Cute couple does what cute couples do
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, originally this must have been a boy meets girl Lifetime movie. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Him: Giorgio, from Queens, poor but suave, charming, confident. A "Clothes make the man" kinda guy. Knows everything about fashion, fabrics, design, accessories, and even homegoods. Women love him. Career: Shoplifts high-end goods to support himself and his spendthrift family.

Her: Chanel, name chosen by her snobbish mother. Upper East Side, the wealth of her parents, fashionable clothes and a posh lifestyle mean nothing to her. Too busy wanting to save the world to date anyone. Career: Wants to write her PhD dissertation about an aversion therapy she hopes will cure shoplifters. She stalks Giorgio until he is caught redhanded and has no choice but to agree to be her guinea pig for the therapy trial.

Because I've already said this was a Lifetime movie, you know how the plot is going to progress: Boy and girl from two different worlds are thrown together, find mutual admiration, spur of the moment sex, and longterm potential but refuse to acknowledge it. Boy and girl finish their time together platonically and go their separate ways. Life gets tougher for each of them and they struggle along alone, never expecting to see each other again. Then voila! Things start to look up for each of them and they run into each other again, to the delight of both. Meanwhile, a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff happens as they interact with other characters.

I think the only other review here, which was quite complimentary, must have been written by someone connected with this movie, but I do agree that the two main actors were just fine. They weren't big name popular actors, as is sometimes the case in many boy-meets-girl movies, and while they didn't have smoking hot chemistry, they were a cute young couple. The rest of the characters were more cartoonish than believable.

No surprises in this movie, but nothing too offensive either (except perhaps to the business owners who are robbed blind by shoplifters!)
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