Review of Convict 13

Convict 13 (1920)
Of guards and golf
25 June 2023
Buster is out golfing with his girlfriend when Convict 13 escapes. The whistle sounding the alarm at the jail is mistaken by his caddy as the lunch whistle, and he sits down and begins to eat. Buster continues on alone to golf, single-minded, when a ball he hits ricochets off a building and hits him in the head, rendering him unconscious. The escaped convict sees Buster lying there and changes clothes with him. Buster regains consciousness and continues to golf, not noticing that he is wearing a convict's uniform until the armed guards appear to apprehend him. He manages to land himself in jail without the guards capturing him. He hits some luck when his girlfriend sees him there - she turns out to be the warden's daughter. But unfortunately for Buster, Convict 13 is scheduled to be hung that day.

Sybil Seely, who is the girlfriend here was also the bride in Keaton's "One Week". A large trouble-making convict is played by Big Joe Roberts who played burly villains in a multitude of Keaton films. The dog that appears here and steals Buster's golf balls was not Luke, Fatty Arbuckle's dog, who did appear in one Keaton short after he and Arbuckle went their separate professional ways.

Not as well known as Cops from two years later, it has a similar structure and some common gags, and is definitely worth watching. And even though there are much better safeguards against executing the wrong person today, Keaton's comedy has really lost nothing in the century that has passed.
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