A Very Moving and Beautiful Film about Perseverance
18 May 2023
I loved this because while one might be tempted to give up after such a diagnosis as Parkinson's, Michael J. Fox NEVER gave up! It's a real shame he wound up with it. I remember being just in my very early teens when he shockingly came out publicly that he had Parkinson's. I was absolutely shocked. Saddened. To see such an icon who I looked up to, my entire childhood, into my teens, get something like that was just... It put me in an awful mood when I found out. But then I saw he never gave in. Never gave up. People like that are the true heroes. In the face of adversity he kept on keeping on! To hell with Parkinson's.

What I love about this film is that it shows you that you don't have to give up or give in. At one point he was asked if he was in pain, and he said of course he was, excruciating pain... and when asked why he didn't say anything he'd said that it just hadn't come up. He just sucked it up. It was just part of being. And it seemed like, hey, no point in harping on about it... won't make it go away.

I hurt my back a few years ago on a farm I work on. It's never been the same. I get sciatica... it used to be on just one side, but now I get it on both sometimes, and it's really difficult to find a position to sit in or sleep in some days. It's kinda mellowed out but never gone away. Now I've got elbow and wrist issues... tendon pains etc. Bursitis in one leg under my knee... recurring ganglion cysts in my right wrist (managed to break them a few times now ... by accident each time...but they always come back...)... and I really need to just... stop thinking about it or talking about it. Like now. Here. Because honestly I think when we dwell on the negative, the pain, it just feeds it. I mean, who doesn't have some issue or other as they approach 40? Right?

I needed to watch this to motivate me to shut up about about all my comparatively minor issues and pain, and just persevere.

I don't have many people in my life. No close close family. No girlfriend or wife (I always seem too busy or poor). Virtually no friends, locally anyway (everyone moved away). I live alone in an old house I'm always having to fix something in. So my biggest fear is having something truly detrimental go wrong with my body or mind. I'm not sure I would have the resources or the social support to deal with something severe like Parkinson's. But I'm glad Michael J. Fox has had it. Just think how many people he inspires every day, and others like him. But you know what, I lived here for almost 2.5 years with no running water. I engineered my own sewer system, built a bathroom, had mountain moved to put in a drilled well... all on a minimum wage income, because I was smart with my money. I persevered. I went through a very rough patch, a few in my life, but I always pulled through. This documentary reminds me that I'm just in another stage of my life, another stage I will pull through like I always have.

This film made me realize how fortunate I've been. Sure I've got some issues. Who doesn't. When I see what Michael J. Fox has had to deal with... it really puts things into perspective. I really appreciate motivational films like this. My life could be so much worse. I've got a roof over my head that doesn't leak... running water. Even a toilet! Things can ALWAYS be worse. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that.

It would be easy to look at this film as tragic. I choose to look at this as quite the opposite. Many people would give up and give in. Wallow in a dark corner and let the pain and agony of their condition swallow them whole until there was nothing left. NOT MICHAEL J. FOX! No sir. He continues to be an inspiration even as I near 40 years old, he still perseveres. Parkinson's? Whatever! Not stopping him! You've gotta love the spirit of a person that refuses defeat, and then... LAUGHS in the face of said adversity!
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