Lycanimator (2018)
Stop. Just please... stop.
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No name, no talent cast. Third grade elementary school play level special effects. Tired, clichéd storyline that's been done to death and back again. That's what "Lycanimator" brings to the table.

Stop me if you've heard this story before. A group of young twenty-somethings find an abandoned building to go party in. Along the way, they run into the crazy old local who warns them not to go to their chosen site to par-TAY the weekend away in. The group ignores the old man and goes anyway.

The group consists of the usual cardboard cut-out characters:

The hard-ass bad boy with an attitude problem whose sole ambition is to get as trashed as possible for as long as possible.

The hard-ass bad boy's long-suffering girlfriend, who for some inexplicable reason is hopelessly in love with a total a**hole.

The reluctant guy who really doesn't want to go, and who really doesn't like anyone else in the group, except for...

... the nice girl who feels the need to support her friends by going along and getting trashed with them.

And finally, we have the sleazy tramp who loves to get trashed, and will bang anyone with a pulse.

Our merry band sallies forth to party hearty, and while they're doing this, the crazy local calls the police to intervene, to prevent the slaughter that only he knows is sure to come. The police blow him off. The crazy old local becomes determined to save those damned kids from themselves, and the werewolf that he knows lives in the abandoned building. Let's call him Captain Cray-Cray.

Captain Cray-Cray visits a local biker-type weapons dealer to arm himself, and obtains a knife. He then sets out to save those crazy kids. Along the way, he encounters another local, a homeless man who lives in the woods. An altercation ensues, during which Captain Cray-Cray suddenly exhibits superhuman strength. After overpowering his adversary, Captain Cray-Cray ambles off through the woods on his quest to save the partyers. Along the way, he stops to urinate several times, and for some reason, feels the need to hang from tree branches, because yanno, that's what heroic types do on their noble quests.

Meanwhile, at the abandoned site, the a**hole bad boy gets into a fight with the reluctant guy, and forces him to drink some sort of goop. A**hole bad boy then gets into a fight with his long-suffering girlfriend and goes off by himself to jerk off.

Yes, you read that correctly; he goes off to find a room where he can jerk off in peace.

While A**hole Bad Boy is spanking his wanky, the reluctant guy begins exhibiting erratic and unusual symptoms, and turns into some sort of creature that looks like a cross between the Toxic Avenger and a collie with mange. Reluctant guy then attacks and rapes his girlfriend. A**hole Bad Boy's girlfriend finds Reluctant Guy's girlfriend and tries to help her, and discovers the monster. She then rushes off to warn the others, who don't believe her.

At that point, the reluctant guy/monster shows up, and A**hole Bad Boy decides to fight him. A**hole Bad Boy gets his ass kicked, and the monster vomits some sort of goo all over his face.

The movie goes completely off of the rails here with an inane, incomprehensible series of shots of some of the worst special effects in the history of motion pictures, interspersed with equally inane references to the Frankenstein Monster, followed by a completely nonsensical montage from older, other horror movies.

This movie is galactically beyond bad on every conceivable level. It's the kind of movie that would make you want to find anyone and everyone responsible for making and distributing it, and beat them to death with a baseball bat spiked with roofing nails and wrapped in barbed wire.
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