Social Media Hyperdrive Torpedoes This Marginal Romcom
1 July 2023
I can't imagine anyone over the age of 24 enjoying this hyperactive 2022 roundelay. The first half-hour is a confusing melange of social media machinations and superficial interactions muddied further by the overuse of trendy lingo. It eventually settles down into a standard issue romcom where Andrew, a twenty-something stuntman, tries to end a no-win relationship with a shallow actor named Nico. Andrew's best friend Jake creates a completely fictitious new boyfriend named Cristiano to make Nico jealous but instead creates a viral sensation. Andrew falls in love with a chef named Rafi, and complications ensue. The movie improves marginally when it settles down into a more predictable pattern but not enough. Memorable as the hidden love interest in "Love, Simon", Keiynan Lonsdale is an appealing presence as Andrew but called upon here to act ridiculously at pivotal plot points. Except for Samer Salem as the idealized Rafi, the supporting cast merely deliver over-the-top turns including a post-"Modern Family" Sarah Hyland as Jake's girlfriend Kelly. You can tell I'm really not the target audience here.
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