Review of Kolla

Kolla (2023)
the entire suspense was given away at the start
5 August 2023
The fact that the entire robbery execution was already unveiled at the start took away the suspense and thrill


-The colors blue and orange were omnipresent in the film. Blue stood for Annie's intuitive, imaginative, sharp, and sensitive personality, while orange stood for Shilpa's energy & happiness.

-Great work on the cinematography and the lighting. We loved the handheld motions and the abrupt camera movements during the chase scene


Kolla, in of itself, was not a bad movie. It's just the way it was presented.

-The fact that the robbery being at the center of the story was already unveiled within 20min of the film, it deflated the excitement and curiosity. We knew who the thieves were and the rest was how they were going to get caught.

-There was no major backup plan from the thieves or a clever way to fool the investigators. Everything was already laid out

-Though Rajisha and Priya were friends in the film, we didn't see them exchanging pleasantries or having a nice time together; they were very cold and their relationship felt unnatural

-Overall, there wasn't any major lesson to take away from the story, it was mostly about a robbery and the quest to capture the thieves.
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