotional power specific to people born to be leaders who, due to unfortunate situations, chose to exploit his intelligence and inner strength in a negative way (i.e. Every single man has an evil and a good part, as explained to him by his uncle, but only one emerges in his personality, as he fed his evil part more). I am also surprised by the contrast of the character who embodied the typology of the torturer: his aggressiveness with the prisoners that he was subjecting to the re-education process and his submission and docility to those bigger than him.

I liked the locations chosen for filming, essentially 100% purely Romanian. Also, Romanian authenticity and tradition were accurately portrayed through the objects used in the film, the sets, the clothing - they all have been accurate replications of the period in which the unfortunate events happened. Also, the language was built faithfully both from a phonetic point of view, because the accent has been adapted according to the geographical region in which the event occurs, or to whom the character belonged. As for the rhetorical part and the vocabulary, the directors integrated archaisms or words that are no longer found in DOOM3 - a language anchored in the reality of the last century. The characters' names were also purely Romanian and among the most common ones at that time.

The movie scenes are very real and hard to watch. Although I was familiar with them from the books, I could barely hear and see them on the screen because of the emotional impact they had on me. Unfortunately, although they may seem excessively aggressive, they reflect a reality of some young people who hae been subjects to torture without a real motive, anything to blame or benefits to anyone in any way. I admit it was easy for me to understand some moments because I knew them from books. I felt like some scenes could have been added, but the story is too broad and hard to cover in just 1 and a half - 2 hours.

Overall, this film is not a purely artistic act meant to impress with its qualities. In reality, it is an atrocious part of the Romanian's identity, a piece of history to which we, the spectators, manage to become participants. The way it is built, the types of characters, as well as the symbolism of each scene so painstakingly created do not make us mere observers of the past, but even the present, because it is possible to identify elements that still co-exist in current society. So, the film is also a form of awareness about our national identity.

"The Pitesti Experiment" is a film that gradually reproduces the darkest reality and bloody periods in our history, being based on the testimonies left in books by survivors. I greatly appreciate the director's work and thank you in the warmest and most grateful way for bringing a so important and so little known part of our history closer to us, the Romanians and to everyone.
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