The Cable Guy (1996)
An Underrated Dark Satire
18 May 2023
Don't go into this expecting a lighthearted, goofy Jim Carrey comedy. The movie is a dark satire about entertainment versus reality and how invasive and corrupting entertainment can in people's lives. Jim Carrey's character was basically a human personification of TV and entertainment. This is all due to the fact that he was basically raised by the television, because his mother was never around. Which is why he always refers to TV as the babysitter. This is also why he is so obsessed with material needs and being overly dramatic and theatrical in normal social situations. This is what he thinks reality is because he views entertainment and the television as reality.

Even the court case that goes on in the background of the movie deals with this. Everybody is glued to their TVs and can't stop talking about the court case and even at one point there is a movie made about the trial before a verdict even happens. And it's all at the expense of the persons life that is on trial. That's the whole point of the movie is that when the lines between entertainment and reality are blurred so much that you don't stop and think that this is all at the expense of someone's life.

I will admit there are times where the movie can be very uncomfortable to watch. Even with the mindset that it is a darker comedy there are times where its hard to watch how much Matthew Broderick is tormented and harassed by Jim Carrey. I also feel like the movie could've done a better job with tying up loose ends in the story and connecting things. A few story elements feel like they just go to the wayside and are never mentioned again. But overall it's still a good movie and I feel like it's very misunderstood and underrated.

Also, this movie does have Jim Carrey doing the best karaoke performance in human history, so there is that!
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