Looks good....and is kind of dumb.
17 July 2023
"The Gal Who Took the West" is a nice looking film from Universal Studios. It's obvious they put a decent amount of money into the picture, after all, they filmed it in color, but the story is pretty dopey.

When the story begins, a reporter in the present day goes out west to investigate the story of the O'Haras and Miss Marlowe. Three different old coots from the town tell a slightly different tale...a bit like "Rashomon".

It seems that when Lillian Marlowe arrived in the town back during the time of the old west, the land around the territory was run by the O'Hara clan. The General (Charles Coburn) is the family patriarch and his two nephews (John Russell and Scott Brady) are rivals and hate each other with an intensity that seems almost comical. Both of the cousins instantly fall for her and because she's so amazingly sexy and wonderful, they're about to start a little war to get her. The rest of the film is about efforts to stop this insane hatred from boiling over.

The film, to me, seemed like a western combined with an episode of Popeye. This is NOT meant as a good thing and the cousins just seem stupid and annoying. Plus, none of it really makes any sense. Overall, it's a picture that looks great but not much more.
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