In My Dreams (2014 TV Movie)
Very romantic
8 June 2023
I really liked this movie. When it's romantic, it's very romantic. Imagine meeting your perfect match in a dream, hoping against hope that this wonderful person is actually a person in real life and not just a dream. The scenes of Nick and Natalie in their dreams have this wonderful, ethereal quality to them. It's the same kind of feeling you had in movies like The Lake House, or Somewhere in Time. You feel pure magic when the two of them are together in their dream world, and you really want them to find each other in real life.

If I had to complain about something, it would be that they offered almost no details about each other that would have allowed them to track each other down in the real world. They gave no full names, no addresses, no phone numbers, nothing! It strains credulity that they wouldn't do this, but, of course, the movie would have been over in 5 minutes if they had.

If I had been the screenwriter, I would have handled things differently. Maybe they could have been on the other side of the country from each other. That would require a true leap of faith for one of them to fly across the country to try to find the other. Or maybe the phone number Natalie gives Nick could be a land line, which, by chance, gets answered by Natalie's ex-boyfriend, who still imagines himself together with her. There are lots of possibilities for interesting plot twists that would be more satisfying than them just offering no details to each other for no other reason than that the plot requires it.

Otherwise, this was an excellent romance. The two leads were very likable and had loads of chemistry. You really saw them together and you really hoped it would happen. The movie kept you on the edge of your seat, waiting for the anticipated meeting of the two of them in real life that may or may not happen. This is definitely one of my favorite Hallmark romances.
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