1 May 2023
Just like most of this series, this episode is rather uneven. Looks like the authors did not have much material or ideas to work with, but had to continue flogging this weak horse for a few seasons longer.

Weird start with Chapman calling her freakish brother and the conversation that ensues is bizarre to say the least. I cannot stand Chapman's Bro (neither his wife) because every word coming out of his mouth sounds fake and this phone call is atrocious in its inauthenticity. I know most people cannot listen, but not once Freakish Bro asks Chapman why she's calling or senses something wrong.

Then Chapman and Vause go through the inevitable cloying reconciliation, also because there's not much plot going on, so the lovers must be reunited.

The King-Cindy plot is rather stupid and a sorry sign of American society. More fragmentation with the Linda/Caputo unholy alliance. The only parts that run true and have some trace of authenticity are Nicky's behaviour and Red disappointment and the conversation between Doggett and the guard.

But the fact that there are at lest seven stories going (also the Lorna bit), none particularly strong is a clear sign of this series weakness.
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