The Plot to Kill My Mother (2023 TV Movie)
One star is one too many
22 April 2023
Apparently based on real events, a young woman discovers after her mother's murder that they were both living under Witness Protection.

Determined to discover who her mother really was, Elena ignores every piece of advice from her assigned protection officer and places herself in danger every five minutes.

It never occurs to her that her strong likeness to her mother might arouse suspicion in mother's home town and old associates - because of course nobody has moved away in the intervening 21 years.

"I know I shouldn't have confronted the man I think murdered my mother but I let my emotions get the better of me" sobs our hapless heroine after another near-death encounter. You'd think her protection officer would roll his eyes by this time but no, he smiles sweetly and tells her not to worry.

More detail about the original crime which sent Elena and her mother into Witness Protection might have given this story more weight (I know, bit of a stretch!) It would also have widened the focus from Elena to the other characters so she didn't have to carry the whole plot.

Pelting with rain today so this film passed the time.
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